**Jessica Rabbit's Diary - Im moving over to maintenance***

Today is a good reason why its NOT good to daily weigh as now I have hit another goal I don’t want to do ss+ or 810 as ss will get the weight off quicker – its also another down side of CD for me the way it affects my mood and judgement is terrible its like having bipolar disorder and I cant make a decision to save my life!

I am having the same problem and feel, on occasions, that I am going completely mad!!! I wake up one day thinking I will 810, then SS the next and so on and so forth. End up just pigging out on choc and feeling more miserable and despairing!!! Also I made the mistake of not coming on here so much. It really does help having the support network of minimins. Good luck with achieving your goals x
Wow Jess, well done on reaching the wedding weight. Bet you're looking amazing. Keep plugging away at it hunnie, you're doing brilliantly and you'll be at goal weight before you know it.
Hey Lorrayne - sorry you are suffering too but glad Im not the only mad one here!!!!

We WILL get to goal - all of us and we need to keep coming on here to make sure we do.

Hugs to your Jess too we do miss her on here ALOT she is so motivational but also I totally understand that she cant be on here at the moment. I have been like that the last few days and wehn we are normally upbeat we dont want to dampen down anyones elses mood but we are all here to help eah other and will support each other throughout the good and bad times!

thanks for the messages Lisa and Cicerone.

today's update..........

have had a very productive day today - got alot of house jobs done that have needed doing for ages and sports day adnm have had 1.5L of water so far and my 3 shakes so all good!

am off to teasco in a mo for some birthday and wedding anniversary stuff for my mate that Im going to see tomorrow night and pick up some nibbles and drinks for a bra party Im having on Friday - DONT WORRY nibbles not for me - my best mate who's on CD and on here will be at the party to make sure I dont eat anything - and VICE VERSA mate after your weekend in Dublin!!!!!!

will be back in the morning lets hope scales have moved again......
Also I made the mistake of not coming on here so much. It really does help having the support network of minimins. Good luck with achieving your goals x

I find that too, when Im naughty I avoid this place... almost for fear it will make me not want choccie or feel even more guilty. Its like being in denial "if no one knows then it didnt really happen"
THURSday 4TH JUNE 2009
DAY 118 of SSing
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (Healthy weight range )
GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 3.8
CHANGE = 0bs
GOAL 1 = 16.8 lbs
GOAL 2 = 24.8 lbs
MOOD = ok

Stayed the same this morning so am ok with that really as lost 2lbs in last 2 days. Am in work today so aiming to stay 100% and get all my water down me. Then got to take Amelia to singing tonight and also go and visit my friend who has had a baby so am really looking forward to that.
Will be back later to update
THURSday 4TH JUNE 2009
DAY 118 of SSing
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (Healthy weight range )
GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 3.8
CHANGE = 0bs
GOAL 1 = 16.8 lbs
GOAL 2 = 24.8 lbs
MOOD = ok

Stayed the same this morning so am ok with that really as lost 2lbs in last 2 days. Am in work today so aiming to stay 100% and get all my water down me. Then got to take Amelia to singing tonight and also go and visit my friend who has had a baby so am really looking forward to that.
Will be back later to update
Well done Jess. I have been 100% for the last two days as well and am getting that feeling of nervous/excited like I did when I first started CD. Hope you are feeling that way too. Good luck on a 100% day again today x
Ha Ha Ha im watching you!!!!!!! Dublin weight very nearly gone put on in 3 days and will be gone in a week im sure and it was soooooo worth it xxxxxxx
SATURday 6TH JUNE 2009
DAY 120 of SSing
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (Healthy weight range )
GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 3.8
CHANGE = 0bs
GOAL 1 = 16.8 lbs
GOAL 2 = 24.8 lbs

Didnt update yesterday as didn’t have time with work and then had bra party here with the girls.

My intention wasn’t to eat but I ended up just nibbling on nibbles and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been VERY lucky and not gained this morning but Im sure in a way I have as if I hadn’t have nibbled last night I probably would have lost more this morning and it may come back to bite me in the bum and I may not lose the next few days either.

But when I booked the party in February it was the catalyst to sent me back on CD the following day and I had every intention of eating.

