It's Wednesday!!! Hour By Hour Thread!

The Banana ones...........:sign0137:
Motion confirmed...they are vile!!!

The banana shakes are far nicer.

Well, as you cal see, I am back from Court!! They found him guilty and he hadn't even turned up - silly so and so!

Feeling a bit squiffy today...tummy is like a washing machine on spin cycle! Never mind...more water!
I hate the dentist too, but make the effort to go, as I don't want to have false ones at 31!!
Leah, I went to Hospital to have my wisdom teeth taken out years ago and I am petrified of things like that...the Nurses were fantastic and really calmed me down. I had 3 taken out that morning!!

Any way, I have loads of cleaning to do...Mother in Law is coming up on Friday and at least one room needs to be clean!! Lol!
Catch you later everyone!

Leah, I went to Hospital to have my wisdom teeth taken out years ago and I am petrified of things like that...the Nurses were fantastic and really calmed me down. I had 3 taken out that morning!!

OMG Kerry-Ann, you are mental.

Need to sit down, suddenly i feel all sick....
Lol's not that bad honestly!

My Hubby thought it great to take pictures of me when I had returned home though and I look like a Corpse!

The painkillers that you are given are so strong that you really don't feel anything honest!! I am a real whimp when it comes to things involving pain and my body....real wuss when I went into labour...but that's a different story! Lol
Oi, no slagging off Banana Tetras - they are my fave - hot or cold!

Leah - i had both my wisdom teeth out at the dentist once and can honestly say i didnt feel a thing. It was better than having a filling - honestly.

Dentist says i have an infection so got antibiotics and just taken some painkillers for aching gums. Been referred to the hospital as he wasnt able to get the 2 teeth out - too much had broken off so its a specialist job supposedly:eek: Probably be a few months before i get an appointment though so plenty of time to work up a sweat:(
Blimey! I wont have many molars left on that side - i'll have to start having my dinners through a straw! Shame i'm not on SS anymore:D
I'm Not Reading This Thread Anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:giggle:that's ok...............bread doesn't look as good as the last one, hasn't risen as much...expect it will taste ok.....hubby can try it later..:giggle:
Lol, apart from food in the fridge for my Daughter (fruit and veg etc), there is nothing in for Hubby - he "doesn't do" veg and fruit!!!
I'm sure he wouldn't say no!!! In fact when food is concerned, he very rarely says no!!!