From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Well as I was up early this morning, I thought I would catch up on some diaries, and boy oh boy do I feel lazy after reading yours Steve!
I thought I was almost virtuous in that I walk, or rather almost run the dog for 30 minutes every weekday, and swim 40 lengths twice a week, but obviously, if I am going to succeed at staying at target, I need to up my game a bit!:eek:

Hello Lynne - long time no see/hear/read on here. Welcome back.

Steve, sweetie.....please don't mention hardcore this early in the are making me blush :eek:

The thought of you blushing made me blush more. Warped minds eh? - are you related to "Dirty Dawn" by any chance?;)

By the way gang, my walking is a little bit like a dwarf with learning difficulties - it's not big and it's not clever! (political correctness right out the window!)

I'm clearly over-doing it, but I set stupid challenges. Next month I need a new or different one. I'm open to any suggestions be it exercise, food or diet related. (within reason and preferably legal and NOT depraved, Dawn).

My poor little legs are heavy and aching. My feet are sore and a lovely bubble-blister has formed.

Only 14 more days of this challenge remaining. At least I should get the 200 mile easily enough but of course 300 is the aim now (no half-measures).

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Steve, you have my sympathy over the horrible blister, particularly as you can't do nothing other than put your very little weight on it ;).....I also have an enormous one on the palm of my hand, and don't ask why;)
Steve, you have my sympathy over the horrible blister, particularly as you can't do nothing other than put your very little weight on it ;).....I also have an enormous one on the palm of my hand, and don't ask why;)


Fortunately, it is on the side of the foot, just in front of the heel.

I am still blushing here guys...........all this smut and innuendo :eek::D

I know - great isn't it? - er, I mean, no, stoppit, behave yourselves.

Dawn I apologise unreservedly for all the things I may have said about you in the past. I now understand you were merely an apprentice!!!


I TOLD you Stevie hunk!!! ;)

I'm practically VIRGINAL compared to this lot!!! :flirt2:
Fancy a swimmimng challenge when you get back from Florida Mr Motivator aka Stevie hunk?

I'll take you on at that! 10 km in 4 weeks?
That's less than 15 lengths of a 25m pool a day!
Now that would get me off my backside and do some exercise.
Can't abide to lose a challenge!
Chelsea Lou said:
Steve, sweetie.....please don't mention hardcore this early in the are making me blush :eek:

I am still blushing here guys...........all this smut and innuendo

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. PMSL. 'Dawn the apprentice' has a good tutor !!!!! ;)

Sent from my iPhone

Fortunately, it is on the side of the foot, just in front of the heel.

You braggin' or complainin' ? ;)

I know - great isn't it? - er, I mean, no, stoppit, behave yourselves.

Dawn I apologise unreservedly for all the things I may have said about you in the past. I now understand you were merely an apprentice!!!

The saucy ers apprentice........geddit? Oh please yerselves :D

I TOLD you Stevie hunk!!! ;)

I'm practically VIRGINAL compared to this lot!!! :flirt2:
Fancy a swimmimng challenge when you get back from Florida Mr Motivator aka Stevie hunk?

I'll take you on at that! 10 km in 4 weeks?
That's less than 15 lengths of a 25m pool a day!
Now that would get me off my backside and do some exercise.
Can't abide to lose a challenge!
Oooh Steve, methinks you are on a hiding to nothing with our Bev ;)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. PMSL. 'Dawn the apprentice' has a good tutor !!!!! ;)

Sent from my iPhone
Just as well we can't see each other's faces...mine is currently pink verging on the beetroot lol

I TOLD you Stevie hunk!!! ;)

I'm practically VIRGINAL compared to this lot!!! :flirt2:

Steady on're fooling no-one right?;)

Fancy a swimmimng challenge when you get back from Florida Mr Motivator aka Stevie hunk?

I'll take you on at that! 10 km in 4 weeks?
That's less than 15 lengths of a 25m pool a day!
Now that would get me off my backside and do some exercise.
Can't abide to lose a challenge!

Great idea that Bev:) I was looking for something new and swimming ticks a lot of boxes. I'll have to find a local pool and resources etc. - probably sort out membership, but a great exercise and something new(ish).

Meanwhile, I'll practice in Florida as the villa has a pool and I'll be in there every day/evening at some point though I reckon it is only 10m - if that!

The saucy ers apprentice........geddit? Oh please yerselves :D

**shakes head in despair **


Oooh Steve, methinks you are on a hiding to nothing with our Bev ;)

Just as well we can't see each other's faces...mine is currently pink verging on the beetroot lol

Sounds like false modesty to me - you ain't fooling anyone Lorrayne!:p

Ok here is the days big news. I not only fell spectacularly, but crashed in total wreckage today. Late shift at work and was thinking about finishing at 6, then cooking something like chicken with salad and getting out for the evening walk and doing the 5 miles+ ad getting back BEFORE dark - remember I'm in the northeast and therefore a different time and lightzone (GMT =Geordie mean Time)

Long story short, the chippy called!:sigh:

True confession time, it was the equivalent of whale and chips and lots of amzing yes fat-riddled golden batter. I figured I deserved this treat.

