**Jessica Rabbit's Diary - Im moving over to maintenance***

Wont need much space for your teeny weeny bikini my dear and wont take long to pack either lolxxxxx
Start date:- Feb 6th 09 WEEK 18 - DAY 127 48 days left
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 2.0 CHANGE = 0.8lbs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 16 lbs GOAL 2 = 23 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09
Day 1 of 1 week of maintenance steps for hols 810
PLAN – today, sun, mon 810 cals
Tues, weds, thurs 1000 cals
Fri, sat and hols 1200 cals

After alot of thought, I have decided that I need to do a quick step maintenance to go on my hols next week. I decided to as after my blip last weekend I felt stuffed bloated sick etc and I just dont want to feel like that on my hols. Im not going to pig out on hols and I will take my shakes cos we are self catering, but will do 1200 whilst on hols so the gain wont be too much I hope for when I come back.

I know some people go away and SS but I just cant do it. Well I can do the diet side its the emotional side that ssing puts me on such a downer and my whole family will be there and I cant inflict this on them and I will have PMT aswell so it will RUIN the holiday which I have been looking forward to for 12 months. I normally avoid people when I have PMT on this diet but cant on hols!

I have also decided that when I come back from hols I will do 3 weeks of ss+ then spend 2 weeks going through each step of the maintenance steps. By the end of that I should be in healthy weight range. I did this for a variety of reasons

1) this diet has cost me an absolute bloody fortune and I cant afford to do it after then.

2) I need to have an end in sight as I keep having blips.

3) because of the blips Im a stone heavier now than I wanted to be going on my hols next weekend

4) have recently had some devastating news about a friend being terminally ill and another is fighting breast cancer and I have decided there has to be more to life than obsessing about my weight. I want to be healthy for my kids and I am so much healthier now losing 4 1/2st (nearly)

Im now only a stone overweight and after I get back from my hols I will have 5 weeks to get that stone off. After that then I will be healthy eating and however long it takes to get that last half stone off then so be it.
As long as I am in healthy weight range I will reduce my risk of all the major killers and I can spend more time concentrating on my kids rather than being like a flippin manic depressive on this diet.
Dont get me wrong I love this diet and it has given me my life back but I hate it with the same passion as it plays with my moods and hormones so much!

So personally for me it has to be this way this time and I will use some of the money I was using to have some professional help with my eating as I can do any diet its the keeping it off that I cant do so this time this is it! and roll on 31st July

As you can tell Im having a down day today

Hey hon your doing so well.
Good on you.. Hope you have a good day.. and enjoy your mums birthday on Sunday.
Wow is it your holiday next weekend bet you cant wait hon, you are going to feel so good when you go..
Keep smiling hon your doing fab x

I know it has come around so quickly!!!! You are doing fab too xxx

You are doing great Jess. Think of the reaction on Sunday at your mam's when the family see how good you look. I am positive you will be in the 10's for your hols. We are the same weight. I am 11st 2.5lb. How tall are you? I am 5' 5" and my goal is 9st 7lb the same as yours :).

Im 5'3" fingers crossed of rthe 10's but Im doing maintenance stpes this week as I cant ss from now till I go away as when I eat my tummy will be bloated and be hurting and I will feel stuffed with not being used to food (see LONG post above)
We can do this

Wow your holiday has come around so soon! Have you got your clothes or are you going to do some last min shopping?? x

Have bought some clothes and was dead chuffed they were a size 14 rather than a 20 bottoms and 24 top, but I think thats partly why I have been self sabotaging since I bought them with little blips, as I didnt want them to be too big on my hols and not have anything to wear - (Have just had that realisation!)
You look sensational mrs and glad to see you back on track

Wont need much space for your teeny weeny bikini my dear and wont take long to pack either lolxxxxx

yeah right - in HB's dreams!!!! need a load of lipo and a boob lift first and get rid of all the stretch marks!!!! dont think the people on the beach would like to see my boobs hanging down on my tummy! xxx
I don't think you are having a down day - you sound like you've thought out a very well planned approach to your end weight and goals and how to get there. Like you have said there is more to life, and your priorities are set.

Its good to have an end in sight too.

