Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Well keep doing what your doing, if you drop out of target just eat more or weigh with rocks in your pocket ;-)

It's only my first week so I'm sure I'll adjust eventually, thanks :)
& that's not a bad idea ;)
Weighed in today after a week off the scales at home - rather an anticlimax with 0.5 lb off but at least it is moving in the right direction. I can be proud of that 2 stone award now I'm officially back there :D

Saw the 9s briefly as the scales flickered between 9st 13.5 and 10st but despite my best efforts to think light and stay very still, I couldn't get them to stay on 9st 13.5 ;)

Am actually going to give it another week of not weighing at home as well as being good (100% on plan and less than 10 syns) and see what happens as I know sometimes it can take my body a while to catch up. Also I felt so much less stressed last night and this morning as I had no idea what I weighed so didn't try to starve myself or get my stomach in knots.

Generally I'm still for weighing at home to some degree but at this stage for me I think it's better to give myself a break from the pressure and just trust in the process.
Please please see a lower number in the morning scales and i will love you forever, well at least until my new ww ones come tomorrow ;-)
After my week home of eating anything I wanted I'm looking at a 4lb gain 2moz, completely deserved need to get it all off for next week!
I've not weighed myself since Sunday so going for the surprise element at WI tonight at 7pm! Quite excited but I've a funny feeling it will be smaller loss than I'm hoping for! I've had a brilliant week food wise, but had a bit of a flukey loss last week which would make it more understandable! X

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9st 2.4lb this morning (which from last Tuesday morning means I've lost 1.8lb) WI tonight!
Think im gonna ban myslef from weighin! I weigh in tomorrow and had a cheeky look on the scales yest and it showed I was 2lbs up and I went on a binge after seeing it and now I regret it and my scales are up more now obviously :( im gonna drink loads of water today to try and flush out the damage!
You on plan until weds weigh in?

Could be under target again!
Yep on plan until WI tomorrow night, I imagine it'll be a maintain from last weeks 11st 2.5lbs, anything off would be a bonus!!
Ooo I like my new scales! They do body fat and all that jazz! Going to use both tonight and tomorrow just to see what the pounds (if any) diff is, just in case they weigh me less a d I get all excited for nowt! Xx
I ate a chicken sandwich and drank juice like an hour and a half before wi and maintained, and had pasta last night so quite happy, 1/2lb under target still (9st 4.5lb)
I ate a chicken sandwich and drank juice like an hour and a half before wi and maintained, and had pasta last night so quite happy, 1/2lb under target still (9st 4.5lb)
Well done!