Getting my mojo back!

I'm glad you found it useful Kira - I actually didn't know those things either until I switched to Atkins :D

I really like the picture Spangly - you have a really good eye for life drawing. The perspective and texture is spot on. Not many can do that, so you have some serious skills! I can do life drawing, but generally prefer to draw from the mind's eye... just am way out of practice at the moment :)
Thanks for the compliments on my drawing. They helped me feel less scared at the interview - and it really was like an interview.


I got in! I am so excited!!!
Aargh, Fridayitis! Now is when I'd crack open the gin and pour a lovely g and t. Sigh. Mind you, that's part of what got me back here, isn't it? Several g and ts followed by a severe case of carb munchies. Doh! Definitely an early night for me tonight to keep me out of temptation's way! (Actually can't be too tempted because none in house lol.)
Ooh, how lovely! I woke up this morning convinced it was Friday!!! Still got a headache but hanging in there... (and no, the headache is not gin-related!!!)
Got up this morning and my husband's mobility scooter has been stolen from our front drive! Just been around leafleting the area. Local shopkeepers have been brilliant, I have to say. Really rubbish though. What mentality do you have to have to do something like this?
Well, big drama yesterday. Eventually got the scooter back though, through tip offs we got via people responding to my posters! Arms and basket have been ripped off and the charger stolen, but it's back. People in the local community have been amazing.

Had some spoonfuls of gooseberry fool I was making yesterday for the family (excuse was I needed to taste it to adjust sweetness but when I was on LL I didn't try any new recipes so I didn't have to taste what I was cooking!), but otherwise stuck to plan. Got some new scales as well, ready for weigh in tomorrow.
Morning Spangly! Congrats on getting through interview! I'm so glad you got the scooter back but what awful people to steal in the first place!

you are doing great on plan! It will be a good weigh in! Alas I've fallen off plan..... Just dusting myself off and starting again today! Can't wait you read your losses today!
Hi Kira. My weigh in will be tomorrow (though tempted to take a peek lol).

Feeling low today, but have stuck to it. Caught sight of myself in a CCTV in the shopping centre today and felt really sad that I've let myself go so much, and so fast. Oh well. At least I am trying to turn the tide, and hopefully I will feel better after my weigh in.
Hope you're feeling a bit better? You will get a buzz tomorrow on your first week weigh in and that will give your spirits boost!

I totally understand how you must've felt catching sight of yourself on CCTV......been there done that because it's as if you think surly that's not me?! I've done that when I've caught sight of my reflection in a window and shocked myself.

Remember you put in a weeks worth of effort and are firmly in ketosis and the hardest bit for now is over. don't let yourself get into a cycle of I'm so fat and I'll never lose weight. We've all done that and the fact is we can lose weight when we stick to plan. So keep going you are doing fab!
Hey Spangly, I've been feeling really low on day 7 as well, but let's try and stay positive for the first weigh in tomorrow! There were a few of us that started last week so I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone else has done. I might try and calculate a weight loss percentage, biggest loser style (I love that program!).
Got woken up at 4am by hubby as he was struggling to get out of bed to go to the loo. The joys of living with MS. Not his fault but I'm grumpy because my children woke up too early yesterday as well (6am) and I'm knackered with being woken up silly early two days in a row. All ready for the start of a new week, eh?! Grump. I have to get up at 6am during the week to get to work for 8am ( I could go later but the traffic gets silly and an hour and a half drive ends up taking three or more). I'm ok at waking up naturally at 6:30am but any earlier and I struggle, mood wise.

Weigh in this morning and I'm scared. I can tell I've lost some weight but I'm nervous I will feel it's not 'enough'. Doh! Maybe I should go and weigh now and get it over with?!
Made a massive order today. Looking forward to having some choice again as I've been busy using up old packs and am now down to chilli con carne and curry. Oh, and curry noodle soup, which I haven't even tried yet as I'm sure someone posted on here that it's not very nice! I'm going to end up with a whole day of it at some point to use the packs up (unless I actually like it...)

