Kikikisses - Well hello there target!

So I took about a week off from Minimins, not cause I don't love it but I was finding myself scaring myself with posts of falling off the wagon and plateaus and since for once I was having a few STS I wanted to just focus on me and life, sorry peeps :)

Back now anyway had a lovely 2lb loss and am doing fine, wearing a tight dress today which is for once meant to be body hugging and feel very confident wearing it, even without control pants/tights etc!

My friend has convinced me to take photos in my underwear so I can see proper progress, obviously I won't be posting these anywhere but it's good to have them for myself. It made me realise how much smaller I am than what I see in the mirror, I think this works so well I highly recommend it.

I hope you're all well and that the sun comes out again for you :)
Hiya hun, well done on the loss, I know what you mean about taking a break from MMs every once in a while, I find myself obsessing over sw, so think I need to take a step back too.

Wit woo to the underwear pictures, you're braver than me but also a lot skinnier than me, hehe. xx
My week so far is going well, as usual food is fine, weather is gradually getting better and I'm feeling fab about myself.

I may not be Jessica Alba just yet but I have such a great shape coming to my body and after going into the Sainsbury's clothing department yesterday (I know their clothes can be generous) and finding I'm already in the small 14s in everything I have a boost of confidence. There was this real sadness though, when I realised I couldn't wear the 16s I had brought into the fitting room. Quite frankly I didn't wanna ask the poor lad who was working the changing rooms to get my smaller sizes and I'd not brought too many 14s in for shame of letting myself down and fitting none. How wrong can ya be eh?

We've got a carer for my brother at home now, it's weird having a stranger in the house but my brother suffers Wilson's Disease and he needs pretty much constant care. Just as well it's Summer so can spend all my time outside :)
Ah today is one of those days where I think, blimey is this really a diet?! I know it's a healthy eating plan but the foods SW allows are just too nummy!

Also got a really cute Topshop dress in their sale, size 14 not bad at all :) I'm dancing on the inside haha! But if you're getting into those 16s and below I really recommend Topshop's sale it's bargainlicious :) Even plenty of the men's clothes if you're bigger look pretty good on ladies :D
Hi Kiki, yay to you, must be brilliant feeling clothes sizes getting loser and loser. Brilliant. Hope you're getting use to having carer in your house now, it must be strange but hopefully will take the strain off you and your parents a little.

Enjoy the sunshine xx
Thanks Lou, yeh things are picking up, lost 1lb this week bringing me to 11stone 5 I believe. Feels pretty immense since at the start I never even imagined getting down to 12 stone :D
Walking to town and back to hand out CVs today, not an exciting prospect but I will try anyway. After my spike of optimism yesterday I feel a bit tired just now about my weight, I still feel huge :/ something I have noticed though is how much more defined my bones seem to be. The ones on my shoulders, my back and my ribs are just coming through as obvious, hope they won't be too obvious when I reach target.
Had a really low day yesterday, I'd had a wonderful weekend for my friends birthday and I ate A LOT! Mostly grilled meat, fruit and vegetables but lots of it and it felt so bad! Then I saw the photos and I'd worn quite a tight dress, it shows all! I feel a bit nauseas looking at the pics and thought the scales would hate me but no I have lost a lb! Huzzah! So down side is balanced with a good side :)


It was a superhero/villain deal, I was chav girl. Me in the middle, shorty :p
Yesterday was a pretty good day, I mostly chilled out at home after a really long journey back from Milton Keynes. Food was a bit of a disaster in my eyes, all I ate was on plan and good but I just felt so bloated :/ I really need to go back to my yoghurt a day thing.

Little worried about spending time up North with my other half, he's rubbish at healthy eating and is scared of cooking anything for me :/! Scared I'll fall off the wagon, come so far already. So am writing myself a wee challenge for exercise. Planning on doing a gradual build up of jogging/running since Scotland is just amazing for it :D
You look amazing in the pic hun, well done!! Exercise plan sounds great, why don't you try and cook something with your other half? Choose recipe etc, he'll then hopefully learn AND you get a sw dinner. Yippee x
I've been AWOL for a bit, but just caught up with your diary - wanted to say congrats on doing so well; you're looking fantastic!
Keep up the great work :)
@Lou - I've tried to cook with him but he just wanders off claiming he has something to do, the little scamp! Thanks for your lovely comment :)

@Cyber - Awww thanks hun, it's hard work but gotta keep going :) Hope you're back for a while.


Thought I'd pop this up for the few who may be interested. I do a general blog of my goings on :

It does say a little about dieting but is usually a picture spam of what I wear or what I'm up to ..
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Hi hun, had a quick look at your blog, you're a really good writer!

Did you have a good weekend? x
Yeh not too bad, STS which was a bit of a downer but otherwise pretty good. Think I've hit a plateau so gonna up the water in take and try to get my 30 minutes a day despite having no college to motivate me to get up in the morning hehe :)

Hope you're well!
Today was the day I decided to get my body into action. Feels like the weight loss has stopped so I'm gonna push it to the limit, or at least past sitting at home wishing I would.

In Norwich we have a hill called Gas Hill, it's pretty steep and quite a chore to get up so I walked through the local wooded area (mousehole heath) then along up and down Gas Hill a good few times and then walked back home. I am slightly knackered, now gonna have a go on Wii to get some more energy out :D
Up in Scotland at the moment, thus the lack of updates.

Weighed myself on my old scales that I originally weighed myself on just when I started. In February's last week I weighed 13.7 I now weigh 11.0. My mum bought new scales a month or so ago which really give the most odd readings so get the feeling I may buy a set identical to my ones I have up here, they may still be collaborated differently but at least they're simple.

So yeh, I guess that's me at 2 1/2 stone down. My OH said since the last time I visited a little over a month ago the difference is very clear (mainly cause my rib cage and hip bones already show). At 5 foot 2 I am still clearly over weight but I tried on some bikini bottoms this morning and I don't look horrific :), fortunate in my hourglass shape I guess.