Good luck! I genuinely hope you do it to completion and you have done amazin well so far!
Ta Lexie, I could have cried earlier when writing it tho hormones making me feel so down and I suppose subconsciously I was feeling have I given up and am I taking the easy route out by saying no more after that date and sod getting to goal. Also I have NEVER got to goal and am worried that this would be another failed one and the weight would go back on! Have had a sleep and my tea and feel alot better and positive now.

Love Jess
The end of a road isn't the end of the journey. You're just going a different road. We'll all end up the same place though... :)
Keep your chin up honey and just think this time next week you will be on holiday yey xxx
SUNDay 14TH JUNE 2009
Start date:- Feb 6th 09 WEEK 18 - DAY 127 47 days left
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 3.8 CHANGE = 1.8lbs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 17.8 lbs GOAL 2 = 24.8 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09
MOOD = CRAP HAVE undone 3 days good work in one fell swoop
Day 2 of 1 week of maintenance steps for hols 810
I’m AIMING for 100% day today as it didn’t exactly happen yesterday was probably about 95%. Going to my Mums so will phone ahead and see what she is cooking - probably roast dinner but will be healthy as she never does unhealthy and I will put my order in for an 810 meal.

Will aim to have all my water today aswell and I HAVE to start to pack - have got some piles of clothes out I just can’t muster up the whatever to get it done. It’s not enthusiasm because I’m dead excited about my hols but I suppose I just wish I could go without having to do all the work first! typical of my life really, far too bloody impatient and don’t want to put the effort in!

On a bit of a downer again this morning annoyed at myself for not being 100% yesterday I suppose and a 1.8lbs weight gain! I think the demons won yesterday as I saw in the CD book that most people will come out of fat burning on 810 so thought oh well I may aswell have ...... and then am probably going to put weight on on my hols anyway so will deal with it when I get back.

So then the angel is saying what the hell did you do that for there was no need cos you are taking your shakes with you and you don’t need to pig out on hols and you have your plan sorted so why aren’t you sticking to it!

GGGGGRRRRRRRR I hate the mind games of CD.

Hey Denise, I could be your first 'client' the one you need to crack and keep in line cos she keeps self sabotaging when she gets near goal. This happens on every diet I do. I just can’t get past this stage!

In some ways I wish my hols weren’t next week so I could have finished the diet and then gone away, but I suppose if I hadn’t had the previous blips then I would be!

Sorry to be on a downer (AGAIN!)

Love Jess
Hi Jess,
im not going to pretend to be soft and happy about what you have done!! So,:copon: but, at the same time, you are human. the funny thing is as CDC's we arent really trained in the behaviour side of things, should be though. i think that comes with experience like with KD and Mike (btw, did you read his most recent letter? I thought of you)

Look, you are gonna make it this time, and so am I. I may be training as a cdc but I still have a way to go and am using my time to learn and share(you are part of my learning experience). I often go against the flow of advice given on here because i like to be realistic and utterly human, because,somehow, I cant help it.:D It is always nice to hear " aww you will be ok" or " just start again" but you know Jess sometimes it is about pulling up our socks and getting down to work, other times its about giving in a little to be happy. If a diet is making you miserable and stressed then how are you going to win it? Taking a break (atm in your case a holiday) is fine and human,why not, afterall this diet is hardly a natural for us(and im not talking about a big blow out with food). I believe you are dealing with it the best you can.If having a 95% day is what do, do you call that failure? Well it isnt. My feeling for you is to take this end of the journey more slowly. If you start feeling 100% then use it. Jess, i think you are too hard on yourself(many people here are). you are doing really well and you will continue to do well. You have your individual issues and if you have to slow down a bit(but not give up!!) to deal with them, what harm? Many people choose not to do ss/ss+ and go to 1000 or 1200even and still get to goal. If this is what gets you there, then so be it. You dont have to do what everyone else does. You gotta tell yourself it is ok to slow down for now (or else it becomes too hard and you may give up altogether) Ditch the long term goal/ date and take this week per week. I want to see you get there.Do you feel happy with the weight you are now, with the way you feel and look? If so, then stabilise (not stagnate)for a while before your weak moments overcome you, then when you are ready, get that last bit off. Hope i make sense, you may not agree, it is actually hard to articulate in a post. I will push you from now on to stabilise which is achievable on hols too!!! Relax about this diet, but dont relax the diet (does that make sense?)

gosh, feels like Im lecturing, sorry about that!!

god you werent lecturing that was fab and just what I needed to hear - thanks so much you are going to make a fab CDC.

