Total Solution Fat Bride Slim

Aaaaahhhh!!!!! Tummy is soo sore and crampy! : (
Still in ketosis, even after meal and extra bar.
Thats great Shellie, how are you feeling this morning?
Good actually, back to TS today, been out and about walking and not been feeling hungry, next time I do a WS day I think I will have smaller portions, but only going to do them if there is no alternative
Thinking of changing my WI day to a Thursday, as my first WI day is Monday, but it's TOTM and don't want this to deter me if it's not too good, therefore If I weigh in on a thurs it will never clash.
Think it's great that my tummy is now rumbling to tell me it's empty but I don't feel hungry at all!!! Still have half a
Packet of soup left which I'm gonna make into a cup of soup, but don't really want it, gonna finish tho to get all my nutrients for the day.
So proud that i resisted temptation today, spent a few hours at my nieces party and didn't even have a taste of any of the food: pizza, Chips, crisps etc...... I am really liking the fact that I seem to be in control of my eating habits, this has not happened since....... Well........ EVER!!! Thank you Exante!!!!
Oh and thanks to all the support from the forums, everyone has been so great!
Ok, it's gone down the sink, could
Only manage a couple of sips
Hi Shellie
I'm finding the same, never thought I'd struggle to get through 600 cals a day!
Another good day today. Had a shake fr breakfast, bar for lunch and split my soup into 2 cup of soups for the evening. Have drank around 2L of water so far, so need to up this before bedtime, although have had a few mint teas a can of Dr Pepper zero. Exante has definatley converted me really quickly, and is helping me to develop a healthy attitude towards food- can't believe I turned down cottage pie for tea! LOL ?
Hi Shellie
Doing great! I agree about changing attitude to food - I can't believe just how much I used to eat before, and how many unhealthy snacks like crisps and chocolate which I just didn't need. Looking forward to getting to my goal weight and reintroducing fruit, veg, meat and fish and just eating what I need to be healthy instead of loads of carby c**p!
I've already planned how I'm going to introduce food! Lol! Once I've lost the first couple of stone I'm gonna switch to WS until I'm down to my goal weight then I'm going to switch to Atkins, where I'm then going to hopefully get under my goal weight and then stick to the principles of a red day slimming world which limits carbs, but u can still have 2 portions a day. Hoping to have got to this point by October time ready to try on wedding dresses!!! We've both had really good first weeks, and it's motivating to see someone going through the same things.
It's good to be thinking about maintenance now! That's probably where many people go wrong - they get really into the weight loss portion but don't give enough thought to maintaining their results and so just find themselves slipping into old habits.
I've dabbled too much with food diets in the past to go back to eating all at once when I come of Exante, I want to do it nice a slow so my body can adapt, rather than giving it a shock by gorging. I do eventually want to go back to eating jacket potatoes, but not really fussed about any other carbs to be honest, I've chucked away al my packet rubbish in the house as I will never go back to that. I'm gonna start making more meals from scratch as well.
Hi Shellie
Great plan! I'm thinking along the same lines.... I think this diet does make you think more about what happens after, partly because you lose weight so quickly that you know you won't be on it forever, and also because we know that if we do go back to old habits the weight will pile back on!
I read about a diet that is basically no flour, no sugar, and I think that's where I would ultimately like to end up - that would mean still having potatoes, parsnips, etc, but absolutely no cakes, biscuits, etc... now I've realised how sluggish those things make me feel this seems like a pretty good deal!
Hardish day today. Felt tired and a bit down this morning for no reason really, apart from it was last day of TOTM so that could be it, as tummy has been swollen too. : (
Tea at work was a beautiful home made pizza and wedges as well, so tempted to pinch some but grabbed a piece of cucumber instead and sat eating my soup. Not really felt hungry, but wanted something to eat if that makes sense? Have stuck to TS though 100% which I'm glad about. Gonna go to bed in a bit I think, just finishing the last bit off of my soup I'd saved.
Day 10: woke up a little tired today, but have got a long day at work 0900-2300 so that's prob why I'm not so over enthusiastic! Get through today at 100% TS and I'm having a WS tomorrow as we are going out for a family meal, again for a carvery so will have the meat and vegetables only. Having 1 WS day last week didn't affect my weight loss, so hoping it doesn't this week.
Tummy still feeling a bit sore, hoping this will go over the next day or 2, as it tends to swell a bit when sore. Oh well keep on going, although I Will be sticking with it my motivation and upbeat attitude seems to be suffering again today- maybe just general mood anyway so I am not going to blame the diet, I must just be a moody cow! Lol
Blimey, 9am-11pm - that is a long day alright!
Good luck staying TS today so you can enjoy your carvery tomorrow!
Stayed TS although feel I've cheated!! Think I'm coming down with something as feeling a bit sicky and light headed, don't think it's the diet though, I've had my three packs today, but had a couple of pieces of broccoli at tea- couldn't help it I've been craving it since i started Exante. I also put a dash of milk in my tea as I felt I needed it, and feel guilty about it. : ( I know it's silly but I havent had anything I shouldn't of for the last 10 days. Anyway off to bed soon, hope I'm feeling better to mo. Got my evening meal to look forward to aswell, it's been keeping me going all week.