**Jessica Rabbit's Diary - Im moving over to maintenance***

four stone!! bloodyhellfire girl. you're really doing well :)

i am feeling totally naff. scales barely moving, i have no energy, i'm not sleeping. i don't think cd is agreeing with me any more. have been on it six weeks today and have lost under a stone... am thinking of moving up the plans a couple of weeks early. not sure i can hack another two weeks of feeling this bad for almost no weight loss...

will see what happens at weigh in on monday...

abz xx
Jess, well done on the Fab Four Stone mark! That is awesome!!!! So proud of you. Sending an Aussie hug to add to the others you're collecting today! Just finished for day and had a swim in heated outdoor pool at hotel as sun went down over Brisbane... wow!!! Such a busy week but tomorrow is a free day, yay!!!! Glad you are feeling better hon, and getting into holiday mood!

Abz, sorry you are struggling honey, you have been such a support and inspiration, you deserve to be getting better results and feeling brighter. Take care and hang on in there... fingers are crossed for you.

i am feeling totally naff. scales barely moving, i have no energy, i'm not sleeping. i don't think cd is agreeing with me any more. have been on it six weeks today and have lost under a stone... am thinking of moving up the plans a couple of weeks early. not sure i can hack another two weeks of feeling this bad for almost no weight loss...

*hugs* I feel the same like that too sometimes. The thing I keep thinking is moving up the plans is even slower loss and more likely to make you cheat as you think "whats the point?"
i have moved up onto the 1000 plan today. i'm hoping that with a few more calories my metabolism will wake up. i really think my body has gone into starvation mode.

with 1000 cals i should still be getting losses of 2lbs a week, and that's a damn sight more than i'm getting at the moment!!

we'll see how it goes. i expect to have an initial gain and then a slow movement down. and i would rather eat a few more cals and then burn them off with exercise than feel like this all the time!!
i have moved up onto the 1000 plan today. i'm hoping that with a few more calories my metabolism will wake up. i really think my body has gone into starvation mode.

with 1000 cals i should still be getting losses of 2lbs a week, and that's a damn sight more than i'm getting at the moment!!

we'll see how it goes. i expect to have an initial gain and then a slow movement down. and i would rather eat a few more cals and then burn them off with exercise than feel like this all the time!!

oh Abz sending you big hugs and positive vibes that your metabolism revs up a bit!

this diet is stressful in itself without planning a wedding!

You need to make sure you are well and it doesnt sound like the SS is doing that for you at the mooment - 1000 sounds a much better plan
So So So So pleased for you 4 stone is huuuuuuuge cant wait to join you my dear and also pleased to have Mrs happy back again those tablets are worth their weight in gold!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx
tell me about it its like Ive been on the diet coke all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amelia has constantly coughed for the last half an hour!!!!!!! we are going to have fun tonight arent we!

Hope you okay chick - just found out that Tamgredan on here (well over on the 100% forum) lives in Cefn and gets her CD where we do too!
I take it you are in work to be in here this early in the morning or you are getting addicted!;)

have great time having hair done and cant wait to see it
Yes am in work unfortunately!! Looking forward to having hair done but is really drastic for me so am nervous about what it will look like eek! What you up to this weekend my dear? Not putting any temptation in my way so will have good loss on Tues weight still droppping this morning yey xxxx
scales sound promising for you just posted on hour by hour what we up to am sure your hair will look lovely dont worry.

my scales have gone up a bit today so much for my 1.4 loss yesterday - have got heavy low feeling am am due on in 2 days so lets see if these tablets stop it coming even though it hs improved mt mood wonderfully

am going to post my diary entry later
glad you are feeling a bit more chirpy honey :)

1000 was brilliant... for a couple of hours when i starting which insanely bad S and D... i didn't think i'd eaten enough for the amount that has come out of me again... ew.

so have been in bed and rushing to the loo all day. i said to my OH, ah well, at least the scales might finally move down. he said 'you just can't dampen your spirit can you?'

well i have to disagree. my spirit is certainly feeling a wee bit soggy today...

abz xx
glad you are feeling a bit more chirpy honey :)

1000 was brilliant... for a couple of hours when i starting which insanely bad S and D... i didn't think i'd eaten enough for the amount that has come out of me again... ew.

so have been in bed and rushing to the loo all day. i said to my OH, ah well, at least the scales might finally move down. he said 'you just can't dampen your spirit can you?'

well i have to disagree. my spirit is certainly feeling a wee bit soggy today...

abz xx

oh poor you - I hope it settles down quickly and was a 24hour thing! sending you big get well vibes
not too bad ta had a little blip yesterday will post diary entry later - have got to write it. Kids have been coughing all night so going to take them to out of hours GP incase they need anti B's so will be back around later
MONday 25th May 2009
DAY 108 of SSing
Goal 10st 0lbs
42 days left of SSing (12th JULY 2009)
WEIGHT = 11st 10 CHANGE = +3.6lbs
WEIGHT to GOAL = 24 lbs

MOOD = was Horrendous now angelic!

