Getting my mojo back!

It's great that you can identify your triggers. What pushed me off the Cambridge diet was that they brought back wispsas!!! Couldn't resist

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Back on it 100%. Go me! :)
Really proud of myself when I woke up this morning. I was scared that going off-road for one afternoon would lead to carnage, but it's been fine. I feel "safe" back on packs and it wasn't difficult yesterday at all. Just wish my waistband would start to get loose! I've got seven weeks left until I have a couple of weeks off work, which is my target. I'd like to lose 21lb by then if possible (and I know it IS possible if I focus).
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I'm really pleased you are back straight on track. Completely understand your fear as I know once off track how difficult it can become to get back on. Yes, in the past it has usually let to carnage for me!
Morning, everyone!

This is so cool. I had my fourth counselling session last night and I just feel it was so totally the right time to be doing this. I'm getting "me" back. I almost got there with Lighter Life, but it was still slightly superficial somehow. I made huge progress, but I still had some "ishoos" going on. I think I'm starting to get back to the "me" I was (and was quite happy with) before my sister died all those years ago - almost as though I had put "me" on hold and was going through the motions of life. I've achieved a lot, given I wasn't really "here" fully - but I'm very excited to think a new lease of life is opening up for me now... it's quite amazing actually!

I'm only having another two sessions for now as it's quite expensive and I want to take a break and take stock before spending any more. What I've had has been so valuable to me though.

One sign that "I" am back is that I am growing things. I used to love gardening and plants when I was a child and young teenager, but could never quite get excited about it after my sister died, even though I tried. You should see my patio and windowsill now :eek:. I've got tomatoes! (teeny tiny ones but very exciting) and strawberries and herbs and roses and a fern and lavender and peonies and a wisteria... all bursting into life... and runner beans and peas... and an apple tree loaded with fruit... and I got a hoya through the post (from eBay!) yesterday which is a huge milestone as I promised myself when I was 13 (my sister died the following year) that I would oneday have a conservatory with a hoya carnosa (wax flower) plant in it. I MADE IT!!!

I'm still very sad about my sister dying young. But I feel free to enjoy life. I'm allowed. I'm allowing myself to enjoy it! The smell of elderflower blossoms in the breeze... the cool blue of summer shadows slanting across the grass...

I'm going to be ok. I might be bigger than I want to be at the moment, but I can stop punishing myself. It's not my fault she died and she really wouldn't want me to still be sad and stuck and struggling, almost 30 years on...

Have a truly wonderful day, everyone.
Oh Hun, this post made me cry. Wow. U have gone through a lot. I can't even begin to imagine what u went through n still going through after your sister sadly passed away. I love my sisters to bits, they are my sister soul mates and dread to think anything happening to them.
But you have made huge progress and have come so so far and your sister is watching upon you and would be so so proud if what you have achieved.
Am proud of you chick. A very big well done.
Be proud of yourself and enjoy the sunny day today. Huge hug for you. Xxxxx

That is fantastic........thank you for sharing such a personal moment....I feel very privileged to read it. Congratulations on getting "you" back.
Spangly I'm so glad the counselling has helped. Im so pleased yo are back on track. You must miss your sister terribly. To live life in present takes some strength after losin someone. I am genuinely thrilled for you that you feel ale to move forward and to stick to plan at the same time.
Spangly you are doing this and you will continue too. Start thinking about long term maintenance soon so it gives you a sense of vlcd will come to end end. That will help to remind yourself it's temporary and get you through challenging days like yesterday.

The art class sounds great even with the different demograph! It's a great way to not be thinking about food! A hobby that's what I need!

Good advise Kira. I need to do that too - plan for maintenance. You can never plan too much or too soon. Not for that. :) xx
You are doing fab Spangly. I really do understanding about feeling its "ok to live and enjoy your life". I still struggle that after moms death, but I am working on it - and you will give me inspiration. You really sound wonderfula dn I love the whole gardening thing and getting back to your art. I am so pleased for you!! :)

And the sun is out today as well! :) and forecast for the weekend. It's my birthday tomorrow. I just think back to three years ago, when I turned 40, and decided to change things and start losing weight. It's been amazing, really. I know I'm not quite at goal but I'm a lot slimmer than I was, and a lot more confident, and just happier all round. Inspired, artwise - I've got ideas for painting and photography projects, and my husband has also told me my mother-in-law has got me Hobbycraft vouchers for my birthday so I can get some new art materials! I want to try pastels and oil pastels... all that colour, all those different things to try! Yay!

My husband bought me a bicycle (I contributed quite a bit too as the one I liked was quite spendy!) and I've been learning to ride again. Last time I was on a bike was - wait for it - 26 years ago!!!! He got me it a few weeks ago so I've already been to the park on it lots. Not quite got the confidence to go on the road (I never did cycling proficiency when I was younger as my mum was worried about traffic on the road so I only ever cycled in the garden). There's a lovely lady from the council will do two cycling lessons for free so I'm hoping we can get her back sometime for me (she's been once for my girls).

I will be going off-plan tomorrow, but I will be sensible and mainly low carb. I know it's a risk but I can feel myself getting slimmer and love it and know I'm determined to get back to my ideal weight so will be back on it 100% on Sunday and straight through to my holidays.

Ooh and the one chap at the art group who is a professional artist said last night that my drawing was "very good" :D

Have a fab day, everyone!

The definition of insanity is something like keeping doing the same things but expecting different results...

Er, quite

Me and carbs and alcohol? Yup. Had a fab birthday... And day after... And day after that!?!

Back on it today. One day I will learn... Maybe

Guess I'm only human, right? Bet I'm back at square (sphere) one as I feel really bloated and kind of waterlogged.

Hey! Spangly sorry I've been AWOL past couple of days (feels like ages!). The bloated feeling will pass quickly just keep drinking your water you'll be fine. X
Well, it is what it is, isn't it? Ah, how philosophical of me. Thing is, I'm still not back on track... last night went awol again. It's hard once you lose ketosis!! Doh. I'm not going to beat myself up though. I've had a fab time of it and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Thing is I need to want to be back at size 12 more than I want to party lol :rolleyes:.

Had my penultimate counselling session last night before I take a break from it. I may go back, I may not. I've not decided just yet. It's brilliant, very useful, but expensive.

Got my midyear appraisal today and not especially looking forward to it. This is a frustrating job. I'm hanging in there but it doesn't quite "gel". There is too much overlap in responsibility between my role and someone else's, which gets confusing and difficult to manage. I've pointed this out (more than once) and suggested some solutions, but nothing changes. Hey ho!
You are not alone, i'm afraid I went AWOL again yesterday. It simply has to stop! We need to dust ourselves off and get back on track today.

I'm glad the counselling is helping and it's something you can have again if you feel you need some more.

hope the appraisal goes well today I feel your frustration that your previous comments and solutions were not addressed but don't let it stop you from expressing what you think it is your appraisal.

One thing we can control today is sticking to plan. We've done it before let's do it again or at the very least keep trying.
Thanks so much for your support, Kira. It's good to know I'm not alone!

On a different note, I am SO EXCITED. We have just been approved by a local dog rescue (they did the home visit this morning with my husband) and they might have a suitable dog for us! This would be so brilliant. We had a dog for a few months last year and he was brilliant, but he was very strong and a bit excitable, and pulled my husband's mobility scooter over, with him on it! So we had to send him back. It would be so fab if there's a suitable dog for us - for one thing, having the dog really brought my husband out of himself and gave him a new lease of energy and enthusiasm. Fingers crossed!