Fat Experiences

I may have expressed things a bit harshly and I agree that this is a suitable forum for venting feelings. I wasn't commenting on any one post but just a general feeling I got from the posts. The world is a cruel place and anyone who stands out will get some rude insensitive comments made about them and to them. However, being overweight isn't a state of helplessness. One can do something about it. Some of the posts contained a bit too much "poor me the victim" type comments. And some were just ridiculously oversensitive to relatively mild or unthinking comments.

It is about having discipline I am afraid. That means keeping off wheat if you are wheat intolerant as I am. It means doing exercise. It means keeping to a regime during weight loss and having a plan for maintainance post weight loss. Any decent exercise/diet book will tell you that.

I agree it is terribly hard to get the energy to break out of the cycle of depression, fatigue, dependency and low self esteem etc that being overweight entails. But it has to be done. An important step is to educate oneself about diet. That means reading a number of books, getting medical advice (I appreciate many doctors are hopeless in this regard) and actually doing something about it. Too many overweight people ( I know I am one of them) postpone doing anything about it, for years in many cases (again I plead guilty to this)and then are surprised if the weight doesn't miraculously come off or stay off. Going back to bad habits after weight loss is another recipe for disaster (again I plead guilty). I am advocating some honest tough self love. Being here is a good step, but instead of sitting at the computer being on the treadmill is a much better idea or better still buy a kettlebell and do some simple swinging exercises at home, in front of the tv, with no superfit hunks or lycra clad skinny super model types to intimidate or depress one.

I am writing this as an overweight male, who has since the age of 32 been on a yo-yo diet. I am now 43 and fed up with it. I have cut out wheat, sugar (allowing for a v rare treat), alcohol (though not permanently - I just don't feel like it at the moment), all refined carbs. For exercise I do the treadmill for 30 mins 3 times a week and a kettlebell for 5-10 minutes every second day. That is it. I have lost 31 lb and need to lose about 45 more lb, so I am still pretty overweight and am well aware I could falter. I am also aware that I am on a regime for life and that if I go back to bad habits I will put the weight back on.

Sorry I have rambled a bit, but I really do think one's energies are better spent into being positive, rather than being upset about comments of other people. Perhaps one reason why those comments hurt so much is that we all know that ultimately, whatever the motivation of the commentator, they are right and we need to take ourselves in hand and lose weight.
I think we all realise the world is a cruel place. Yes it is about having discipline - a lot of the members on here have tons of it and have lost a huge amount of weight. Perhaps one of the reasons it hurts so much is because we see that they're right BUT that gives them no right to shout abuse at people! Whether some of us are too sensitive is neither here nor there. The intention of this thread was to find out our worst 'fat experiences' we're not all sat here moping about what happened or being a victim - we merely replied to a post with relevant experiences.

As for going on the treadmill instead of using this site.. There are 24 hours in the day - that's plenty of time to exercise if that is what we choose to do. But if any of us choose to spend a lot of time on this forum to help stick to plan then good for us.
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I don't disagree with you, Mod, but I think this thread isn't the place to say it. One part of recovery (if you see it as "recovery") is sharing one's lowest moments. It's kinda cathartic to talk about hurt and embarrassment. It's motivating, too.

I would take issue with saying that the world is just like that- cruel. It's as cruel as people want to make it. It's surely a warping of the way things should be to say that cruelty is to be expected, and it is our duty to simply shut up and take it on the chin(s)? Why not tell the cruel people to back off?

It's also simplistic to say that it's all about discipline and taking ourselves in hand. It sounds like you will roll your eyes at this, but in truth many of us will have deep self-esteem issues stemming from messed-up childhoods, abuse, bereavement, mental illness. Many of us will have tried your "shut up and buck up" approach, and hated ourselves when we failed, because it's so simple isn't it? It's our fault we failed, we're terrible, awful- see, Mod thinks so too. Such an approach may be motivating to some, in certain situations, but this thread isn't about that.

In short, you may be right, but I'd say this isn't the right thread for "cut the c***" bootcamp style pronouncements!
boggins said:
I don't disagree with you, Mod, but I think this thread isn't the place to say it. One part of recovery (if you see it as "recovery") is sharing one's lowest moments. It's kinda cathartic to talk about hurt and embarrassment. It's motivating, too.

I would take issue with saying that the world is just like that- cruel. It's as cruel as people want to make it. It's surely a warping of the way things should be to say that cruelty is to be expected, and it is our duty to simply shut up and take it on the chin(s)? Why not tell the cruel people to back off?

It's also simplistic to say that it's all about discipline and taking ourselves in hand. It sounds like you will roll your eyes at this, but in truth many of us will have deep self-esteem issues stemming from messed-up childhoods, abuse, bereavement, mental illness. Many of us will have tried your "shut up and buck up" approach, and hated ourselves when we failed, because it's so simple isn't it? It's our fault we failed, we're terrible, awful- see, Mod thinks so too. Such an approach may be motivating to some, in certain situations, but this thread isn't about that.