But now 120 days later Im 4st 3lbs lighter and I was measured then and I was a 36G and now Im pleased to report Im a 34G so I haven’t lost any of my boobs despite the weight loss. They feel definitely emptier at the top and I wantt a boob lift but the woman says they are still quite full which is nice to hear and I need a full cup bra to get the support for them.

It was so nice to catch up with the girls and my 2 were sleeping at their grandmas so it was just what I needed to let my hair down and forget about everything and get the old me back rather than being ‘the freak on the diet’.

I made the decision last night to start eating again for this 2 weeks before going on holiday in 2 wks to do ss+ or 810, as I don’t want to ruin the holiday by having belly ache as my tummy isn’t used to food (cos I was intending to do 1000 plan on hols) but as usual seeing the scales this morning made me contemplate another week of ss. This is what I hate about the diet I cant make a flippin decision adn daily weighing really influences my decision making. I may take the batteries out for this and next week like other people and just follow the plan 100% and get a nice surprise for next week.

I probably will do ss+ or 810 as I am sneaking hard boiled eggs when I shouldn’t be really so my body is telling me I need food now and I have to listen to my body as 17 weeks is such a long time to be on the diet.

Needless to say with eating last night albeit very little I slept so well and feel rested this morning!

Have got a morning to myself the kids are with my Mum till lunchtime so Im going to use it very productively catching up on here and then sorting out our holiday clothes and doing the washing.

Just updated all my stats and realised that my overall loss is 59.2 so if I lose another 1lb I will have lost more than I lost last time which was 60lbs so thats my next milestone and also will have lost 70% of my weight.

Once I have done that then my next goal is to get into the 10’s which is in 4lbs time – BRING IT ON!

Have taken some pics so will get them posted up too

Will be back later to update
Last edited:
near the start
wk 4 21lbs off
wk 8 29lbs off
42lbs off
51.2lbs off and in sze 14 jeans!!!! which keep falling down an my bum as I now no longer have one to hold them up!

not long to go now feel the end is in sight thank god!!!!!
Jess, you are doing great. Can i suggest you take the batteries out the scales? I'm a serial weigher. My CDC is on hol so OH has taken battery out and it is so helping me stay on track as i get fed up when they dont move. I am SSing and have stuck 100% so far (only day 11!). I dont get weighed again until 24th which will be just over 3 weeks since last WI. Think i might ask for battery for Monday just to get idea of what i've lost, going by my clothes i'm doing ok. Unfortunately, i think there has been a big loss of my boobs rather than my thighs!
Good luck, i'm looking foward to getting into the 'teens' of lbs to go.
Hey Jess, wow you look fab in your pics! you've done so fantastically well you must be really pleased!
Hope you have great hol and good luck for practicing those choices that you will be happy with.
well done!!

Glad it was fun... just the treat you need. Cool undies make every girl feel better!

I think your body is saying 'feed me' so maybe time to move up to 810 before your hols... so it's not such a shock when you're away. Also more hope of steering through the temptations! You have to promise, though, to report back here the minute you get home... you are doing SO well that there's not an option that you won't get to goal this time. You are going to get there, end of story! Your pics are fab, fantastic progress honey. But you know what... that sparkly, smiley face is the same all the way through... that enthusiasm is what we love so much about you Jess.

Katy - you just made me fill up!!!!!! always know how to cheer a girl up!

Tilly asked earlier about my Jess Rabbit dress am going to try it on in a bit to see how it looks. Am aiming to wear it on a night out on July 10th so am hoping I can fit in it!:eek:

So glad you are back..........
any tips on how to make myself eat for 810 cos I have good intentions to do it in the morning but when teatime comes I just dont feel hungry and dont fancy it ?
Jess - those photos are FABULOUS!! Its as if the more you lose the younger you look too!!

