Imagine if i wasn't fat

Everyone needs a duvet day with loads of naughty treats! It's the only thing that keeps us sane.
Glad that you enjoyed your run, the route on the cliffe sounds gorgeous!
HOpe that everything goes well and that you achieve those goals that you're aiming for.
Best wishes.
I have somehow lost a pound.
It has been a strange unsettled 3 weeks, and thankfully this week I went for 2 runs- beautiful runs along the cliffs near to where I had been staying with my young people. I had reduced the crap I was eating, but I do not know how that meant a pound loss. I'll just thank the Universe/ God/ Higher power and get on with the next 18lbs! (before marathon)

Yesterday evening I came home, and started cleaning. Clothes were everywhere, dishes washed but not dried, bits of paper everywhere, bills everywhere, recycling waiting to be put out- a general mess. I got stuck in. I disinfected, I sorted, I put away, I scrubbed, I folded, I hoovered. The feeling of satisfaction this morning waking up in a room that has not nee this clean since I moved in was amazing- shame I have to go to work, but happier to do so than before. My next task when I get a few hours is to tackle the bills drawer, the spare room and my wardrobe.

There is something both refreshing and grounding about a good clean out- I'm not sure if its because I spent 4 hours with my house or because the end result is clean (I should get someone else into dfo it next time and see if I feel the same). I feel more comfortable, more positive, more at home. A friend is coming for the weekend and I have the fire already set, and candles scattered to get that homely feeling.

I am now going to do the same with my body. Spend quality time with it, feed it good food, scrub it, moisturise it, take it out for a run, a hot bath. Its fantastic to think in 10 weeks I am going to run a marathon. My body needs my attention so I need to spend more time with it, and prioiritise it.

As for the house I am promising to spend time every week on it, and even make a list of the big jobs, taking one a week.

For both, I know the right thing to do, I know how good it feels, yet I know I need to make constant positive choices so that I don;t fall down again.
Yeah, me too! I know what you mean about a good cleaning session, good for the soul! Congratulations on the one pound. Look after yourself darling girl!
Glad to see you sounding so positive!
You're totally right though, it's mad that something as simple as a clean home or a self-pamper session can make everythign feel so much better.
Hope that things continue to go so well, and that you have a good weekend with your friend.
Hey kellie,

not noticed your diary before so had a good ol' read just now :)

I love your postings soooo much, hope you get a chance to relax after your recent busyness

I'm all confused again about boxer boy. Same thing, and until today I was happy with it. Its caring respectful honest fun, its just not committed. I don't know if its just the sunday blues, or if my conscience has a problem. He' s a great guy, but is as far from wanting a relationship as I am from Niagara falls.

Do i want a relationship with him? with anyone?
Counting my blessings

I have a lovely home at an affordable rent. I can make it very homely with a fire and candles and lovely food

I have lost nearly 2 stone. and i have kept within this weight now for about 6-8 weeks- not gaining.
I have friends. Lovely friends, College friends, sisters, work friends, motivational friends, old work colleagues
I have an education. I have work experience
I have a job (until December)
I have a happy disposition
I know how to work hard
I havemy health
I believe in a higher power
I feel rooted in this earth- we are all inter connected and I can sometimes feel this connection with the world around me

Isn't hope a wonderful thing.
It can make you genuinelly believe that the impossible can happen. Like being able to lose weight for today. Despite having 3 desserts in the past week (proper desserts). But mainly despite eating a PEanut butter sandwich last night at 9pm, followed by darn nibbles (cocktail sausages
and chicken wings) at a table quiz.

And so I am 2 lbs on to 12 4.5. And 3 weeks and 5 lbs from target. How can I be training for a marathon and not losing a bucketload of weight? How do I manage to eat so much?And I know that thin people sometimes struggle, but this is not on- I am supposed to be genuinely trying.

Yet again my parents home has gotten me. My sister and I were joking about it last night. You pull up at their door and feel hungry. even if you ate at every restaurant on your way there- any amateur (or professional) psychologists want to analyse that?

Hope, you errant fool. Now I am disappointed. Gutted. Will I ever see 11 stone? And will I see 11 stone before I see New York City? I'm moping of to the gym, feeling fat heavy and lazy. Yippee.
Today will get better, I say so, so it must be true :) xxxx
Unofficially, my weight is down to last week's! Yes- 12 1.8! Delighted. Isn't it amazing how these numbers mean so much to me? will I ever be detached from my weight?

This morning is heaven- no training, so I am lying back thinking about getting up any time. (well at my desk my 9, but that gives me an hour and a half) I love the off mornings, when I know I've worked for it. And i have. I had one of my worst runs yesterday and was terribly annoyed. Today I am notching it up to learning and moving on.

At the work weigh in, there were 3 of us, and while I was the heaviest, we were within half a stone of each other- so a fair fight! The first stage is the NY marathon, and all going well the second will be to Christmas. One of my colleagues was upset by hers- yet she is so toned! I'd be happy to look like here. Also I am the shortest. Its a great way to keep me more on track. I would love to get to 11 st by NY-I'm sure it would also make a difference to my finish time (2sec a mile per pound lost= 52 x 16=13 mins less running!!) but mainly to the clothes i want to buy over there.

So by Tuesday can I lose another 2 lbs and for the first time in maybe 2 years slip below 12? Cross your fingers for me.....
I sent a goodbye e-mail, short and warm to a male "friend". Since he let me down in July, there has been a cool silence on my side. A few days ago, I realised 2 texts in august were from him, and not from a date i had who didn't know when to go away. I was shocked I hadn't realised it was him(deleted his number, removed him as a friend on facebook), and really wanted to end things well, not to pacify him, but to be the person I want to be. And so I wrote a simple note saying goodbye and wishing him happiness. He replied, asking for friendship. I know there will be only silence. And there is that bittersweet realisation that things have moved on. He is no longer the person I text every day. And that I am ok with that. I have no anger towards him anymore, at least notnow, here this evening, but maybe that is because i finsihed work an our early, its a beautiful day, and I spent nearly 2 hours in my favourite coffee shop. Maybe I'l run into him some day. Most likely I won't, and when I am old I will tell my grandnieces about a man I met on a social networking site and how I loved him in way that was not rational or normal or traditional, and how he loved me back in the only way he could.

And so with a beautiful weekend of no plans and nice weather, I realise that life is made up of happiness and sadness, hellos and goodbyes, and each is as important as the other. Life is not meant to be easy sailing.
I'm off form. I feel sick is too strong a word. I have a mild head cold, a fuzzy head and weary all over. It feels like my body knew I was taking a break this weekend, and decided to jsut let go. Given what I have put ti through teh past few months, and I'm about to put it through for teh next 9 weeks with work and marathon training, I'm giving it today off. My plan is to do little, drink a lot of fluids, hopefully a little food that is all good (i have soup in the freezer) and storm back tomorrow. Fair deal I think.

As I lie here, I am wondering if I should clean my closet- it really needs a good sorting and Autumn is here, so a good time to do it. And the spare room resembles a junk room. And before I had visitors I shoved all the bills and stuff that needs to be kept away so I should sort that.

I guess guilt free resting just makes me feel guilty that there is somehting else I should be doing.
Hey Kel,

how are you feeling?