I have thought alot about what you have said over the last few days as thats what the angel and devil have been doing on a good day I think yes lets get it off and get on with the rest of my life and the devil days its oh no lets do the end bit slowly and it will stay off.

but I know I felt like this a few weeks ago and it is happening alot more frequently now -

I know KD would say its typical near to goal thinking and yes I did read Icemooses newsletter and it is me all over - yes I am relatively happy with how I look now when I look in the mirror and I fit into a size 14. I'm never going to be a size 0 nor would want to be cos of my big boobs, but theres the little voice that says but you always wanted to be 9 and a half stone and fit into a size 10/12 so you NEED to get there or it will be 'another' failed diet!!!!!

God Im sick of playing this particular mind game with myself!!! I am going to take off my goal thingies and I may take a break from daily weighing from now till after hols - I think it is keeping my obsession going and I want to relax about it like you say and then it may give me the much needed push to get sorted after hols.

I wont pig out on my hols as it will ruin it, but do a bit of mix and matching.

I just wish all the head and behaviour stuff wasnt so bluddy difficult - thats why I definitely need some sort of professional input.

I may take a break from the boards aswell not so I can go and cheat or binge, but just so I can have some time out, as I think to a degree it is keeping my obsession going. I will probably update my diary and my best mate Ju will keep checking in with me too

You are right we are going to do this and I will get healthy!!!! physically and mentally thats all I can aim for at the moment

Love Jess
Hey Jess...

I can completely understand the angel/devil mind games in your head. It feels like a constant daily battle and war in my head between what I should do and not do. Both sides seem to have good points and most of the time i feel stuck in a stale mate!

It would be a shame to take a break from the boards though. i find they help you stay focused and when you avoid them (like I have done recently) it makes you avoid the issue even more if you dont have to tell anyone what youve done?

Hey Jess...

I can completely understand the angel/devil mind games in your head. It feels like a constant daily battle and war in my head between what I should do and not do. Both sides seem to have good points and most of the time i feel stuck in a stale mate!

It would be a shame to take a break from the boards though. i find they help you stay focused and when you avoid them (like I have done recently) it makes you avoid the issue even more if you dont have to tell anyone what youve done?

Hi Crazy (and Jess), I agree the boards are a great support but persoanlly, there are times when they really can have a negative affect too. i find those that are superwomen really make me feel inadequate and those that are constantly cheating often put the idea into my head(and at weak moments i dont need that for sure) So Jess if you chose to take a break im sure it is for a good reason, bet you cant though!! LOL;)

Im certainly gonna start to pick and chose what I read and reply to. ~and ,now Im gonna shut down the computer and get on with the rest of the day. Have a good one
me too ta for that really appreciate it both of you and I know what you mean about superwomen but also I sometimes feel under too much pressure to keep on a brave face when I feel like crap! I probably will only stay away for 24hrs but I do need to turn it off in the day and limit myself to how much I come on

coincidentally I keep getting atime out message when im trying to connect and it takes ages to load so it is obviously trying to tell me something!

am off to pack and get ready for shopping and off to mums

ta for all the support will probably be doing Pm 'ing for a bit rather than on here.
Have a good day everyone
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Monday 15th June, 2009 - 5 days till hols.
Not weighed today and wont till after hols

Hi everyone else just to let you know Im still alive but my head just isnt in a nice place at the moment and dont want to inflict it on anyone, but I am lurking and keeping up to date with everyone.

Im just changing my mind about everything what plan to do this week / on hols when I get back which goal to go for just into HWR, ultimate goal or just stay as I am and healthy eat and throw away my scales and go by my clothes and how I look and how I feel and stop being a slave to the scales.

Im having a 1000cal day today and its going ok so far

Hope you all ok and keep up the good work!

