January 2009 - Starters

Awww, don't feel sad hon. Its not all sunshine and rainbows for us - its hard work, and we all have slip ups, even in maintenance. And like you say - we just get up and keep going.

Your time will come. Try not to compare yourself to others - you have stuff in you life, that affect you uniquely. So, maybe you jave just not found the key yet - it does not mean it is not there to be found. And as long as you keep trying, you WILL find it. Only those who stop looking never do. ;)

Good luck hon. You know we are all here to listen and help in whatever way we can.

Daisy, we are trying to change YEARS of bad habits, and internal programming......you didn;t think that would be easy did you?? ;) I thnk you are doing terrific. You always recognise a mistake - and you attempt to correct it. You are aware, and you are honest and open to change. I think you are doing just fine.

We can;t be perfect all the time. Naturaly slim [people aren't so we can;t put that kind of pressure on us to be text book perfect. I don;t think so anyway.

But as long as we saty alert and recognise bad habits returning = and do something about it NOW, not later - then we are being successful.

Last week, all week long one person after another brought in sutff wrapped in purple paper. Well, I tucked in for "just one". Pah! Was like a fiend. And that triggered carb cravings from hell - and I did give into some - so, now I pay the price - and cut back.

Wish I hadn;t done it- but it was nice if I am honest - so - now I have a small price to pay.

A few pounds is a pretty good bargain after 10 stone - so I feel calm about it. That is important to me - to stay calm.

We are just babes learning our way. This is all new to us. Even after a year, it is still new to me. After 25 or 30 years fat - this has just been a few minutes. :D

Sorry for the waffling post. :)

Hi Westie good to hear from you!

Sorry you are stuggling a bit (& Daisy too) I had a bad weekend and very cross with the scales this morning lol! Will definitely have to have a very "strict" week now.

As BL has said... This is what real life is all about, its not humanly possible to be "good" 24/7 and there will always be times when we have over indulged and in the grand scheme of things we are still very new to the maintaining side of things. Lets face it this is the hardest part of the journey. But look at far we've come, look back at our starting weights ... we have done amazingly and as BL said a stone is a small amount of weight to lose compared to what we have lost!

Chin up girls ...

Big UP Jan starters

^^^ Wot was said above ^^^

I think we ALL face challenges post RTM, in many ways actually 'doing' the diet was the easy part (and reinforced by the positive comments we receive when losing weight), the hard task is when flying 'solo' as we've no real experience of that from the past. Also I guess it 'feels' harder as people don't say "wow you've done really well to stay at (or around) the same weight! And whilst none of us lost weight for the positive strokes, you really do get used to them.

Onward into the brave new World of maintenance. Don't stress (easy to say), be happy :)
Thanks everyone, what you all say is right. This is definately the hardest bit and especially the bit about having no prior experience of this. It's a steep learning curve isn't it :rolleyes:

I guess I need to put this into perspective and realise that in the scheme of things I am doing ok :) In fact I think we're all doing OK :D
Helloooo Westie! You are doing brilliantly girl. You have been working all hours so it can be difficult to focus on yourself and your own needs. Be proud of where you are at and how you are doing. AND be proud that you are still here and not back where you started - as some do. xx

Hi Sean!

Daisy - you need to listen to your own advice sometimes hon. You are doing fine and BL, Sean and Susianna have all contributed wise words for a maintenance perspective. Live life! you will find what works for you.

I've had a difficult week as been away in Edinburgh all weekend and stressing about work again as off on hols on Friday. I actually ate 5 packs on two days and SIX :eek: packs on Saturday which included 3!bars. It was a combination of being out and about all day and then up very late - lots of coffee stops, meals and drinking by my pals so I think I was feeling a bit left out. I then tried to have only three packs the following day to compensate, but ended up eating the four. Scales not looking good for tomorrow. :sigh:
I did compensate one of the five pack days with a three pack day the next. And I had intended to do a milk week, but just didn't see how I could with being away so much.

I was fine back in my normal routine yesterday and again comfy with things today. A blip?
Hi T_I

yes, a 'blip' - I know it must be frustrating especially as you've been on abstinence for soooo long now, but think about it - so you've had 4 or 5 packs a couple of times - so what?

That's an extra 125 - 250 KCals per day, still well below 1,000 and no where near enough carbs to knock you out of ketosis.

Compare that with how you'd have behaved in similar circumstances this time last year - makes you think doesn't it!

No harm done, no stress :)
Hi Westie!! Great to hear from you again! You are doing fantastic when you look at the big picture and realisation and doing something about it is very posative! Try and keep coming back, you are missed.

Glad the blip is behind you TI.
sometimes upping the cals gives the body a kick start so mybe you won't have done any damage at all!
don't worry
daisy x
Thanks for all the support guys and gals. :D

Tonight we will see what the result is. Even 1lb off will seem a huge success as it would take me to some significant milestones - 8.5 stone and 45% body weight losses.

Fingers crossed. xx
I agree TI, it's just a blip. No matter the result tonight, you will be fine, you're back in your routine again and it could have been much worse in that you could have eaten instead of having extra packs. You were strong enough to stay on the packs, where you could have given in, so give yourself credit for that :D:D:D
Thanks Westie. I have been fine since I got home. Relieved to be back on the straight and narrow.

Actually looking forward to class tonight as I'm going to get the RTM book to take away on holiday next week. I think getting my head around the concept of reintroducing food is needed. I have a few weeks of abstinence ahead of me, but I am a planner and like to understand what is coming up.

My hubby actually commented on how he thinks I'm starting to look a bit thin and hopes I won't find it too difficult to start eating food again. He has been very supportive so far and said it in the nicest way. He thinks my thin face and neck now make my ears look big :rolleyes:. I think he needs reassurance I'm not going to fade away. xx
Westie - I hope you are also in a good place now. xx
Westie - I hope you are also in a good place now. xx

I have good days and bad days but on the whole, the last week has been ok.

I think I mentioned I've upped the exercise and I've done this by joining a "Bootcamp" at the local exercise studio. It's basically a detox diet and a exercise every day. I'm loving it, although the food is becoming a bit boring! I think exercise might be the key for me! Once the bootcamp finishes I'll definately keep on with the classes!
Good for you Westie

I wish I could get into exercise, but even though I have lost all that weight I haven't turned into a saint !! I do a lot more walking nowadays and I do feel so much more energetic.
I'm glad you want to keep up the exercise after the detox.
It's funny, but the more I exercise the less I lose. Been active this week and all I see on the scales is STS :cry:.

Gutted and really mad with myself :mad:. The weeks overindulgence on bars has obviously had an impact. And I only wanted to lose 1 measley lb.

But - I'm off on holiday on Friday morning and nothing is going to spoil my anticipation :flirt2:. Taking packs in my hand luggage and in my checked bag just to make sure I don't have to go without if a bag goes missing.

Fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us. xx
Have a great holiday T_I, and don't worry - you know the weight will continue to fall
Thanks Sean - I know it will :). How are you doing with maintenence?