Frances' PP Diary

azwethinkweiz said:
I love apple tart!!

God chick, I came home and my room absolutely reeks. Its really really bad now. Feeling really upset. Why do I have to live beside a couple of idiots who put poison down!? Course their house is grand cuz they went and died in ours. Getting p*ssed off having no room and no privacy.

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Oh I'd say ya are. What are gona do?
Saw yer fb. Idiots is rite!!

Here's my apple tart. Looks yum. Dying for a slice but will resist!!

Yeah. Really annoyed with my neighbours. My mum explained to them what they'd done and he laughed in her face and goes "sure the smell will go in a few months" a FEW MONTHS?! Christ. I dunno what we're gonna do, just blowing up my bed here *sigh*
My brothers room is starting to smell really bad now too... Not good!

Is that an F on the tart LOL! ;) x

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Yeah. Really annoyed with my neighbours. My mum explained to them what they'd done and he laughed in her face and goes "sure the smell will go in a few months" a FEW MONTHS?! Christ. I dunno what we're gonna do, just blowing up my bed here *sigh*
My brothers room is starting to smell really bad now too... Not good!

Is that an F on the tart LOL! ;) x

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Seriously?? What a d*ckh3ad!! Surely he's legally obliged to do something seen as it was caused by him no? Not gona say morally coz clearly he has none if he laughed in yer Mam's face!! :mad:

Yep.. Had to "sign" my artwork!!! lol
Tuesday 27th September

Water: 2.1Lt
Drinks: Tea. Coffee.

Brekkie: Weetabix Bran Flakes 40g with 100ml SS milk - 5pp

Lunch: 2 toast (3) Small tin beans (3) - 6pp

Dinner: Philly Beef Stroganoff with yasmin rice & veg - 18pp

Snack: Apple

AP's Earned: 40mins face paced walk (8)

PP's Used: 29/29
Total Weeklies Used: 0/5

OK so 4 unsued and some AP's earned. Need to work that out so will add it in later as I dont have my book. Am also going for a good long walk this even so hopefully the damage from last weekend will be limited..
Really enjoyed my philly beed stroganoff last night.. Love when a new recipe turns out right.. Will defo cook that again.. Tasted too yummy to b good :D

So pro's from yesterday will be:-
  • I drank 2ltr of water
  • I went for a walk
  • I tried (and enjoyed) a new recipe
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Don't think he's obliged to do anything by law because they've gone and died in a space in our walls now. He is a prick yeah... Feel like dragging him into my house and locking him in my room, see how he likes it!

Looks like a delicious day all round. Can't believe you were still under pp... I find it hard to stick to 29 :p xx

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Don't think he's obliged to do anything by law because they've gone and died in a space in our walls now. He is a prick yeah... Feel like dragging him into my house and locking him in my room, see how he likes it!

Looks like a delicious day all round. Can't believe you were still under pp... I find it hard to stick to 29 :p xx

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I kno!!! Was delighted as my steak only worked out at 4pp, the philly was 1pp.. Oh crap.. just realised I didn't point the wine.. So that needs to be revised now.. So another 3 for the wine brings me to my 29!! Wohoo.. I reached target :D ha ha
Oooh yay, you did it without realizing lol!!

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Oooh yay, you did it without realizing lol!!

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Yayy.. Go me :D And I didn't even have a glass of the wine after :D :D
On another note.. I got the PP value for the stroganoff down to only 8pp's from the 12 according to the recipe..
My rice yesterday was 10pp per half bag?! It was Uncle Ben's BIB Yasmin Rice.. according to the box a half bag was 10pp!! I really must double check coz I thought rice was pretty must the same PP's regardless of the type.. It was a 2 serving bag so that's why i'm saying half the bag...
Really? I thought it was 6pp for a portion of rice? Hmm. Sounds odd that it should be 4pp more for that type!

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Really? I thought it was 6pp for a portion of rice? Hmm. Sounds odd that it should be 4pp more for that type!

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I know yea.. I thought the same as you hun.. But that's what the pack says.. Must recheck tho.. I had it written on the box from a while back (coz i'm lazy n didn't wana hafta re-point it) so will recheck it later.. Normally I'd just have my brown rice but I stupidly forgot to put on my rice before I started (it takes ages to cook brown rice!!!) and my dinner was almost done and the yasmin rice was the BIB rice I had.. The only reason it was still there was coz it was so highly pointed!!
Uuugh... Its getting me down ladies. I'm paying up to live at home on an air mattress in the sitting room. I may move out if it doesn't get sorted (my Dads room is unaffected so he seems lackadaisical to do anything about it).

I wouldn't wish the smell on anyone, its DREADFUL!

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azwethinkweiz said:
Uuugh... Its getting me down ladies. I'm paying up to live at home on an air mattress in the sitting room. I may move out if it doesn't get sorted (my Dads room is unaffected so he seems lackadaisical to do anything about it).

I wouldn't wish the smell on anyone, its DREADFUL!

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Yuk that's rank Sarah, what can you do about it. Ya poor thing.

I honestly don't know? I'm sure its gonna involve ripping out the wall/ceiling/roof tiles or something. I'm really mad at our neighbours right now! Ggrrr.
Smell has spread into my little brothers room now too so he might have to sleep downstairs with me. This is a small house I might add... A council estate sized house... so we'll be a little squashed. Might just be handier if I find somewhere else to live.

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Hahaha Frances, what a sweetie you are ;) <3 x

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I honestly don't know? I'm sure its gonna involve ripping out the wall/ceiling/roof tiles or something. I'm really mad at our neighbours right now! Ggrrr.
Smell has spread into my little brothers room now too so he might have to sleep downstairs with me. This is a small house I might add... A council estate sized house... so we'll be a little squashed. Might just be handier if I find somewhere else to live.

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Seriously sucks that u feel u need to leave yer home over his stupidity.. Dont answer this Q coz its not mine or anyone else's business.. BUT.. If ur in a corporation house.. Can they sort it out?! Its is (may be) their property afterall.......
Oh no its not actually a council house anymore, we bought it from them years back. But was just trying to give ya a general idea of how squished we might get lol ;) My dad said he'd try and sort something today so hopefully something (anything) can be done about it soon! X

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azwethinkweiz said:
Oh no its not actually a council house anymore, we bought it from them years back. But was just trying to give ya a general idea of how squished we might get lol ;) My dad said he'd try and sort something today so hopefully something (anything) can be done about it soon! X

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Ah rite. Same as our house here. Tiny feckin thing!!!
Anything sorted Hun?? X