Jo's pregnancy Diary

Thanks IB, you always make me feel better :)
I seem to be gaining 2lbs a week on a regular basis now, I am going to put on loads at this rate, must try harder lol.
My bump sems really huge now too, I can't imagine how much bigger it will be in 12 weeks :eek:
The strange thing is its a completely different bump to all my others, I have always carried really low in all of my previous pregnancies, but even early on in this one I have noticed that I am carrying much higher and it looks like a normal pregnancy bump which I never really have had before???
The SPD must make it harder to keep your weight under control. I'm carrying higher this time too and it feels different - I don't feel as many kicks and it's much easier to find comfortable sleeping positions. Does it feel different for you?
Yeah it does feel different, I feel like its all up under my boobs, yet when I lay down flat my bump ends just above my belly button about where it should for the amount of weeks I am yet when standing and especially sitting I feel really uncomfortable, the way you do when you are near enough due? I have just had my first dose of Gaviscon for terrible heartburn, never had it before? wondering whether its because my stomach is being pushed up?
The SPD def makes it harder to keep active and I think thats having a big effect, I will try some gentle regular swimming when the kids go back to school, that might help:rolleyes:
I feel most comfortable lying flat. I was really uncomfortable sitting up for a while but that's improved, though I still find it most comfortable to eat slouched on the sofa, rather than sat properly at the table. Sometimes a bit short of breath when it's poking about high up too, which was later last time.
GTT test tommorow, no cups of tea from 10pm tonight until 10.30 tommorow :cry: I tend to drink most of my fluids in the evening I don't know why it just seems to be when I am most thirsty so I am not going to be a happy bunny tonight with just sips of tap water, not really looking forward to getting up at silly o' clock either and then sitting around the Hosp for 2 hrs :( Can you tell I am not looking forward to it LOL
Jo, I forgot but are you having a girl or boy (if you know?). I realise it's not necessarily the case but I'm sure I've read if you're having a boy it tends to sit lower down, whereas a girl is higher up.

I can sympathise with the heartburn, and yes your stomach sounds a bit squished, plus pushing a bit of acid back up the oesophagus. Before pregnancy I suffered badly at times (I blame stress), and lived off zantac and gaviscon. Now I just seem to have a lot of wind and burping a lot (much to the amusement of DH!). I've read that lying down, after recently eating, can make it feel worse, so I'm trying not to eat too much after 7/8pm.

Hope the GTT test goes okay. :)
Thanks Sarah ;) I am having a girl, so maybe its got a bit of truth in it? I am trying to eat a little earlier to see if that helps I just hope I don't get any heartburn later tonight as I won't be able to take any gaviscon cos of the GTT test tommorow, can't even swallow any toothpaste :rolleyes:
well from what I was told you're allowed water? A good water remedy is hot water. I've tried it a few times (my Mum told me to!), and it works quite well. So if you do get any, try boiling some water and having a cup of that (obviously cool it a little with a bit of cold, like making tea except the milk is water... and there's no teabag!).

That might get you through it :) But fingers crossed you have an easy night before the test :)
Yeah thanks Sarah, you are allowed sips of Tap water but I tend to drink about 2 pints of squash between 10pm and the time I get up in the morning, strange I know:eek:
Well managed to get through the night without the need for gaviscon and with my sips of water :rolleyes: The sweet drink wasn't at all bad she added water to it so maybe that helped? The waiting went quicker than I anticipated too, the only thing is my arm is Really painful, I don't usually have bruising or pain after a blood test but it was painful as I was hanging around then when she had to take the second lot of blood I was sort of hoping she would take it from the other arm, unfortunately my rt arm is useless when it comes to getting blood and she couldn't find a vein so back to the first arm, she did go lower down but its so sore:(, its swollen and bruised to, think I will have to take it easy for the rset of the day ;)
When will you get the results?

She(the phlebotomist) said it only takes a day or so for the result, I think they will ring me if there are any problems, I have a MW apt next tues and MW told me she would go through my results then?
With my gtt test I was told that if all is fine you won't hear nothing back. So hopefully you will not hear from them! : )
Thanks MT, will be hoping for a 'non' phone call then ;)
I am sure it will be fine anyway as I don't feel ill or strange or anything, they did my 28 week bloods at the same time and I am sure they will be fine too. She did a finger prick test before the full blood test and my fasting blood sugar was 4.4 and from what I have found online thats perfectly normal so fingers crossed.
Well my poor arm looks like its done 12 rounds with Mike Tyson LOL, but it doesn't hurt anymore thank goodness, have not heard anything so I think I should be in the clear ;)
I am feeling absolutely huge, cant imagine how much bigger I will be in 12 weeks time:eek: I was measuring just fine last time but am interested to see what I am measuring on tues? Hopefully its just my imagination but I really do feel big?
I think its usual for babies to get bigger each time but as usual I am a bit different, 1st was 7lb 8oz, 2nd 6lb 12oz (both overdue)
3rd 8lbs 7ozs, 4th 8lb (both induced at 38/39 weeks)
So going by that I really don't have much of an idea how big this baby will be, hoping for a 7lb er really;)