Jezebella's Journey Forward

Welcome back. I was just beginning to get concerned.
Welcome Brit. You know more about us
than we do now!
How's Bliss and the pussies?
(Sounds like a Punk Band ) xxx
Well done Jez....:D
lol one year to go actually a year and a month till i can swear alliegance to the queen, but im on the way finally, bliss and pussy cats all well, will do a lonnnnnnnnnng old post tomorrow to update all, but life is mad, busy with brits, 2 weeks today it is all done and dusted!!! I will be home and it will be over and done for another year. feel like I am a terribly bad person for not updating for a while, i promise to be better :)

Morticia, soooo great to see you again, lots to catch up on will pm you soooooooooooon

ps kitties send lurrrrrve lots of kitty lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
well done! Hope i can get their one day =)
Well, I have given up counting the days, I have forgotten what the last blog day was on here. Life is always unbelievably busy during January and February and The Brits are coming up fast. We are well underway with it all and in less than 2 weeks it is all over. Numbers keep going up and we keep having to increase the orders. I have also passed my Britishness test which required lots of studying. I am know a font of all knowledge on stats of this country, laws, and the damn EU etc <G> Food wise I have still managed to keep my weight in control , had to miss 2 classes due to work commitments, but popped in for a WI yesterday and was thrilled to have lost a pound!. I am not quite sure how this happened as I had even been out to dinner and have had some so called "bad" food. I am finding it easier to balance things out. IE after the dinner out on Tuesday last week I ate really carefully the next 2 days. Friday was the making of the whoopie pies - the new big thing apparently :) A large oreo cookie x cupcake american thing. They are selling them in Harrods so now I have to make them for up and coming wedding fairs. Great fun but calorie hell!! Even the mini versions I made must be way more than is good for you so how you ever eat a full size one is beyond me. I did however have a sample and it was very nice. I am also noticing that my portion size is still pretty small. It doesnt take much to fill me up these days. I cannot conceptualise how I ate 3 big fat, full fat sarmies before and hit myself with a doughnut afterwards and a full fat coke!! Early on in Maintenance I dished quite large portions and always found I couldnt finish them, and on the one or two occasions I did, I felt really ill. So it seems I have a better idea now of how much to dish up to feel satisfied. I have put my name down for the level 2 burlesque classes. The first lot were such fun and it really is giving me a new found confidence. I have had a new haircut - very 1920's, got some fabulous new red lipstick. The girls at the MAC counter are amazingly helpful. Am also planning on going a bit retro with my look for the next few months. In the mean time before my next burlesque classes start I have ordered a DVD from Ministry of Burlesque so I can practice at home. I have also ordered some sexy burlesque music and the Dita Von Tease coffee table book. Really want to order the large fans but have to wait a month or 2 as they are quite expensive and my trip to Home Office will cost over 1k!! It has made me really happy to have a new hobby, and its one that provides a bit of excercise. I have also made some fantastic new friends. Lol might also be a bit of enticement to men, since I am still on the hunt with not much luck!!! Mr Chai is well and truly settled in and growing by the day. Lily absolutely adores him and when I come home they are always cuddled up together in a little cuddle puddle. He is busy playing with his "fluffy" at the moment and will shortly devour it!! not the prettiest thing to watch but he loves them and it is so good for him. So life is busy, which is exhausting, and has been a bit stressful but at least I feel I am maintaining on the food front. It seems to vary by about 1kg up then down or somewhere in between. Clothes are all still fitting well and I am now planning the summer wardrobe.

More when time permits :)

Hi gorgeous just popped by to see how you are doing and thoroughly enjoyed reading your happy post. You are doing really really well, I'm so impressed with you and how you are getting on. You seem to be mastering the whole balancing act beautifully. And even losing a pound! Go Jez!

The burlesque stuff sounds fab- really great fun and I can imagine it makes you feel so feminine and slinky which is all good stuff! Looking forward to seeing the funky retro look you are working on.

Keep up the good work darling, you are FABULOUS.

