Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

ladygaga said:
Thanks ladies. Still finding it weird eating but Marge is completely right- health first! Plus if I can't have a nibble when I have cancer....when can I???? hehehehe!!!

Weight today 15.1 so very pleased with that indeed after 2 days of eating.....especially considering weight last Monday at WI was 15.1.

So today involves lots of baking for friends and the tool to take to work plus telling yet more mates the yukky news. It really does get worse each time you tell someone. I should just resort to texting lol!

So the sun is shining and I cannot wait to go and spin my car exciting! Sad I know. Already decided the album to blast on it's virgin outing will be Oasis's definitely maybe.....yay baby! (judging by this post I think I am in a crazy mood today!)

Happy Sunday peeps- love you all xxxx

You go missy milk that cancer card :) like you say if you can't treat yourself when you have cancer when can you :) xxx
Treats and yummy food I think are the way forward :)
Oh and oasis??? All the cool kids are into the kings of Leon at the minute ;)

Balls man..... is that where I am going wrong then lol!!! I fancied a bit of nostalgia and taking me back to my youth! I blasted it out and it felt great!! Am totally in love with the new motor for sure!

Yesterday was a toughie. Had to break the news to my bestie which broke my heart as she was truly sobbing. I feel like at the mo I am the strong one telling everyone it will be ok. I fear it is just sadness over the fact they knwo I will milk them to do all my cleaning and ironing which I never do anyway!! hehehe! ( sorry sick humour!)

So today is my pamper day with my lovely friend so I have reiki and reflexology to look forward to over a nice scrummy lunch. Can't wait. Plus I get to drive 45 mins to her house in my new pride and joy so all is good today!

Puss cat is truly amamzing me- she is doing so well. To think if I had my leg chopped off there's no way I would even be walking! She is pottering (well stumbling) about and even tried to get up the stairs last night so she could have Mummy cuddles bless her. She managed to get half way and I reckon she'd have made it all the way but by then we were wide awake from the banging of her collar thing on all the bannisters!! Shall I post you a pic or would that make some people heave???

So Happy monday to you all. Good luck to those with WI today. My scales said 15.4 today which is weird considering I only had cereal and a bit of pasta yesterday! Hey ho. It's gonna go up and down I guess.

Loving you all and will post in your diaries later. Don't feel like you have nowt to say either Clair- nothing has changed as yet so life is going on as normal in gaga world- let the madness continue I say. Nothing I can do other than worry right now so I may as well just try to chill and face what comes I reckon xxxx
Oh Hun sorry it was a toughie yesterday x but yeah post us a picture of the little tripod bless her :) they do say pets cope a million times better with losing a limb than humans, she'll be up those stairs in no time :)
Hey ladies....just dropping by to say hello and to see how you are al doing. Gaga is holding on in there and getting by gladly. Had some good news finally this week as passed my PGCE (teaching qualification and year one of my Masters) so feeling very chuffed with myself. Going on a girls night out today so am really looking forward to hitting some wine for the first time since Christmas! I fear it will be messy.

I have braved a dress and leggings combo for the first time ever tonigt so have attached a photo for you to see hopefully I am still on track!

Puss is doing really well in her new life as a tripod. I'm so so proud of her. Have attached a photo of her too looking sorry for herself.

Hope everyone is doing OK and can battle off those evil weekend munchie monsters. Miss you guys and truly miss TFR xxxxx


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ladygaga said:
Hey ladies....just dropping by to say hello and to see how you are al doing. Gaga is holding on in there and getting by gladly. Had some good news finally this week as passed my PGCE (teaching qualification and year one of my Masters) so feeling very chuffed with myself. Going on a girls night out today so am really looking forward to hitting some wine for the first time since Christmas! I fear it will be messy.

I have braved a dress and leggings combo for the first time ever tonigt so have attached a photo for you to see hopefully I am still on track!

Puss is doing really well in her new life as a tripod. I'm so so proud of her. Have attached a photo of her too looking sorry for herself.

