**Jessica Rabbit's Diary - Im moving over to maintenance***

Im happy you are planning ahead jess, this really helps me too. Im sure you can alternate between the milk and meal thing. I am, coz I dont always want to eat. you will need this step up for hols anyway, this is the best way to prepare for it so use it!!! you dont have far to go hun,my god what I wouldnt give to be that close to goal, as it stand im still ss-ing for another 3-4 months!!! yuughh.likr i told you last night, I need you to win coz I look up to you, faults and all. your human, like me. no superstar, just REAL baby!!

You seem to think you dont have triggers darling but I am recogising some in your blips, have a deeper look. could be something Positive that sets you off, doesnt have to be a negative.

Had my meal today, more chicken with herbs but dont want the veg, will do milk tomorrow.
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13 day challenge update ........

Just wanted to quickly report have been a GOOD girl today and had a ss+ meal and just drinking 3rd hot choc shake.:D

For my meal I had a large mushroom topped with half of chicken allowance and half of cottage cheese allowance. It was nice but not fab as Im not that much of a cottage cheese fan.

Looks like Im going to be living on chicken and mushroom kebabs (CD style of course;)) for the next 2 wks till hols!

I spent 10 mins cutting up all my chicken and weighing it out into portions of 60 and 120g and have bagged them up and frozen them so have enough meals from now till my hols!

Denise I think you are right it is when something positive happens that I blip. I think it is because subconsciuosly I feel oh Im doing so well I can relax now and celebrate, but obviously I cant cos Im not at goal.

I think thats what terrifies me too in that what is going to happen when I get to goal if I still have this mindset?

It has always happened in the past I have sabotaged myself by saying 'oh Ive lost enough now and I look fine I dont need to lose any more so I can eat normally.

Unfortunately 'normally' means lots of crap food that puts weight on looking at it and then a few months down the line I have put on what I lost and some.

Anyone any ideas how I can combat this - I know I want some CBT work doing does anyone know if this will help or do I need NLP or hypnotherapy -

I have had hypno before to stop eating choc and it was amazing and it worked for about 6 months.

I know Paul McKenna is meant to be good, but he works on the principle that it is covered in stuff you hate and cant possibly eat it and I DONT want to feel like that about any food, as I dont want to pass any aversions on to my kids or demonise any kind of food for them. I want them to feel that they can eat anything they like as long as its in moderation.

Abz where are you chick we miss you x hope you are okay

Denise glad you have had yr meal and Im doing milk tomorrow aswell I think.

Will be back for day 2 of the challenge tomorrow.

Hi honey so glad to hear all went well for you today. your doing ace and you will get there and stay there this time we both will. good luck for day 2 xxxx
MONday 8TH JUNE 2009
Start date:- Feb 6th 2009 WEEK 18 - DAY 122
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 4.4 CHANGE = 1.6bs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 17.8 lbs GOAL 2 = 25.8 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09

MOOD = ok its coming back off
Day 2 of 13 day challenge of SS+
Feel a bit rough this morning probably getting into fat burning! Lets hope eh?
Plan for today is 4 shakes and milk allowance for ss+ so need to pick up some skimmed milk after.

Only 11 days till hols so need to sort out stuff so that we have everything.

Am feeling much more in control today have sorted all my shakes out so have now worked out that I can finish on 31st July including maintenance and that will have me at healthy weight range, so feel like there is an end in sight.
Will be back later to update....
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TUESday 9TH JUNE 2009
Start date:- Feb 6th 09 WEEK 18 - DAY 123
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 4.0 CHANGE = 0.4bs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 18 lbs GOAL 2 = 25 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09

Day 3 of 13 day challenge of SS+
Still feel a bit rough this morning probably getting into fat burning!
Am please to report have stayed 100% for the first 2 days of my challenge.
Had 4 shakes yesterday and it was quite liberating about half way through the day knowing I had another 2 left. Have made the decision am definitely going to do ss+ from now till I get to BMI 25. Normal ss just isn’t enough anymore with being on it for so long and I slept better last night with having more calories inside me and the milk.

Sorted all my supplies out yesterday and worked out can do ss+ from now till I get to HWR so have an end date in sight and this is making it that bit easier. Then make my way up the steps so should be at first goal by 31st July and then it will be proper maintenance of 1500cals to get the last 7lbs off hopefully in August by William’s birthday party on the bank holiday weekend.
Feel alot more positive and in control rather than drifting now.

Will be back later to update.....
morning jess think I might take a leaf out of your book and do ss+ until goal, might also set myself a mini challenge until hols its 46 days until my hols and I'd love to be at goal by then which is totally do able I can then move up the steps to maintenance and maybe lose a few more lbs its a good idea of yours to have and end date in sight
Morning honey sounds like you have a plan!! Not long to go now till hols you should have a ticker to count down. Have updated my ticker am dead impressed yey xxxxx
hey look at that less than 10lbs to go Im so so so so impressed with you!!! you better not put it all back on when you are pregnant! xxx
Day 3 Update ...
Hey everyone - had to nip off for a snooze and shift this banging headache and am pleased to report it has gone - am back to my normal bouncing tigger self - Oh god I hear you all cry!!!!!

