Kay's journey to health and happiness

Morning Cloudy ! :p Indeed I am, just having my green tea and catching up on mins. Hows you lovely ? :) Kay xx

I'm really good thanks, had a bit of a SW wobble of anxiety this morning and got on the scales, but it's ok, hoping for a small loss this week.
Been buzzing around trying to get jobs done before it gets too hot but keep getting distracted by my gorgeous granddaughter who has learnt to giggle. So so cute :)

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Morning Kay - just caught up with yesterday. I'm so sorry that the news wasn't better at the hospital. I know you will turn that frown upside down today - you are such a positive person normally and such a support to all of us here on mins. Hugs and good wishes heading your way xx :hug99:

Hello Mandy :p, thank you for your lovely pm, I got it :) I really appreciate all your support hun. Yep I've accepted the hospital thing, it sucks but there's nothing I can do, will just keep focused on my weightloss and try and get to target by the end of this year :D. Hope your well hun, will pop over to your diary for a good catch up !

Kay xx
Morning Kay! Sorry to hear that things didn't go as expected yesterday and you might need some more surgery. After recent experiences with my dad I've just learnt to not expect too much and just and try and go with the flow. Easier said than done I know! We're all here for you and I think you would make a brilliant consultant (only if it fits around everything else going on in your life right now). You're enthusiasm is infectious, you're motivation skills are amazing and anyone would be very lucky to have you spurring them on all the way to target. You're an inspiration in that you've had a really tough time this year and yet you've come so far in your own journey let alone all the effort you've put in to help others with theirs. Big hugs to you, hope you're feeling a bit brighter today.

Rubyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! :D How are you lovely ? Thank you for all the lovely words you have said. it really means a lot to me ;). I really hope your dad is feeling much better now. I know the last few weeks must have been quite tough for you. I hope you doing ok too yourself hun :). Will pop over in a mo to catch up on your diary xx
Morning Kay,

Hope you're ok. Sorry to hear the bad news but stay positive like you always do! You are doing fab, hope your ok. Hugs xxxx

Hello Kirsty :p, how are you hun ? How is the new job going ? I'm ok thanks, feeling better and more upbeat :D. Hope your having a lovely week :). Will pop over to your diary in a mo xx
Haha ! You know me so well :D hehe no I was good although I did polish off the hob nobs on the weekend and Monday morning at the start of the challenge, scales showed a 4lb gain from over the weekend :eek: I'm hopeing that some of that is TOTM weight, I'm due anyday now :rolleyes:. xx

Sure some of that will be Totm and will go quickly, mine does, I can easily go up by 4-5 lbs about three days before but it goes by about third day too.

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It is so lovely to see that bouncing bunny is back! :) xx

Now I'm going to bounce off my diary onto all of yours :D just making my coffee then will be AWOL from my own diary and catching up with all of you, see u in a mo :p.

Kay xx
I'm really good thanks, had a bit of a SW wobble of anxiety this morning and got on the scales, but it's ok, hoping for a small loss this week.
Been buzzing around trying to get jobs done before it gets too hot but keep getting distracted by my gorgeous granddaughter who has learnt to giggle. So so cute :)

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Awww I love kids, how old is she ? Glad your doing well hun, at least your seeing a loss, mine were 4lb up on Monday :eek: after a naughty bunny ate all the hob nobs on the weekend ! Oh well back on it this week . Hope to lose something. The sun is shinning its a lovely day, will go for my walk soon. xx
Sure some of that will be Totm and will go quickly, mine does, I can easily go up by 4-5 lbs about three days before but it goes by about third day too.

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Oh I hope so Cloudy, really don't want a sts on Monday or a gain :rolleyes: xx
She's just 12wks old and beautiful. Not that I'm biased of course.
Enjoy your walk hun, it's really sunny here, so think ours will be up into the woods and along the river! X

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Awww she must be so tiny cuddly and cute. When you have you diary one day Cloudy I will be there everyday looking at her beautiful pics ;) xx
Okie tokie off for my walk then will be back for coffee and more mins :D. See you all later, have a nice day !

Kay xx
Morning Kay, Glad to see you're feeling a little more upbeat. I must confess that I did slip and have a muffin yesterday :( I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't stop myself, they were calling to me....and I answered :(:( Serves me right for making them! So I am back to the salads for me. I was doing so well, as well. What an idiot I am. Still upwards and onwards I will do this and will definitely join the next challenge you have. Can't wait lol xx
Hot bath or a hot water bottle should ease the cramps a bit for you! Hope you feel better soon :)
Morning Kay, Glad to see you're feeling a little more upbeat. I must confess that I did slip and have a muffin yesterday :( I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't stop myself, they were calling to me....and I answered :(:( Serves me right for making them! So I am back to the salads for me. I was doing so well, as well. What an idiot I am. Still upwards and onwards I will do this and will definitely join the next challenge you have. Can't wait lol xx

Don't worry bout the muffin hun, I've also gained from hob nobs over weekend and now TOTM :rolleyes: don't think its gonna be a big loss for me on Monday, will be happy with 1 or 2lb to be honest the way I'm feeling xx
Oh poo :( started my walk and had to do a uturn back home, I've come on my monthly's, oh the cramps :mad: xx

Oh no - take it easy - put ur feet up, hot drink and get something warm on ur tum xx
Oh no - take it easy - put ur feet up, hot drink and get something warm on ur tum xx

Thanks Linda, I'm in bed with hot water bottle, taken some pain killers for the cramps, having some camomile tea, that normally helps. ;) xx
Thanks Linda, I'm in bed with hot water bottle, taken some pain killers for the cramps, having some camomile tea, that normally helps. ;) xx

Hope ur feeling better soonxx