In short, you may be right, but I'd say this isn't the right thread for "cut the c***" bootcamp style pronouncements!

Totally agree x
Mod said:
Some of the people on this thread are just too sensitive. If you are overweight people will comment. It is something you can remedy, though it takes discipline an in some cases medical advice/help. Some comments are rude and insensitive, others are fairly innocuous. Three months ago I was over five stone overweight and getting slagged. Now I still 3 stone overweight and getting more pleasant comments and encouragement. There is no excuse for remaining overweight (in my case I am wheat intolerant so finding that out helped) so stop whinging and get on with it. Get allergy tested etc and then commit to healthy eating. That includes stopping overeating. Good luck to all.

I think that mostly you are missing the point. We may all be sensitive to any comments ( real or imagined ) that we hear. But the fact is, for people to think it's ok to make the comments? that's just plain RUDE. And that is a social problem of our times. Nobody has any manners, nobody thinks anything of saying the most horrible things regardless of how hurtful they are.
So it's not about being over sensitive or whinging, it's about the decay of social niceties.
Bring back the old days, thats what I say!
Rant over.
I don't think people are too sensitive at all. EVERYONE deserves the right to go out/walk on the street/go to the doctors without the fear of being unnecessarily ridiculed or judged for their outward appearances (at the same "feigning concern" for "health reasons". Pssssh.)

What if they've already started a weight loss program but still have a long way to go? What if their weight gain really is beyond their immediate control? What if there really are psychological factors to consider? What if the person you consider "fat" has actually already lost a lot of weight and is healthier and happier at their current size??

I am always in complete awe of people who think that it's okay to speak to people like this in public or otherwise. I'm sorry, but there is simply no justification for it at all. I don't believe in that incessant "tough love/cruel to be kind" stuff either, because it NEVER helps in my experience. People may look one way, but you don't know what's going on in their lives. If you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet.
Sorry I have rambled a bit, but I really do think one's energies are better spent into being positive, rather than being upset about comments of other people. Perhaps one reason why those comments hurt so much is that we all know that ultimately, whatever the motivation of the commentator, they are right and we need to take ourselves in hand and lose weight.

Perhaps you should practice what you preach, rather than looking down on other peoples insecurities. Yes, you've done well and congratulations on that. But some of the things you've said are hardly positive. It might sound motivational in your head but it sounds like the same old crap we get from grizzled old GP's and well-meaning relations who have no clue what it can be like.

Everyone knows what they need to do to lose weight, but it's not that simple. If it was, there'd be no dieting industry and this forum wouldn't exist. But it does and some of what people have discussed on here has clearly been upsetting for them whether you sympathise or not.

And saying you think someone shouting abuse at you is excusable because you're overweight is plain wrong and it really annoys me that you seem to think so. What if someone shouts at you because you're too skinny? Should you then rush out and scarf a load of burgers? There's no excuse for that sort of treatment regardless of your physical condition. No-one wants to be overweight and just because you've done something about it doesn't give you the right to talk down to the rest of us. It's about respect for other people.
Mine was getting onto a ride when our local fair came round a few years ago....they let me on, the lads came round to do us all up and secure our safety bars before the ride set off, except mine wouldnt do up...he tried for about three minutes before saying "this aint going to go love we cant let you ride" i had to get off and walk past everybody to wait for my BF at the time to ride alone...Im smaller than i was then but i still havnt been on a ride since! and wont until im a size 14 and its a certainty its going to close!! ..you all have permission to chuckle :) x
Many of us here have also done well on our journey and lost large amounts of weight. Plenty of people posting on this thread have started the harder job of maintaining their weight forever. Please do no assume that all we are is a bunch of overweight people who only TALK about losing weight. We are actually doing it and making changes for the better. However, that doesn't mean we don't remember how it was to be bigger and how we felt to be judged on a daily basis. We ARE using the negative to make a positive by dumping it all on here and looking forward. Plus, seriously, what is wrong with just being kind to other human beings?
Some of the people on this thread are just too sensitive. If you are overweight people will comment. It is something you can remedy, though it takes discipline an in some cases medical advice/help. Some comments are rude and insensitive, others are fairly innocuous. Three months ago I was over five stone overweight and getting slagged. Now I still 3 stone overweight and getting more pleasant comments and encouragement. There is no excuse for remaining overweight (in my case I am wheat intolerant so finding that out helped) so stop whinging and get on with it. Get allergy tested etc and then commit to healthy eating. That includes stopping overeating. Good luck to all.


I notice that you are a very new member to minimins, and on the whole this site is incredibly supportive of all members. The vast majority of us on here have or have had weight concerns, but we are trying to tackle them.

