Total Solution katmat diary

I'm sure he's very different out of the spotlight but at the conventions he's relatively quiet and fairly private, doesn't talk about his private life much. Well I say relatively quiet, compared to Jared and Misha he is anyway. But he came across as very professional, he was there to do a job and tried to make sure everyone who met him came away with a good impression, but honestly it all felt like a bit of a performance to me. I'll bet he's a riot when he's at home with his friends though. Did you know he's got a baby on the way? He's going to be a lovely daddy :)
Conventions must be a little daunting.. it's one thing being an actor and doing your job that way, buts cons can be pretty intense.

Scales haven't moved since Saturday.. at that point I'd lost the extra 2 lb to make it an even stone loss, but not I'm in totm stasis :| And I only just got hit by it today - later than expected, so I'm not expecting much for weigh in tomorrow. But maybe it will surprise me!
good luck for WI tomorrow
Thanks guys :) I want to see that magical 17st show up - free of the 18's would be lovely.
Good luck for WI tomorrow- your'll smash it :D
Good luck to see the 17's Kat :D
Well WI day and still no movement. Still makes it 2lb for the week, and a loss is a loss is a loss. But I will continue to curse totm :| I've stuck to it 100%, drank a minimum 3 litres of water (plus coffees) and walked at least 4 miles a day (more on the weekend). Hopefully next week will be something impressive! :)
Well done on the 2lbs, I so know how you feel when its that number. Keep going you may have a big one next week. Its weird how our bodies shift the weight, its like when snow melts, sometimes its gradual and then a big lump can fall off (sorry if thats a crappy analogy)

Youre doing great
A 2 pound loss at TOTM is great !!!
Deffo whooooooshing coming next week :D
Busy busy busy, but progress at last as totm winds down. 3lb off this morning and into the 17's for the first time in years! Super excited by that :)

Also discovered that there is such a thing as too much cayenne pepper in your pasta (tasty burning) and that I quite like mixing up half my choc orange bar in to my iced shake in my blender - it's like a tasty diet version of shakeway.
OOh well done on getting into the 17's! It feels so good to get into the next stone bracket- esp when you haven't seen it for years!
Well done :D
I like adding chilli powder to a couple of the soups :D
well done Katmat, brilliant, you are doing great
Well done Katmat xx
Week 3 = 4 Lb off :) Much more like it after last week.

But now it's heading into week 4 and the site says I should be having a small amount of food a day. How do other people deal with this? One of the things that keeps me 100% all the time is because I pick out my three packs of a morning and don't have to think about it past that. I'm not really sure how I feel about mixing up my routine.