I have saved and printed off all of Mikes inspirational newsletters and I have to say they are the best thing I have ever read!!! So I have nicked one of his quotes (sorry Mike) in my signature as it is so so so true..... and this time I BELIEVE!!!!!

Hey it sounds like Im in 'miracle on 34th street' where they were all saying whether they believed in santa

Just having my 4th shake with milk in its so scrummy and have managed my 2L of water so all good and off to catch up on my prograames or my stuff wont tape on sky+ when Im on hols cos its too full!!!!

Be good and see you all in the morning

Hey Jess, Im glad you got Mikes newsletters. I thought they were fab too. Go back to them everytime I get weak or down. they make evrything so human and do-able. you are doing so good. im so glad you finally have made up your mind and are planning ahead. when I get to where you are now, I hope to do the same! So close to goal for you and doing well on the 4 week challenge (My own challenge and cant even hardly lose 5 lbs da*n it)
THURSday 11TH JUNE 2009
Start date:- Feb 6th 09 WEEK 18 - DAY 125 51 days left
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 3.0 CHANGE = 0.8bs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 17 lbs GOAL 2 = 24 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09

Day 5 of 13 day challenge of SS+
Am really pleased have now lost 70% of the weight I wanted to lose! Only another 4lbs and its the lightest I have been since my tummy tuck and will then be in the 10’s aswell. And have just realised have lost the same as last time on cd now so need to get through this barrier – no picking this weekend!!!!

I like this ss+ malarkey I’m still losing and not feeling deprived which can only be a good thing!

Have got an ok day at work today catching up on paperwork and a birth visit this morning but some training this afternoon which will be quite draining because of the topic but am armed with my tetra and water. Then its straight home quick tea for the kids and out to singing with DD so will be back later with an update....
Hey Jess, Im glad you got Mikes newsletters. I thought they were fab too. Go back to them everytime I get weak or down. they make evrything so human and do-able. you are doing so good. im so glad you finally have made up your mind and are planning ahead. when I get to where you are now, I hope to do the same! So close to goal for you and doing well on the 4 week challenge (My own challenge and cant even hardly lose 5 lbs da*n it)

Hey Denise hope you are okay today and not long till WI now for you really hope you get your whoosh this week
Doing so well Jess, glad ss+ is working for you... look at your progress, racing through those goals! It makes all the difference having the right plan for the right time, & SS+ just allows you more choice and flexibilty. Go for it!

she says 'Im not addictedto minimims' ....... NOT!

you get earlier and earlier every day mrs.....ha ha ha ha ha you are obviously very busy in work.... am off in the shower and get kids ready
FRIday 12TH JUNE 2009
Start date:- Feb 6th 09 WEEK 18 - DAY 126 50 days left
Goal 1 - 10st 0lbs (H.W.R ) GOAL 2 - 9st 7 (ultimate goal)
WEIGHT = 11st 2.8 CHANGE = 0.2bs
WEIGHT to GOAL 1 = 16.8 lbs GOAL 2 = 23.8 lbs
CD finish date (incl. maintenance) 31/7/09

Day 6 of 13 day challenge of SS+
Am half way through the challenge now so feel like I’m getting somewhere. Weight is coming off again 0.2 but its 1lb in the last 2days so am pleased with that and expected that weight loss would be slower with being on shakes, but also haven’t ben to the loo since Monday so you never know that could be 1lbs worth!;) ;) Really want to be under 11 st next sat to go on hols though fingers crossed xxxx

Managed to have a 100% day yesterday so am pleased and training yesterday was boring but got through it. Got a less busy day today in work but footy for DS after school then hairdressers for both of them at 5. AM looking forward to the weekend as going over to my mums on Sunday for lunch for her birthday and all family will be there so will be nice to catch up. And I HAVE to pack this weekend for hols next weekend haven’t blinkin started yet! so will be back later with an update....
Hey hon your doing so well.
Good on you.. Hope you have a good day.. and enjoy your mums birthday on Sunday.
Wow is it your holiday next weekend bet you cant wait hon, you are going to feel so good when you go..
Keep smiling hon your doing fab x
You are doing great Jess. Think of the reaction on Sunday at your mam's when the family see how good you look. I am positive you will be in the 10's for your hols. We are the same weight. I am 11st 2.5lb. How tall are you? I am 5' 5" and my goal is 9st 7lb the same as yours :).
Wow your holiday has come around so soon! Have you got your clothes or are you going to do some last min shopping?? x