Funny thing is, far from feeling guilty, I feel good about it! - no remorse, no regrets or wishing I'd never done it. Indeed when I walked it off immediately after, it was with a spring in the step! The pain and blisters were forgotten and I fairly breezed around finishing with daylight to spare at about 8.25pm

That took my total for the day to 12.4 miles - out of interest total walking time for that distance was 3h hours, 37 minutes and 54 seconds.

176.7 miles in 18 days it is now

My GPS records all this information - I do love a gadget:cool:

Anyway, I've had my binge, I swear the extra protein and enegy the fish gave me propelled me to greater walking pace (I have to justify the chippy somehow).

All of this after being so good all day eating raspberries, strawberries, apricot, apple, plums & banana.

In summary then to err is only human, to forgive is divine!

I'm looking for loads of divinity from you out there:break_diet:- I'm straight back on it.

Steve the rebel:cool:
Oh - Fish & chips. Something I don't actually fantasise about (can't stand battered fish). But steak pie, mushy peas, chips & gravy . . .

So when are you off to Florida and when are you back? And when is our challenge going to start? I'd better get some practice in whilst you are away. All I've done is potter this year in a 10m pool which can hardly be called swimming.

Soooo unfit!!! But the swimmming will be good for my bingo wings and won't stress out the arthritis!
Hi stevie hunk,

No worries about the f&c harem girls will soon help u work that off! :)
skinnydawn said:
Hi stevie hunk,

No worries about the f&c harem girls will soon help u work that off! :)


Stupid phone! ;)

That was meant to end "with a very physical and challenging game of rounders!" ;)
OMG! If I had walked 12.6 miles in one day, I would have wanted the Fish & Chips...............and loads of bread & butter to go with it;)
OMG! If I had walked 12.6 miles in one day, I would have wanted the Fish & Chips...............and loads of bread & butter to go with it;)
If I'd walked 12.6 miles in one day I would need resuscitating...........hey what am I on about? I did 12 miles in 4 hours walking through deepest darkest Wiltshire 2 years ago, for charity. Up hill and down dale it was and I felt like a teenager afterwards. Wasn't allowed one, of course but I felt like one ;):D
Oh - Fish & chips. Something I don't actually fantasise about (can't stand battered fish). But steak pie, mushy peas, chips & gravy . . .

So when are you off to Florida and when are you back? And when is our challenge going to start? I'd better get some practice in whilst you are away. All I've done is potter this year in a 10m pool which can hardly be called swimming.

Soooo unfit!!! But the swimmming will be good for my bingo wings and won't stress out the arthritis!

Don't say that! - I was so close to Mince pie, chips and gravy (its a northern thing!!) - there'll be other Thursdays lol. I had considered making My Thursday (late shift) chippy night, but not sure whether that's a good idea. Perhaps not just chippy but maybe other places - change them around a bit?

Being 100% 100% of the time ain't easy:p

Florida is September 22 to October 6 - or 7th when I get back. Don't worry though as I'll bully you from over there. Order an Ipad2 specifically to do it with (villa includes free wifi)

Hi stevie hunk,

No worries about the f&c harem girls will soon help u work that off! :)

You know there must be some harrassment laws being flaunted by Dawnie:cool:

I think takeaway fish & chips is really, really terrible - you didn't invite me !

There'll be others I'm sure!!

OMG! If I had walked 12.6 miles in one day, I would have wanted the Fish & Chips...............and loads of bread & butter to go with it;)

Don't!! - do you know how long it is since I have had white bread and butter with chips? (it was a rhetorical question but over a year. Wow a chip butty!)

If I'd walked 12.6 miles in one day I would need resuscitating...........hey what am I on about? I did 12 miles in 4 hours walking through deepest darkest Wiltshire 2 years ago, for charity. Up hill and down dale it was and I felt like a teenager afterwards. Wasn't allowed one, of course but I felt like one ;):D

PMSL - You crack me up Lottie! :D
All this deviant talk of fish & chips. I wonder if anyone has ever arranged a Minimins fish & chip meet - somewhere like Whitby would be great:cool:

Not sure the southerners or Scots would agree though;)

PS 189 miles now - hope to reach 200 at some point tomorrow - assuming I escape from the Sunderland v Newcastle game in one piece and alive. Thanks to the police it is an early kick-of 12pm instead of 3pm - just means the nutters will start drinking at 8 instead of 11!

Oh well means I will not get the lie in I wanted before the morning walk but at least the post match walk will be in daylight.