Hey everyone sorry have been awol- was lurking on here but couldn’t post as was in a really bad place which resulted in a binge which Im not proud of wrote all feelings down but don’t want to bore you with all the details on here.
The short version with bullet points as it will take too long centred around

Rebellious streak being on the diet for so long

Tablets to delay period sent me from ecstatic manic Jess to really low angry and confused Jess which is now resolving a bit

Went on a website about addictive eating and how to break the cycle and how diets are bad for you - SHOULDNT HAVE DONE IT wont do it again till at goal

Reset goal to healthy weight range and any I lose after that will be a bonus

Major row with HB – now resolved

So today was a new day and the binge resulted in a 3.6lb weight gain! (which I know is the weight of the food in my stmach and water but has really peed me off as you can imagine) so attacked today with gusto and am pleased to announce I have been 100% no nibbling on chicken or anythinig.

We went out for the day with my Mum her HB and the kids to Liverpool on the Ferry and into Liverpool 1. VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!
Then we went to John Lewises for lunch and it looked divine, but you will be proud I had prepared for this and took 2L of water and tetra so had that while they ate. Prior to going I was contemplating eating and restarting tomorrow, but I thought well that will delay me further and I have to say had the wake up call on scales which brought out my competitive streak thank god and hence the packing all my supplies.

I tell you I know its these bloody tablets making me worse as I would be on by now and I would be feeling alot better but I have the heavy low feeling and bloatedness and I have at least another week of it yet!
Im really hoping at least 7lbs falls off this week with water retention and being 100% - Unlikely though!

I really have to be honest though as my monthly weight loss for this month is absolutely crap and that is due to all the nibbling of chicken here and there and hard boiled eggs! I could have lost that on WW and eaten.
I also think its because of the chewing gum. I originally started to have it for a few seconds in my mouth to cure death breath, but as the weeks have gone on Im keeping it in and going through barrels full. SO no more,.......... its only going in for a few seconds again as I think it has probably kicked me out of ketosis over the last few weeks.

I also fitted into my next size 12 linen trousers today to go out so that was another incentive as I haven’t been able to fit in them since I was slim last time.

So am promising here and now am going to be 100% totally for well and goods challenge to get this bloody 10lbs off for the holiday!
Hope you are all well and Im off to watch BGT and will be back in the morning
Jess, jess jess, I told you I would be hard on you:asskick:. Ok so there!!! Now Im sure those pills can not be doing you any good.Never liked anything messin with nature! Im glad to hear you are back to 100%. Hope you start feeling better. sounds like you::needhug: So sending big (((((((hugs))))) out to you.
Keep strong. Its usually you who keeps me strong.
thanks Wellandgood:thankyou:
(need to know your name seems strange writing welland good)

thats exactly what I needed the kick up the bum and the hug!:rolleyes: will post my diary entry on the next post but you will be pleased to know am stopping tablets for this month.

thanks for looking out for me hope to god scales show a loss tomorrw or will lose the will to live !

TUESday 26th May 2009
DAY 109of SSing
Goal 10st 0lbs
41 days left of SSing (12th JULY 2009)
WEIGHT = 11st 10.4 CHANGE = +0.4lbs
WEIGHT to GOAL = 24.4 lbs

MOOD = annoyed

These blinkin tablets!!!! I was totally 100% yesterday and did loads of walking round Liverpool and I’ve put 0.4lbs on!!!!

SO have worked out on the charts that if I stop them today I can still manoeuvre not being on TOTM for hols if I take them again for 5 days around my hols time.

I really thought that being good yesterday would have at least registered a loss as it normally does after a blip.
So here’s to a hormone free day and a 100% day – back to report later how it all went! Am in work today so should have no temptations.............. and off for hair done tomorrow so that’s 3 hours sitting in a chair without being able to access anything.

Tuesday update ......

saw the practice nurse in work and told her all the hoo-har I have had with the tablets and she reckoned it was best to come off them and water retention was a definite side effect and also not good if it was affecting my mood so much.

So Im glad I decided to stop them and then fingers crossed TOTM wont arrive when Im on my hols.

Also a big fingers crossed scales show a loss aswell tomorrow with being off the tablets for 24hours.

Feel so much better in myself aswell and much more back in control again and back to the usual Jess without being too manic or down.

Hope everyone else is okay