EPISODE VI - SS'ing 7 Day Challenge

I would pick Tandoori chicken too, or Chicken Tikka with green salad. The trouble is I love the rice & naan etc so I would find it hard just to stop at chicken and salad :p

I hope you have a good time with your workmate if you do decide to go out for the indian meal :)
Thanks Mocha, chicken and salad it is then. Gosh, I'm obsessing now that he won't wanna see me anyway!! Give me a big slap and tell me to shut up!!
I just worked out that if I can average a loss of 3.3lbs per week I could still be at goal by my 40th (3 days before Christmas)

I wonder if it's possible, bearing in mind that I'll need to work up through the plans as I get closer so the loss will slow down. Also I cheated yesterday so at weigh in next Saturday I'm not likely to have made the 3.3lbs.
You've almost got a whole week till next weigh in so the blip yesterday can be obliterated!

I can't answer about the weight loss until Xmas with working up the steps because first time around I did LL and you SS until you are at goal.

Maybe a CD expert might have the answers, but I'm sorry I can't help :(
Thanks Sarah. I've actually set my goal at the high end of a healthy BMI, mostly so that it should be possible to get there!

If I don't find it too difficult to get there I would actually like to lower it by half a stone. It would be good if I could SS to my first goal of 10st 7lbs, but that gives me a BMI of 24.5.

If I understand it correctly I should start working up the plans at BMI 25 plus 1 stone. BMI 25 for me is 10st 10lbs, so at 11st 10lbs I should start working up the plans and that is only 6 and a bit pounds away :eek:

Maybe I've understood this all wrong though :)
Sorry that I can't answer the question - there's some excellent CDCs on here that will definately know the answer but my CDC was crap and pretty much just sold me foodpacks!

My BMI 25 is 11 stone and I'm still 12.9 so I've got a bit to go yet.

Last time I got down to 10 stone and my Mum said it was too low. I'm aiming for 10.10 as my goal so that I can keep some of my curviness that all the men I meet seem to love ;)
Gosh, it's quiet on here today! Where is everyone? Hope you're not in hiding??

I'm just about to log off to go read a book for a change! I can smell my Mum's roast dinner from downstairs and refuse to go down because I'll only pick at the roasties or something.

I've done 100% today and fingers crossed for a good weigh in tomorrow!

Catch you later xxx
Hi Sarah,

Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow, hope it is what you are expecting! Let me know how you get on...

I've had a very naughty weekend, but line under it tomorrow...

9.2! Well done Sarah!!

I just jumped on the scales, I really shouldnt have done that! My blip on Saturday looks like it stuck a good few pounds back on me! Not even going to say how much because it doesn't count till my next weigh in right :rolleyes: God, I hope it all comes off by then!!

So today I'll be glugging LOADS of water. Yesterday went well, I managed to get straight back on track.

I hope everyone has a good day, good luck for everyone with Weigh ins.
Hi Sarah,

Well Done that is fantastic, don't think I have ever lost 9lbs in a week! :superwoman:

Keep up the good work, I am definately back on track today! and for the next few weeks too...

oooh nikki don't mention Christmas shopping, I've not even started :rolleyes: I start looking for things online then end up getting distracted looking at all the lovely clothes I want to buy when I get to goal! I've never done that before, I've always hated looking for clothes :)

I really should get my act together and start thinking about Christmas presents though :eek:

I'm only just having my first shake and it's 4pm. Not spaced them out very well today have I! Only 2 litres of water down so far too but I should be able to make that up to 4 or 4.5 before bed tonight.

Hope you are having a good day.
I'm up to my 2nd litre too, had half a tetra with a coffee and a bar so far today, I am hungry but determined, just bid on a christmas dress, so I am hoping that will give me the incentive...

Freezing cold today too, so that isn't helping and the thought of going back to work on Wednesday is enough to make me want to eat! but if I stick at this for 2 months I could be near enough at goal for my birthday (13th Jan)...

Where is everyone! I just saw tumbleweed in my computer - hope you're all ok.

I'm annoyed. I went for an interview a few weeks ago to be a nanny for a footballer's kids over the christmas period. It sounded ace, loads of money, five star accomodation 10 days in New york and 10 sailing in the Carribean. Anyway I haven't got it, she's given it to a family friend. one of the reasons why I was dieting was that I didn't look hideous on the beach next to a Wag! Now some of my motivation has just disappeared. I thought I'd come and post cos my chatterbox has gone into overdrive and is telling me that I now have freedom to eat!

Please help me get it back again - I need a new target!
Come on Chika, just think, holidays next year.. christmas this year...

My chatterbox is in league with yours, don't know where my drive, motivation & determination have gone!! I could kill someone for a bag of chips...x