So glad I started doing this properly again. The amazing thing is feeling like it IS possible suddenly, rather than constantly feeling bad and like a failure. It's so brilliant knowing that when I stick to it, the weight comes off. I'm going to do this! Would be fab to be back in my slimmer clothes by the time we have a family weekend away in early August. I probably won't be at goal then but I will be a lot closer, which will help, as we're staying a couple of nights with my mother- and sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law is one of those 'naturally' slim people. You know, back to a size six within weeks of having her third baby.

So, goals for the week? I've got counselling tomorrow evening and art group (!) on Thursday, and diet wise I want to minimise the amount of unsweetened soya milk I have as it isn't strictly on plan. I want this weight GONE!!!!
Brilliant loss Spangly!! Very well done! See you can do it! You are not a failure! (Though I know exactly what you mean as it is how one feels when one can't get back onto plan) and you have just proven by completing a full week on plan that you are a success!

Sorry to hear you didn't have a good sleep last night. I was much the same but I think my poor sleep was the result of doing a Fast type day using 1 S&S product. So hopefully I can follow suit and stick to plan this week!

So with a week under your belt with a 9lb loss you have only 1st 12lb to loss. An average loss on vlcd can be between 10 to 14 (depending on much one has to lose). You have over a month 5-6 weeks (depending on when in early August you have your weekend away) and you will definitely be able to lose at least 1 stone by then if you stick you plan. Come on you can do this and you ARE doing it!!

Yippee!! I always get so excited when others are doing well! It's give incentive I can get back on track to so thank you!!
Thanks, Kira. It's lovely to have your support - it helps when I have momentary off-plan thoughts to know that people are rooting for me! I hope/expect these thoughts will get fewer as I get more into the zone... certainly was my experience in the past. Fingers crossed!

My weekend away is 9-11 August - I have the Friday off. I think that gives me seven weeks or thereabouts? So I'm hoping definitely a stone, and possibly a stone and a half, which would get me back to 11st 1, which would be fab!
If I get at least another 2lb off, I'm going to give myself a "half century" badge (which I never did before) as that will be me down 50lb from my heaviest weight a couple of years ago. Keep having to remind myself that I never did put it ALL back on again, which is something!
Sooooooo cold, and have been all day. Lying here in bed with socks on lol. Yay! The big K is here!!!! Just a few weeks and I will be able to put the last six months of carb-rollercoaster madness behind me. Thank goodness! Been grumpy most of today as well, despite my fab weight loss. Oops. Hope my mood improves now I'm definitely in ketosis. Sleep will obviously help as well! Night night, everyone!
It feels so good to wake up each day, knowing I was 100% the day before. I'm feeling proud of myself again for the first time in ages. Hadn't realised how down on myself I had got, actually. I think it helps me maintain if I weigh once a week. I know this in fact but chose to ignore it after several carb blowouts. And then it seems like such a mountain to climb it's easier not to face reality. Well, I'm doing it now!
Morning Spangly, just read your posts and I so relate to them! Well now the big K has arrived you will get through this next week with relative ease any wavering moments you will overcome knowing you have completed so many 1005 days already.

I've managed to get to day 3 today and reading your posts and your success of getting through the first few days and then a full week really helped. It also made me "really" want to shift the recent 6lbs gain and refocus on my original goal. I'm daily weigher as it is the only way I can seem to keep myself motivated (even if the scale shows a STS or a gain) as long as I have been on plan it doesn't bother me. Though my official weigh in is a Monday like yours.

Sigh! It is interesting how you described it is like climbing a's so daunting despite with one has a small or large amount to lose. Remember like you said you didn't regain all the original weight you lost. You have succeeded at maintaining and you are on your way to maintenance land! Do put the half century badge when you lose another 2lb. It will be reminder when you log on here how much you have lost and that you CAN do this.