Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

OK ladies, bit of drama...
The guy we're buying the house from text me last night to ask when we want the "next months rent" collected..
We rented under the impression it would only be for 1 month as all hold ups had been cleared and the middle woman's bank were in the process of drawing down her money to complete her sale, which would mean our contracts were on the way and our sale would also be completed within the month.. Now it turns out HIS bank are holding things up and making decisions and he should have answers "by the end of the month" So he wants us to pay another months rent, because HE'S holding up the sale from foing thru..
Jonathan is having none of it and is gona ring him today and say we're not paying another penny, as its him holding up the sale and if he wants us out we'll be gone by Sunday!
I agree we need to put our foot down as its his problem the sale hasn't been completed.. is he holding things purposely now coz it means we're paying his mortgage (majority of it anyway)? But I just CAN'T go back to my Dad's.. There was a reason I couldn't live there to begin with.. And now he's pulled down walls n its a building site so its definitely not an option!! I'm afraid this could all backfire and we'll hafta move out by the weekend..
It will only be til the sale goes thru I kno so it doesn't mean i'm losing the house, but it does mean finding somewhere to live!! STRESSING...
Oh no,so sorry to hear that Hun,what a sodding nightmare! Hopefully the guy gets his head out of his butt and gets things sorted ASAP!
I know hopefully.. I'm just hoping he doesn't want us out!!
Like, I understand him not wanting us there rent free either.. Altho.. His options are have us there, or leav it empty until the sales complete.. But he could be a pr1ck n say I'd rather it empty...
He'd be stupid if he did,fingers crossed for you,hope the bloke is sensible enough to hurry his bank up,thing is if you pay another months rent he might not rush things along!
Yea there's that too..
We went sale agreed on this house back in early March.. Its draggin on far too long now.. They need to get their fingers out!

The house 2 doors up has gone up for sale too.. Its 20k dearer asking price tho tho.. (ours went up at 170k, but we settled on 150k)
That's is too long without a doubt! Not surprising that you and Jonathan have had enough! Well done on getting the price knocked down!
I hope what you're paying him now is coming off the asking price when you buy the house? Otherwise you're just paying of fhis mortgage and then giving him another whack of money too?! That's not fair and you just let him know that it's not fair - that is you wanted to _rent_ a house, you would've rented a house.. you want to BUY a house. Sheesh. Cheek of him!
I hope what you're paying him now is coming off the asking price when you buy the house? Otherwise you're just paying of fhis mortgage and then giving him another whack of money too?! That's not fair and you just let him know that it's not fair - that is you wanted to _rent_ a house, you would've rented a house.. you want to BUY a house. Sheesh. Cheek of him!
No Sarah its not coming off the asking price so yes, we're just paying a lump off his mortgage repayment.. His message was this:-
"Hi gusy when do you want me to collect the rent this week?
We will have news by the end of the month when we will be able to send you contracts to complete the house purchse. Everything is done, we are just arguing with the bank about the balance when sold and awaiting decisions"
He should pull his finger out and sort it!!! Well some for putting ur foot down! Bless u!! Xx
I don't think it's fair for him to ask for rent for a house you're buying off him? I thought he was letting you's move in because it was taking so long to sort out the details and you's had basically agreed between yourselves that you were buying the house off him?! So I dunno where he's getting off asking for money? I understand he probably can't afford 2 mortgages (I'm guessing he's bought and moved into another house in the meantime). But if the money isn't coming OFF your final payment to him then you're essentially gonna be paying more for the house than you had agreed! It's not fair?! He should either take the money now but give it back after you buy the house or not take any money off ya's!??
I don't think it's fair for him to ask for rent for a house you're buying off him? I thought he was letting you's move in because it was taking so long to sort out the details and you's had basically agreed between yourselves that you were buying the house off him?! So I dunno where he's getting off asking for money? I understand he probably can't afford 2 mortgages (I'm guessing he's bought and moved into another house in the meantime). But if the money isn't coming OFF your final payment to him then you're essentially gonna be paying more for the house than you had agreed! It's not fair?! He should either take the money now but give it back after you buy the house or not take any money off ya's!??
No hun after all the agro with my Dad that time I needed to get out of the house. So instead of renting somewhere else n moving twice, we agreed to rent here. But it was on the assumption there'd be 1 months rent and sale would be completed by now... Stupidly we didn't agree that the money come off the price of the house/deposit! HIS bank are holding things up..
I've just been talking to a lad in work, who is a qualified solicitor but is not currently practicing (he's our solicitors brother) and he said the face Derek (the vondor) is having issues with his bank, shouldn't hold up our contracts.. technically.. So our contracts could be getting sorted and then our deeds done up so when he's made an agreement with his bank everything is more or less done...
Hmm... I just don't like the sound of him asking for money like that - He needs to get the finger out. This shouldn't go on again next month like? He'll be in no hurry to get things sorted if he can just get money off ya's renting.... so make sure and let him know you aren't up for that at all! And that he needs to hurry things up because you want to OWN the house and not just rent it (that way you can start any decorating or whatever you like too).

Poor Frances... what a pain in the hole this is!! *hugs* x
Hmm... I just don't like the sound of him asking for money like that - He needs to get the finger out. This shouldn't go on again next month like? He'll be in no hurry to get things sorted if he can just get money off ya's renting.... so make sure and let him know you aren't up for that at all! And that he needs to hurry things up because you want to OWN the house and not just rent it (that way you can start any decorating or whatever you like too).

Poor Frances... what a pain in the hole this is!! *hugs* x
Exactly.. We're kinda debating renting again for this month.. Is it just puttin off the inevitable of same again next month?!
I s'pose we'll discuss it tonight between us and see where we want to go.. Its simple for Jonathan, he can go straight home and everythings dandy for him.. Its not so simple for me tho.. (the agro with my Dad is just not flared at the moment coz we don't live together! PLUS.. My house is a building site!)