Thanks Peony Hun

So good to hear from you, how is the exante going??? I really appreciate the message as I am feeling ever so low today, I guess it is a combination of loads of things... Sorry I have been so bad at keeping up with the developers thread but life is busy, and I am too tired to do much in the evenings currently. Hopefully when I get out of this funk, I shall be a slightly better correspondent <G>

On a brighter note, class today was awesome, gave me a chance to vent about a load of things, which is always helpful. Also good that my weight is still stable and according to LLC I am a "magnificent maintainer" lol that did cheer me up!!!

Big kisses hunni bunz

Then I am doubly glad I posted. You are human jez my love and unfortunately that means you'll get those down days. I really don't think the weather is helping at the mo. As an aside I recommend a vit D supplement. Amazing thing vit d not enough sun around to help us make enough at the moment and difficult to get all we need just from food. Last winter and this hubby really noticed an improvement in his mild SAD when he took it.

And on the bright side we can really feel and experience the up days by having a few downers. You ARE a star maintainer - star fullstop. You get some sleep under yer belt and you will feel a bit more chipper.

Hugs xxx
Sorry to hear you have been so busy and feeling so tired Jez. The lighter nights are creeping up on us slowly although it is still bloody cold out there! Hopefully it won't be long before it warms up, even just a tad!

Did you get my text the other day?

Kat xx
Arrrrrrgh darling, I did, was meaning to reply, but things were mental!! I must update you on all the news, will you be on msn on Fri eve or Sat? lots to update you on.

I did think it was cos you are so busy!

We are away Saturday overnight but I will be about on Friday night after I have been to the gym. Probably after 2100ish! Will make sure I log into MSN!

Looking forward to a catch up!

Kat xx
in the words of your LLC you are "magnificent maintainer" as well as a magnificent inspiration and motivator. Stop beating yourself up young lady, you have done so well. I hope I can do as well as I prepare for RTM, thanks for being you and for being on here x
So a quick update from me before the Brits tomorrow. I am happy to say the back of the job is broken, as in most of the hard part is done now, so just the final bits tomorrow and then service tomorrow night. The stage set looks awesome, the best I have seen. I caught a few bits of various artists practicing and wow, you have to watch it tomorrow night!!! Kasabian sounded fantastic, but so far my best was Florence and thd Machine with Dizzee Rascal. Her dress is amazing, and her voice, wow, it sounds so much better live than on the radio. Am hoping to catch a glimpse of Robbie tomorrow and Lily Allen, also Jay Z and Alicia :) I guess it just depends on when they practice.

Cannot believe that this time tomorrow it will be over, and the food served. Food wise things are ok, I have had a few slips but my weight seems to go up a pound or 2 then back down when I reign it in a little bit. I will confess to having a crappy day food wise today. Did not get the chance to make brekkie, so ended up having chocolate chip cookies, just because they were there and the sugar rush just made me want more. Lunch was what was served for all staff meals (we are in ECO obviously) which was sausage and mash with beans. I had taken some salmon for lunch but forgot to put it in the fridge so didnt risk it!! had more beans than anything with a tiny bit of mash and a little bit of sausage. We had a chefs congress (lol well a drink in the pub after work) so I had a small glass of red followed by diet coke. Dinner was pretty sensible, barley cooked in veg stock, with sweet potato, some pulled lamb and mange tout. I must admit to hating being away from my own unit, and not being able to control my food as much as possible. It is always difficult on big events. Think I will take in a tin of tuna tomorrow so I can at least have a salad for lunch. The cats are well and happy, Mr Chai is growing by the day and the good news is both Mokatika and Ivy are now confirmed as pregnant, so my new little girl will come from one of them. It has been so lovely to spend time with chefs I don't get to see often and it is thrilling to be doing a massive event again. Spare a little thought for me tomorrow evening, and after it has all happened I can recount some good show gossip for you all.

Have a great Brits day!!!! dont forget to watch the show :) it goes live as we finish service

Sounds like an exciting buzzy atmosphere at the Brits Jez. it'll make up for all your hard work.
Enjoy and we'll enjoy the gossip afterwards. xxx
Hope everything goes well and you enjoy every minute of it.....or at least enjoy the rest afterwards...:D
hi jez
it sounds really exciting.
kasabian are my fav - they are fab live, i'm very envious of you being so close!
hope it all goes well tomorrow
daisy x
kasabian are quality
they always keep me company on my long runs in the morning :)