"Healthy" BMI


Silver Member
On 01/01/11 I weighed 242lbs, on 01/05/11 I started Dukan weighing 238lbs. This morning I weigh 153lbs and am finally a "healthy" bmi on the nhs calculator!:D
I am so happy I could cry - Dukan truly has given me my life back - I feel so much healthier, can do more, don't hide from mirrors, know I'm a good role-model for my children with eating healthily and my relationship with my darling husband is improved.
To anyone starting Dukan I would say to keep trying and you can achieve your dreams - I fell off the wagon three times but each time got back to it after a couple of days, a little bit wiser. Now I aim to lose one more stone and then spend a long time consolidating it - I never want my bmi to be "overweight", "obese", or worse, again. Good luck to us all. :)
wow congratualtions !!!! how well have you done !!!...i love reading posts like this really spurs people on knowing that this diet REALLY does work, you must feel great , really chuffed for you xx
Well done from me too I've been struggling since my Xmas blip but so good to read that even after blips you can get there ....thanks for posting this you really must be buzzing x
Well done! It's such a great feeling isn't it? Like you I have vowed never to let my BMI go over 25 ever again!
Fantastic achievement CD be very very proud because not everyone has the determination to achieve their dreams xxx
Wow WELL DONE ! What an inspirational post and journey x
Thats just WOW! Its great to see someone with about the same weight I need to lose actually succeed!
Fabulous achievement and such an inspiration to the rest of us to keep going! :) Well done - you have every reason to be proud of yourself :)