Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

This is turning out to be one very expensive month so far!!
Cheers babe- sweet dreams xx
Think I definitely need to go underwear shopping tho! Having stripped off many times on Mon at the hospital no doubt I will have to do that again when I go in then every time I am followed up- that must deserve new undies in my books!!!

Deffo to new undies :D
And get measured proper too.
(I went to Debenhams, who were excellent. I had gone to M&S a few years ago, and was made to feel like a freak :()

It really does boost your bits and bobs ;),if you are wearing the right sized bra :D
I was suuuuuuuper duuuuuper shocked when I had mine done :eek:
Very worthwhile :)
Why oh why are things such a struggle right now....?

Went for my pre-op this morning which was OK. My BMI came out at 38 with a weight of 97kgs (15.2) which clearly makes me overweight. Nurse had to check this out with the anaesthetist but he was happy to go ahead and didn't want to see me so took that as a good sign. BP was mega high tho at 150/91- nurse again was happy as I was shaking like a leaf and so tearful so put it down to stress as usually my BP is fairly low!! Had to then have blood tests so fingers crossed they are OK.

So op is all set now for 28th Sept. Hopefully will be day case but won't know util the day. How will I cope being away from MM site????

So been told to eat which I know I have to. Such an indescribably odd feeling tho. guess it's the lack of control and the fact it isn't my decision to come off the plan. I know it makes sense but just seems so hard. Walked past M+S this morning and was looking at all the food and nothing tempted me......seriously nothing!!!

Came home starving and just had a bar and a small glass of milk. Just been to my friends and had a nice milky cup of tea which I really enjoyed. Now just cannot decide what I want to eat. Sounds so odd and is so hard to describe but is the honest truth. I know I need to eat so just gotta strap a pair on and crack on with it I guess..........

Sorry for whingeing (again!) xxxx
ladygaga said:
Why oh why are things such a struggle right now....?

Went for my pre-op this morning which was OK. My BMI came out at 38 with a weight of 97kgs (15.2) which clearly makes me overweight. Nurse had to check this out with the anaesthetist but he was happy to go ahead and didn't want to see me so took that as a good sign. BP was mega high tho at 150/91- nurse again was happy as I was shaking like a leaf and so tearful so put it down to stress as usually my BP is fairly low!! Had to then have blood tests so fingers crossed they are OK.

So op is all set now for 28th Sept. Hopefully will be day case but won't know util the day. How will I cope being away from MM site????

So been told to eat which I know I have to. Such an indescribably odd feeling tho. guess it's the lack of control and the fact it isn't my decision to come off the plan. I know it makes sense but just seems so hard. Walked past M+S this morning and was looking at all the food and nothing tempted me......seriously nothing!!!

Came home starving and just had a bar and a small glass of milk. Just been to my friends and had a nice milky cup of tea which I really enjoyed. Now just cannot decide what I want to eat. Sounds so odd and is so hard to describe but is the honest truth. I know I need to eat so just gotta strap a pair on and crack on with it I guess..........

Sorry for whingeing (again!) xxxx

Oh sweetie it must be so hard not being able to stay in control of what to eat :(
I can't imagine how you must be feeling hun :( but you gotta try and think past exante now and think healthy. What about a trip to the harvester? You like it there don't ya?
Hope you managed to start your re-feed tonight mwah xxx
Little-Miss-Perfect said:
I can't imagine how you must be feeling hun :( but you gotta try and think past exante now and think healthy. What about a trip to the harvester? You like it there don't ya?
Hope you managed to start your re-feed tonight mwah xxx

Lol great minds I text and suggested harvester :)
There you go Gaga harvester for dinner tomorrow Clair and I have decided :)
Yum.... Harvester :D
Go on chick ;)
Omg Hun I'm so so sorry I've been so busy with getting back on track I've completely neglected a few diaries I'm so sorry babe ... Im gonna go back a few pages on ur diary all this hospital talk I'm confused ... Will read back when I'm back from work... Massive hugs babe I can't imagine what u must be going through but I sincerelly send u all my love and best wishes chick x x x
Hi ladyg,
A few years ago I had to go under anaesthetic to have my wisdom teeth extracted. I was about 20 stone at the time and it all went perfectly fine. I'm sure it will be OK - and good that the anaesthetist didn't even want to see you.

