Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

So proud of you for deciding to rescue a dog hon. That is excellent! We rescued molly last year and I couldn't imagine life without her now :)

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Dubchick81 said:
Lassie did.. We had her for 14 r 15 years... She passed away 5 years ago this December.. And we only had Shep a short while, my brother brought him to the mountains on a walk n let him off his lead before he was properly trained n he ran away never to be seen again :( We were devastated and none of us would talk to my brother for about a week after..

That must b horrible for ur dog to just run off like that! :(
azwethinkweiz said:
So proud of you for deciding to rescue a dog hon. That is excellent! We rescued molly last year and I couldn't imagine life without her now :)

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She is adorable :0)
Dubchick81 said:
Lassie did.. We had her for 14 r 15 years... She passed away 5 years ago this December.. And we only had Shep a short while, my brother brought him to the mountains on a walk n let him off his lead before he was properly trained n he ran away never to be seen again :( We were devastated and none of us would talk to my brother for about a week after..

Sorry to hear that bout your doggy that ran off :0(
azwethinkweiz said:
So proud of you for deciding to rescue a dog hon. That is excellent! We rescued molly last year and I couldn't imagine life without her now :)

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She is pretty cute!
azwethinkweiz said:
So proud of you for deciding to rescue a dog hon. That is excellent! We rescued molly last year and I couldn't imagine life without her now :)

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We'v got all our dogs from rescue centres Sarah. Just something my dad insisted on. Now it's carried on in me. If each person took 1 dog to care for it'd make such a diff. Jono says he's not getting from a rescue centre, but we are!! I'm putting my foot down :)
Dubchick81 said:
We'v got all our dogs from rescue centres Sarah. Just something my dad insisted on. Now it's carried on in me. If each person took 1 dog to care for it'd make such a diff. Jono says he's not getting from a rescue centre, but we are!! I'm putting my foot down :)

I really think Jono (and Steve) need to be taught the lesson called "you don't get a say, you will do as you are told" Steve doesn't get this either, what he wants doesn't matter because half the time its not what is going to happen ;) the trick is to make them think its their idea and therefore that they are getting their own way! It's truly an artform it really is :) xxx
emmaedes said:
I really think Jono (and Steve) need to be taught the lesson called "you don't get a say, you will do as you are told" Steve doesn't get this either, what he wants doesn't matter because half the time its not what is going to happen ;) the trick is to make them think its their idea and therefore that they are getting their own way! It's truly an artform it really is :) xxx

Ha ha this us what I do ;)
Awwh why would he not want a dog from a rescue centre?! What about looking at the local pound? There are some lovely dogs in them that will be put down if they aren't rehomed x

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emmaedes said:
I really think Jono (and Steve) need to be taught the lesson called "you don't get a say, you will do as you are told" Steve doesn't get this either, what he wants doesn't matter because half the time its not what is going to happen ;) the trick is to make them think its their idea and therefore that they are getting their own way! It's truly an artform it really is :) xxx

Lol love it ;0)
azwethinkweiz said:
Awwh why would he not want a dog from a rescue centre?! What about looking at the local pound? There are some lovely dogs in them that will be put down if they aren't rehomed x

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I kno we'll a look if n when.
I didn't kno that still happened tho if am honest...
It's not that he has anything against it, it's just he doesn want an older dog n won't listen to me that ya can get brand new puppies in these places....
Dubchick81 said:
We'v got all our dogs from rescue centres Sarah. Just something my dad insisted on. Now it's carried on in me. If each person took 1 dog to care for it'd make such a diff. Jono says he's not getting from a rescue centre, but we are!! I'm putting my foot down :)

The one thing that puts me off getting an animal from rescue centre is u don't know the dog and how badly it might have been treated, u don't no if it's gonna suddenly snap and I couldn't put my daughter at risk! I no all dogs r unpredictable and none can b trusted but I do think dogs that have been abused would b more likely to snap!
sarah88 said:
The one thing that puts me off getting an animal from rescue centre is u don't know the dog and how badly it might have been treated, u don't no if it's gonna suddenly snap and I couldn't put my daughter at risk! I no all dogs r unpredictable and none can b trusted but I do think dogs that have been abused would b more likely to snap!

Totally agree Sarah. Which also why we want a new new puppy. Young as possible.
It really is horrible tho to think that all those healthy animals will b put down because no one can take them on!
sarah88 said:
It really is horrible tho to think that all those healthy animals will b put down because no one can take them on!

Yea it is sad.When I used to do the lottery a couple of years ago I always wanted a place with a nice garden so i could have a pack of my own dogs like the dog whisperer! Sad too that a lot of dogs don't get picked cos they are classed as a bad breed.Or people really don't think before they buy the pup so they end up in rescue homes though of course there are other genuine reasons as well.
NEW DIARY :D helllllloooooooooooooooo xx
Monday 10th July

Yesterday was far more picky than I'd have liked... So I've given Jonathan my car so I have to walk home.. Its prob about 3.5KM/40mins walk... Lets pray its not raining :?

W: 3Lt

B: Porridge

L: Ham n cheese sandwich (1) King (5) - 6pp

D: Leftover Roast chicken on a bagel. SW chips. Coz I'm greedy pig a boujon with chips on (4) - 4pp

S: Digestive Bar (3) 2x Custard Creams (3) - 6pp

Weeklies Used: 16/36