It is scary mooving up to SS+ and 810 but sometimes its better to get your body used to a bit of healthy food. If you stick to SS then when you get on holiday the food will be so tempting as you havent had any in so long that you run the risk of over indulging due to the excitement of having yummy meals! You will find what suits you best though :)

ta Natalie :eek::eek: so does that mean when I hit goal I can pass for 18;);););) :8855::8855:I WISH!!!

luckily on hols we are self catering so will take enough packs to do SS+ and am with family so wont pressure me too much to eat as long as I lay down the law at the start of the hols so should be ok. We are going to Tenby in south wales to stay in a beach house

Large house with swimming pool and hot tub with direct access to Freshwater East Beach - sleeps 10

so I knew I would have to be in a bloody swimming cozzie all week with having the pool and being ON the beach, so as soon as it was booked CD started cos there was no way I was jumping in the pool and all the water jumping out the weight I was back then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ta Natalie :eek::eek: so does that mean when I hit goal I can pass for 18;);););) :8855::8855:I WISH!!!

luckily on hols we are self catering so will take enough packs to do SS+ and am with family so wont pressure me too much to eat as long as I lay down the law at the start of the hols so should be ok. We are going to Tenby in south wales to stay in a beach house

Large house with swimming pool and hot tub with direct access to Freshwater East Beach - sleeps 10

so I knew I would have to be in a bloody swimming cozzie all week with having the pool and being ON the beach, so as soon as it was booked CD started cos there was no way I was jumping in the pool and all the water jumping out the weight I was back then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG that place looks GORGEOUS!! like a millionaires mansion! How many of you are going?? I sense you will be in the Jacuzzi the whole time! Thats good that you are self catering though, it makes it a whole lot easier and takes the temptation away!

there's 10 of us

me, HB and my 2 aged 5 and 7

my brother, SIL and their 2 aged 3 and 5mths (luckily she is chilled and sleeps through)

my dad his wife and her daughter aged 18

so we are all getting dead excited as you can imagine.........
13 day holiday challenge starts today ..........

SUNDAY 7th JUNE, 2009

DAY 1 of 13 day challenge

weight 11.6
daily change - 2.2lb since yesterday due to eating!!!!:eek:

Right this is it my 13 day challenge countdown to my hols starts today.

yesterday was terrible in the respect of the diet - won't bore people with details but carbs and sugar featured quite heavily with bloatedness and feeling sick and bloody awful and actually felt the same when I got up this morning so NO MORE faffing about.

I couldnt make a decision to save my life last week about whether I should go up the plans and kept changing my mind every 2 flippin minutes, so after yesterdays fiasco it taught me that I am going to HAVE to do SS+ if not 810 for this 2 weeks before I go away otherwise I will ruin my hols feeling bloated and sick with eating.

I have decided I will also be doing either 810 or 1000 on hols because if I dont when I get back I dont think I would get back on the wagon as the incentive of the holiday will have gone.

I NEED everyone to keep a VERY close eye on me and keep kicking me up the bum to make sure I stay on track (ta for the msg denise) as I keep sabotaging myself.

I think its alot to do with the fact I feel so good now compared to before. I look 'normal' in normal sized clothes, people are now starting to say they dont recognise me in a crowd cos I blend in rather than sticking out with my size - which are all great compliments but doing nothing to spur me on to goal!

I also feel in no mans land as I am not in the initial honeymoon period of having the big losses and being so excited about the diet, but I'm not at goal for maintenance either and being on the diet now for 18 weeks I am quite often feeling like Im losing the will to live especially as I'm not sleeping well.

I KNOW I need to set new goals but I feel like Jekyll and Hyde most of the time and have the constant devil and angel on my shoulder and I feel like Im drifting.

so my aim now is to get these 6lbs off in the next 2 wks which I think is doable and then I will be just under a stone overweight and I am just going to have to take it day by day.

I am hoping so much that ss+ wont affect the loss too much as I remember my AAM wk last time really affected my weight loss.

A contemplating doing 4 shakes and milk version of ss+ rather than food as this last week had full intentions of doing ss+ with food and it got to tea time and I just wasnt hungry and couldnt be bothered to eat.

So I suppose an alternative is to make myself eat the ss+ meal and then have my 3rd shake for supper time.

Does anyone know if I can alternate between the 4 shakes and a meal or does it have to be a week of meals or the 4 shakes and milk - any CDC's?

I am pleased to report that we are now at lunchtime and I have had 1L of water and 1 shake and about to have my 2nd shake and Im busy doing housey jobs so will keep bobbing back in and out.

Went on the 9.00 chat last night and it was FAB! would really recommend it.

hope everyone having a good day