
Dreamer fantastic loss, makes it all worth it doesnt it, my wi is on thursday. Bet you feel extra motivated now x

I am finding it ok although just getting over a bad tummy, i did this last year and lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks, put a stone back on so now really need to keep on top of it. Dreamer just posted and was her totm and she still lost well, lets hope its the same for you
welcome to the group sam786

Well done dreamer<3 and AmyE on your losses.

Only started today so my weigh in is on Tueday. cant wait!!!
Dreamer i put your loss on my signature.

Amy do you want me to put your loss so far down or wait till your official weigh in.
this time , do you think the diet has upset your tummy ?
Dreamer I see you have TOTM too , would be good to get that result but will see .
AmyE , also well done to you too .
louise , I think Cd need to bring a food out as shakes bars and porridge and ready made can be a bit boring I was finding today , W8 have also LL have come on CD your falling behind , we need to see a new product out this year lol .
Spag bowl will do , get in the Lab and work on it , lol.
I have mix a moose , made that today but I do notice a change in flavour like a nutra sweet taste , eww .
it does take a few goes to get the moose right but its a change lol
Anyone else think we need some chewing lol
Well done on the losses!
Jack, I do think its the diet i'm not used to all the water and goodness, thank god its calmed down today. Agree thay should introduce a few new products, I already cant wait for the bars
It is a massive motivation but I am still getting gargling noises in my tummy too in the evening when I eat my meal. I kept thinking I had an upset tummy but I havent. I wonder what it is?!??!? I am hoping I have a good loss next week to, I am determined to try. My CDC goes on holiday a week on friday and I want to make it a stone loss by the time she goes. Shes gone for 3 WIs so it'll be almost a month by the time I see her again so hopefully another stone gone. It seems so strange to think that in 8 weeks I could be 2 stone lighter. Its such an exciting thought.....xx Looking forward to seeing everyones losses.
Hi guys!
I have my first meeting tonight! I really can't wait to get started. I'm so jealous reading that people are hungry lol I want to start already!
Jack, I do think its the diet i'm not used to all the water and goodness, thank god its calmed down today. Agree thay should introduce a few new products, I already cant wait for the bars
Yes 2 weeks of Cd , what ones are you going to get ?
I have the water flavoring orange , but its not great but breaks the diet a bit .
Yes its time CD brought a new product out , think it was porridge last time and that was a long time ago .
Now what would everyone like to see New come out ? Think could do with a new sweet bar , cheery and almond , yum , and spag bowl .
Thank god your tummy has settled .
Welcome to the group Funky mum and Dibzzy.

Dreamer are you doing ss+?
Do you find it better?
What sort of meals are you having?
I ask because i think i will probably do ss+ from next week!!
I think it works just as well as SS. PLus you have a meal to look forward to so me and my hubby can still have our evening meal together with is our time of the day when we actually sit down and talk.

You can have 125g of chicken which is pretty much a chicken breast, but you can have 200g of quorn which is 2/3 of a bag. and you can have 2 tablespoons of green or white veg so I have cauilflour, brocolli and spinach. I often bake my chicken with seasoning in the oven and mix my veg and quorn in a wok a bit stir fry like with chinese 5 spice...You should do it. Im still in Ketosis and not hungry xx
I think that would be better for me as im okay most of the day till it gets to about tea time then i want to eat so i think i will do ss+ from Tuesday so i would have done a week ss.
I'm very tempted to go to bed soon. Been struggling today, food seems to be everywhere and i don't want to fail on day 2!!