You too honey but will be veeeerrrry surprised if you ever chuck those scales lol xxxxxxx
Hey everyone hope you are all okay.:D

Just needed to paste this from a different thread into my diary so it doesnt get lost as has some wise words of wisdom from KD.
ME - I have had a crap weekend well in the sense of mind games and trying to decide what to do and then deciding but not sticking to it. Also needed a bit of a break from here - everyone is so so so supportive, and I couldnt have got this far without them, but I suppose I didnt want my diet to be completely RULING my every thought which it has been and thats not the fault of anyone on here its my addictive personality!

Went to my Mums for dinnner yesterday and felt 'normal' to be eating which was great.

Am on 1000 today and for the next 2 then 1200 till my hols and then will be back after my hols with avengence to get the last bit off to get to healthy weight range.

Hopefully it wont take longer than 5wks cos Im not buying anymore stock.

I can hear exactly what KD is saying, but I just cant think of a new goal to aim for and redefine my focus to get me all fired up at the moment, am hoping going on hols will do it and having a bit of a break from everything will be able to clear my mind and give me some inspiration for the last stretch


Which is fine too. It's easy to get into the mindset that you have to weigh a certain weight. That you have to get to your original goal. That in some way you have failed if you don't.

If you can't think of a new goal, then perhaps you are there already

Maybe after your holiday, you might find another goal. It may be crystal clear and you can go and get it. Maybe you'll decide that you are happy as you are. It's your decision and so be in peace with it.

Go up some plans like you mentioned, because I guess you don't want to put any on. Just weigh up the pros and cons and all that. If you don't want to gain, remember what needs to be done..no head in the sand mode

Aiming for something when the goal isn't clear is pretty pointless, and it's so darned annoying when you can't celebrate your achievement so far because you feel that you should be getting to a number on the scales that isn't that important to you.

thankyou so much (AGAIN ) KD - I suppose being the control freak I am I always like to konw where I am going what I am doing and feeling totally in control and at the moment I just feel so out of control and the focus is getting so blurred and thats why I keep changing my blinkin mind all the time!

I dont think I am there yet not quite anyway , but I am desperate to live like a slim person where food is not the be all and end all and the diet to be consuming my thoughts all day every day, I just want to be able to see food as fuel rather than emotion linked, but enjoy it say when we go out as a family for a meal and I know its all about the company and this diet has taught me that element - but I just dont feel that Im completely finished and Im missing something but I just dont know what - if that makes sense? Hence the reason i think I need professional help

Originally Posted by Jessica Rabbit72 http://www.minimins.com/cambridge-d...been-cd-long-term-cdc-long-3.html#post1710425
and the focus is getting so blurred and thats why I keep changing my blinkin mind all the time!

LOL. Been there, done that. It doesn't help that you have a holiday coming up. That'll make it that much harder.
but I am desperate to live like a slim person where food is not the be all and end all and the diet to be consuming my thoughts all day every day, I just want to be able to see food as fuel rather than emotion linked, but enjoy it say when we go out as a family for a meal and I know its all about the company and this diet has taught me that element - but I just dont feel that Im completely finished and Im missing something but I just dont know what - if that makes sense? Hence the reason i think I need professional help

You know, hate to tell you this, but you are no way finished if you are wanting to live like a slim person. It doesn't happen until you are completely off the diet.

Once you get closer to goal, that huge chatterbox arrives. I want to eat normally...I want to live like a slim person...etc.

You get to do all those lessons in the 5 years after goal....and then keep practising for the rest of your life. You don't learn that bit on the diet.

The trouble with ketosis, is it can give you confidence that you've won the war, when all you do really is avoid the battles.

Oh yes, I'm sure you had many battles during SS, but they aren't the same ones. A different set awaits

Forgetting the holiday for a mo, and just say you really do want to lose more weight. What's the rush to 'live like a slim person?', when you can do that after the diet?

I know I was very impatient. Couldn't wait to practice that bit...but you know...it goes on and on and on. Whereas the diet is relatively short.

Where so many people go wrong (IMO anyway), is assume this all gets sorted when on SS, SS+, 810 etc. They rush to 'live like a slim person', totally unprepared.

I've seen it over and over and I so want to tell them that it's all to come, but who wants to hear that?

The important thing is that you get to a place weight wise that you are truly happy with. Then go up the plans. Then learn to live slim. In that order.

