Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Ugh I hate it when that happens!

Turkey and feta burgers are lush - you should totally try them - extra lean turkey mince, red onion, feta cheese, fresh coriander. Squish together. Grill. Chow down! Lol

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Jenna88 said:
Do you know I always see people talking about lean turkey mince and never in my life have I laid eyes on it! I must put it in my tesco app!

Lol. I got mine in Sainsburys this week but I've bought it in Tesco too - I think it's in their healthy living range.

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I don't often go in there but was passing so gave it a go. They actually do a price match thing where if your shop would have been cheaper at Tesco they print you a voucher at the tilll to get the money off your next shop. They had extra lean beef and turkey mince and chicken breasts on 3 for £10, which I thought was a bit of a bargain.
Jenna88 said:
Eek as in you could mix and match? If so that's fab though I don't think I'd buy their extra lean mince as someone told me it has more fat than tescos!

Yep loads of stuff on mix and match - including whole chickens! I think ex lean mince is done on fat % so all the supermarkets should be pretty similar? I haven't noticed any difference in losses regardless of where I've bought my mince from x

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oooohhh my scales last night told me i was under 20 stone for the first time in years!!! Official WI tonight so fingers crossed they agree :)
Well it was my official WI at group last night and only 1 little pound off. But i don't mind too much as it meant 2.5 stone award :)
Right finally sorted myself out and official weigh in (first at home) this morning was 12st2.5lbs. Considering my last sw group weigh in was 4-5 weeks ago and I have definitely gone up and down since then I'm happy with a 1/2lb gain! Will be good this week (except friday as its our anniversary meal out) and hoping for a loss next Thursday. Obv I will be weighing 10million times between now and then so I'll keep you posted ;) haha x
lost 3lb on tues but not looking at scales,.. will after sat night, halloween party! doing lost SW foods to stop me eating rubbish, plus will feel guilty an waste money on SW stuff if i do so helps stay on plan. FX i can do it!!
Sure you can Jess!

My scales are stubbornly staying at 10.6, which is starting to really grate me! Hopefully they will move over the weekend :)
I lost 3.5 at WI and got my first stone!! Add on that I was slimmer of the week and month and it adds to to a very happy Paula :) :bliss:
4lbs down, stone award and club 10! My scales lied earlier this week lol group ones weigh me at 10st 5 :)

And I had a bottle of wine last night!
thanks, really hope so. im aiming for a great loss of November challenge. x