Hope everyone is doing OK and can battle off those evil weekend munchie monsters. Miss you guys and truly miss TFR xxxxx

Looking great babe you really are and puss is soooooo cute :D
Miss you too
Have a glass of wine for me ;) or 5 xxx
Hey ladies....just dropping by to say hello and to see how you are al doing. Gaga is holding on in there and getting by gladly. Had some good news finally this week as passed my PGCE (teaching qualification and year one of my Masters) so feeling very chuffed with myself. Going on a girls night out today so am really looking forward to hitting some wine for the first time since Christmas! I fear it will be messy.

I have braved a dress and leggings combo for the first time ever tonigt so have attached a photo for you to see hopefully I am still on track!

Puss is doing really well in her new life as a tripod. I'm so so proud of her. Have attached a photo of her too looking sorry for herself.

Hope everyone is doing OK and can battle off those evil weekend munchie monsters. Miss you guys and truly miss TFR xxxxx

Wowwwwweeeeeeee :D
I can deffo see a massive difference in you Gaga, from the last pics you posted !!
And a VVVVVV trendy Gaga at that :D
I love it :D

Awwww for the wee cat...
He looks a wee cutie...
I'm actually allergic to cats :(, they make me sneeze and wheeze :( , and I'm not a wheezy person :(

What's his name ? He is lovely
He's looks like a wee Robin reliant :D;)
Whoops - is he a she ? and a Robyn ;)
Ah thanks guys. It sure did feel good to have a night out with my mate. Got absolutely bladdered tho which was to be expected having not drank since Christmas!! Much needed tho I felt if there is a such an excuse!

Just on a night shift at the mo then finishing work in the morning for who knows how long....? Tis a very scary feeling as everything seems to be up in the air at the moment so it's not just my weight! This morning I rolled in at 15.6 so those cheeky pounds are creeping in. Now going to try and be sensible until the op on Wednesday then am going to allow myself a week of whatever goes post op and then it's going to Rosemary Conley sensible eating until well enough to get back on exante.

Am actually missing the shakes which is weird but hubbie has hidden my shakers so can't even make myself one!

Nerves and anxiety are my biggest problesm right now but for once I am not turning to food for comfort which is good. Friends and family are being great but the house is now filled with flowers, cards and chocolates which just seem to act as constant reminders that something is going on. Here's hoping normality returns soon.

Really missing my MM friends- truly do hope you are all doing well xxxx
Hi ladygaga, I'm a newbie and just been reading your diary, I'm on nights too!
You have a lot to contend with at the moment, good luck on Weds hope they get it all and your lymphs are clear. Got everything crossed for you xx
And your poor cat too! They are very resilient creatures tho and will soon be chasing birds and mice again.

Take care, Ali xx
Ah Thanks Carly and Nurse tubs.....apologies for my depressing diary of late- normal service will resume soon and no more talk of food porn I promise! Good luck on your journey Nursetubs- you're even lighter than me right now! I shall check out your diary and see your progress with pleasure x
Another one on nights too sat here.......trying to stay awake!

Hope it all goes well Gaga, hope you had a wine for me...I miss wine deperately :wave_cry:

Take care and look after yourself!!!!

Thanks Triage.....nights sure are a pain aren't they! I'd love to be in bed right now having kitty and hubbie snuggles. What time do you finish? I have to shop in the morning so won't be home til 10ish which right now sounds so un-doable!!
Nights are the bain of my life!!! Make me feel as rough as...I finish at 0700 hrs but have to stay awake as got to drive little one to school for 8 before I can go to bed :( then up again at 2 to pick her up...her school has such peculiar hours!

I may try and get a desk nap!
Hiya hun :)

Blimey what a difference in your pics :) you must be so proud of yourself :)
Awww your poor wee tripod ;) bless :)

Hugs xxx
Cheers ladies. So 23.5 hours to go until I get admitted and the nerves have now reached an all time high!! Couldn't sleep again last night and feel and look like poop!

On a positive little puss got discharged from the Vets yesterday and her collar is off so she's a little happier bless her.

I'm going to busy myself to the extreme today with a day of tidying, cleaning and baking to try and keep my mind off things! Wish me luck........xx
Good luck gaga you'll be absolutely fine!!!!!! And good new for puss too.....

Keeping busy is good for distracting although I never really find the motivation to do it lol!!!!!!

Big Hugs

Jo x
Hiya gaga, just popping in to wish you luck for tomorrow babes. I'll be thinking about ya.
Loads a luff xxxx