We all know that we can tackle our issues, and if it was straightforward then none of us would have a weight issue.

IMHO comments such as:

"There is no excuse for remaining overweight" and "so stop whinging and get on with it" are, frankly, rude and unnecessary.

You have joined a forum and read a thread which is in the general weightloss discussion area, where members are sharing their experiences. These experiences have been the catalyst for change in a lot of instances, not to mention painful and sad.

Speaking for myself I am on my weightloss journey - I do not whinge about it, but I do discuss my trials with other members, we provide support to each other, on what can sometimes be a very long and incredibly fraught process.

Well done on your loss so far, I am sure with your mindset you will continue to lose the remainder. Should you wish to vent when things aren't going smoothly for you, I am sure you will not be told to stop whinging!
I like to have a place to whinge.

Losing weight isn't just about moving more and eating less, it's also about having the motivation to keep up with it. This thread is brilliant for that, it makes us realise that when we are thin we can walk down the road with heads held high and can just flip off anyone who gives us so much of a funny look.

No one on here is saying 'woe is me, I'm so fat. I wish I has the motivation to get off my huge arse but the internet is far too interesting.'

Regaling experiences such as this stops us from burying them in our psyche and coming back to them whenever we have a bad day. Getting them out there and talking about them and realising we are not alone is healthy. Fair enough if it doesn't work for you but don't come in here raining on our parade because your opinion differs.
Do you remember that person who came onto our thread and said we were whinging about being fat? Pfft. Some people.
I have only just found this tread so I'll have to come back and have a proper read later but I will say there have been times when I've taken things the wrong way!! And there was one occasion when the friend I was with was ready to do serious damage to 2 lads for what they said to me!!

There are many reasons we have weight issues sadly they aren't all as simple as get yourself allergy tested!!
Aeroplanes :( I was a size 18 at the time and the tray wouldn't come down all the way over my belly. I mean I know 18 is big but come on!
Or when someone asks you "Do you want a chocolate?", you say yes please and they reply (sarcastically) "Ask a stupid question". Or is did just seem to happen to me lol?

I have a friend who if someone asks if I'd like a chocolate will say "why are you bother asking??":eek:

It is strange how people see you though..

At school I was bullied daily for being fat... I was 9stone..Higher end of my weight range but not over weight..

A few years back I lost a lot of weight on LL and went down to 8stn 6lbs and people keep telling me I was so underweight I looked ill !!!!

There is a older very slim lady in the village who feels the need to tell me how to lose weight when ever I see her!! The other evening she was at the same BBQ as myself and OH. So off she goes and I let her rant on for a while then she asked if I was O.K.as I looked very tiered... I then explained I have an under active thyroid and had got in a mess with my meds so I was feeling the side effects of that.... She stopped, looked at me and said "Oh that explains a lot then.... You know why your fat"

Hmm. Would my pouring your drink over you explain why your wet you old bat!!!:mad:
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i went to disneyland paris with my husband 2 b and we are both big, we got to the ride and the steward put the bar down and called his mate over to help him as he said the bar had to click twice.
they both put alot of effort into it and it clicked twice, then infront of the whole queue they high 5 each other in celebration of fitting the fatties into the ride !
i went to disneyland paris with my husband 2 b and we are both big, we got to the ride and the steward put the bar down and called his mate over to help him as he said the bar had to click twice.
they both put alot of effort into it and it clicked twice, then infront of the whole queue they high 5 each other in celebration of fitting the fatties into the ride !

Oh I hear you on that one milkybar :rolleyes: I went to disneyland last year and didn't go on any ride that involved putting a bar down :eek: ...incase they asked me to get off!!!
Now I've got a bookful of experiences, been 'dieting' for too many years (but woohoo, now its working!) anyway....

Once, while in a shop in town, looking at coats minding my own business when 2 young guys came over to me, with a couple of blouses or something, and said...
"excuse me :eek:...what size are you, we want to buy a present for our ma'...and she's big and fat like you" :eek:
I didn't answer, blushed and fled the shop, leaving them standing there 'still wondering'...ooh the shame!

One more of many....standing in a late night taxi queue on a winters night, drunk female and sober male standing behind me....female said loudly and drunkenly, while shivering...
"its freezing, i'm glad that big fat woman is in front of me to keep the wind off me" and then giggled hysterically, while your boyfriend tried unsuccessfully to shut her up! I just stood there cringing :eek:
ive had many things like this happen to me. but my latest one was when i went into a sports shop to find some jogging bottoms for my workout (bareing in mind I absolutley hated going in JJB etc when i was bigger let alone slimmer), anyway. I found some trousers, that happened to be a size 12-14. I went to the till and the bloke said.
I'll put the recipt in the bag, just so u know u wont lose it, when u need to take them back. As they are a make that are on the snug side.

I looked at him, and just said. ' dont worry I wont be taking them back' and walked off with my trousers.