You may in that place weight wise already. That's for you to decide. But don't let the chatterbox try to convince you that you should be living like a slim person now.

Diets mess up hormones. They mess up leptin levels, grehlin etc. They will make your body want to go back up to it's former weight by making you crave high calorie foods, and even making you hungrier. The effects are blunted in ketosis and you can't really learn to control them properly until you are on maintenance calories.

So, your choice. Go for a lower goal, and be patient with what you need to do to get it, or be happy with your weight now. Either way, you have much time to live slim. Don't rush the process.

But please don't confuse the two. You cannot really eat like a slim person, live like a slim person, with all the lifestyle changes that are needed whilst you are still aiming to lose weight. It's contraindicated. The two work against each other, so it just complicates matters if you are trying to get to a lower weight and wondering why you can't live slim.

Got back to the office at lunchtime and had a nectarine, banana and yoghurt. I actually wasn’t hungry of it, but I savoured every mouthful, just like the new advert for Mercedes about the orange. This was actually something really new for me as the blips I have had on the diet, I haven’t even tasted the food or enjoyed it, whereas the nectarine was different.

Its not like all of a sudden I think I’m turning into someone who will only eat healthy food, but it was a slight shift in my mindset to actually properly ‘eat’ and enjoy rather than shovelling it down for a means to an end and not really tasting and definitely not enjoying.

I wasn’t hungry this afternoon either which surprised me as I’m not in fat burning with what I ate at my Mums yesterday ( didn’t binge but did have minimal carbs that would have taken me out of ketosis)

Was just making tea earlier for the kids and was making myself one of the 1000 cal recipes and was boiling some potatoes and dry frying my chicken and mushrooms and all of a sudden I was savouring the sound of the potatoes boiling and I know it must seem mad, but I’m someone who has never ‘enjoyed’ cooking, but I suppose it made a change from the last 5 months of making stuff for everyone else and not me.

I thoroughly enjoyed my tea with the kids and ate slowly rather than gobbling it down at break neck speed as I have 20,000 other things to do.
I also now have my hot chocolate to look forward to tonight and am really looking forward to that.

I know I felt liberated last week on ss+ but I actually feel alot better on 1000 today as I felt like I was back in the ‘normal’ world for 2 meals. I really like having my hot chocolate for breakfast as I have it whilst getting ready for work and I have loads of hot water in so after drinking 500ml I am pretty full and I don’t get hungry either.

As this present moment in time I think that it may be that I stay on 1000 plan from now on and not go back to the drasticness of ss or ss+ BUT based on the speed I change my mind due to hormones and effects of the diet I wouldn’t place any bets on it. I think I will just have to see how I feel on return from my hols.
I also think aswell with being on SS for 19 weeks my body just needed a bit of a break from the severity of it and this is a happy medium with doing 1000 cals step.

So have given myself a much needed kick up the arse adn talking to to get my mind back on the job and to stop peeing around and am going to get to goal!
I have been back and read my diary from start to finish for some inspiration adn also to get some of my postivity back and I hate being moany whingy down Jess and am always telling the kids to stop being like that so why should you lot have to put up with it from me.
found these quotes to help me along from earlier posts...
WEDNESday 13th May 2009 DAY 96 of SSing
Unfortunately SS+ wont help at this point because when I did AAM last time I didn’t lose weight that week so its either SSing or going to WW or SW and that will take toooooo long!

I know its because I am back in my 14s and I always say I will never be skinny cos Ive got such big boobs and I want to be voluptuous - need a kick up the ar*e to make me get to goal and not give up now!
THURSday 20th May 2009
DAY 104of SSing
NOOOOOOOOOOOO don’t give in to your chatterbox it will take forever to do it on a normal diet why prolong the agony of ‘being on a diet’ and get to goal asap and then enjoy the rest of your life being a slim person instead of ALWAYS being on the diet treadmill

So thats it now 1000 cals till hols no more mucking about and when I get back its down to serious business and no hiding from here!
am up to my eyes in ironing and packing so will try to catch up on daily basis with everyone but if I dont get chance I PROMISE I will post on here.
Abz - hope you are okay - havent heard from you in a while.....

Glad you are back "in the game"

I'm away to bed early before I ruin my 100% day. See you tomorrow