It's great that some of the clothes fit you, even if some of the other stuff doesn't quite fit yet. And yes, I definitely agree with the others... time for new undies, it always makes you feel a lot better :)

I'm with you Marge, a walk by the water I find really helps clear my head too. (I loved it when I got to work on the ships occasionally, and I get to be surrounded by water; that's just amazing - lots of thinking space!)

How did things go with your cat today?

Thinking of you lots, and sending you loads of hugs xxx
How ya doing Gaga ?
Are you coping with refeed ?:)
Thanks for all of your support ladies- you really are all amazing and I truly appreciate every word. I haven't really known what to say on here but have been catching up on your posts so now time for a wee update.

So kitty had her leg off yesterday and came home last night. She seems to be doing ok bless her. She's obvioulsy hobbling around with regular falls but in spirits seems to be ok and she's trying to move and get around which I'm so proud of. Just hope she continues to do so well xx

As for me.....well I'm still numb to be honest. I think anyone could say or do anything to me right now and it would just go straight over my head! I just couldn't bring myself to eat despite nags from lots of loved ones. My lovely frined Claire picked me up and took me out for lunch yesterday so she would ensure I would eat so farewell was nice knowing you!!!

I have decided not to talk about what I am eating on here as I really don't think that is fair. Rest assured I am being very sensible and not eating very much as have no appetite or hunger so whilst I'm feeling this way I intend to make the most of it lol!!!!

On a positive I did pick up the new car this morning which is well lush- so nice to drive something with power and does feel like a treat! Now off to see the tool's family to break the news which is scary then back home for PJ's and DVD night with blankets!!! I sure now how to live hey!!

Lots of love to you all xxx
You're doing amazingly well ladyg with so much going on. I'm really glad to hear you're pleased with the new car; at least that's something positive for you at the moment. Glad to hear that your cat seems to be coping well without her leg; it must be so difficult for you to see her struggling, but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon.

A snuggly night with blankets & a DVD seems like a good ending to the week. As you're out of ketosis, you could legitimately have a nice glass of red wine too ;)
Hope all goes OK with the family this afternoon. Just keep focused on looking after yourself, and doing what is right for you at the moment.
Lots of love xx
Thanks Rachel. I feel like such a cheat- it's so weird. Truly gutted but hey ho!! DVD's here I come xxxx
ladygaga said:
Thanks Rachel. I feel like such a cheat- it's so weird. Truly gutted but hey ho!! DVD's here I come xxxx

You are not a cheat Gaga !
Your health comes first and foremost chick x
Thanks ladies. Still finding it weird eating but Marge is completely right- health first! Plus if I can't have a nibble when I have cancer....when can I???? hehehehe!!!

Weight today 15.1 so very pleased with that indeed after 2 days of eating.....especially considering weight last Monday at WI was 15.1.

So today involves lots of baking for friends and the tool to take to work plus telling yet more mates the yukky news. It really does get worse each time you tell someone. I should just resort to texting lol!

So the sun is shining and I cannot wait to go and spin my car exciting! Sad I know. Already decided the album to blast on it's virgin outing will be Oasis's definitely maybe.....yay baby! (judging by this post I think I am in a crazy mood today!)

Happy Sunday peeps- love you all xxxx
You amaze me with your positivity gaga. I feel like I should be saying something supportive but can find the words :( just know that I'm thinking about you. You've been on my mind all day.

Oh and oasis??? All the cool kids are into the kings of Leon at the minute ;)
Hope you had a good spin in the new car :)

How's puss today?

Mwah xxx