Likabu's weightloss?

Ok - today green
Breakfast - handful of grapes
Lunch - 2 slices wholemeal bread (400g loaf) (hex), slice ham (hex), sliced tomato
Dinner - 2 (not huge) baked potatoes, quorn mince, tinned tomatoes, baked beans, chilli powder, garlic, 25g cheddar cheese (hex)
Snacks - Mullerlight yogurt, pickled peppers, 8 ritz crackers (6.5 syns)
Drinks - Coffee, 200ml semi skimmed milk (hex), Diet pepsi, 2.5l water

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Today - green (again!)

Lunch - 2 slices wholemeal bread (400g loaf) (hex), Slice ham (hex), sliced tomato.
Dinner - 2 smallish baked potatoes, Batchelors tomato pasta
Snacks - Mullerlight yogurt, pickled peppers, 8 ritz crackers (6.5 syns), mint penguin (5.5 syns)
Drinks - Coffee, 200ml semi skimmed milk (hex), Diet pepsi, 2.5l water
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Was outside Lidls this morning waiting for it to open at 8am (sad). They are selling tabletop ovens with grill for £20, smaller that a microwave but cheaper than a whole brand new oven. WIll be ideal for our camping trips too.

Had crispy baked potatoes this evening, had to try the oven out didn't I?!

Yay, I lost 4lb on my 1st week - really pleased as I am feeling a bit bloated today and wondered if it would have an effect on the scales.

Have just been having green days and I think I will probably stick to them for the time being - kind of "off" meat. I really need to up my fruit and veg intake though.

wow Lisa - brilliant start. I've had mostly green days this first week too. I am weighed tomorrow morning and hope my loss matches yours!

Thanks - your weightloss is fab, have you just switched from another program then?

Great loss Lisa, you must be really pleased with that

Yep, can't stop beaming.

My other half came this week also. He weighed in after me and then we went to Lidl to stock up in fruit and salad stuff. That will be a bit more motivation, the fact that we are both doing it together.

Back from weigh in 2.5lb lighter so really pleased. It was my oh 1st weigh in after initial meeting last week. He has lost 11.5lb:eek: in his 1st week. Am really pleased for him and he is amazed too.

Am a bit worried about the next 2 weeks as I am unable to attend weigh in. I'm taking the boys to Largs, Scotland to stay with my Gran on Saturday and then the Saturday after we are going camping in Aberstywth. We are all looking forward to it but I'm worried I may stray and 2 weeks is a long time to do some damage.

Have just been on the SW website and they have a meeting in the next town to my Grans on the Wednesday. I may venture there for a weigh in so that will break it up a bit.

That's a good idea to find a group where you are going. I usually go to a Boots on WI day when I am on holiday to see how far off track I am!

Well done on your losses, that is great x
:cry:I'm back and it's not good. I didn't go to any other meetings while I was on holiday. I found it hard while staying with my Gran because I didn't want to be rude as she was doing all the cooking. So by the time the second week came around it all went out thewindow and I went a bit mad foodwise :eek:.

Went to weigh in tonight and in 2 weeks I have put on the 6.5lb that I lost in my 1st 2 weeks :eek:. I had to force myself to go to weigh in as I knew that if I didn't then I just wouldn't go back fullstop and that wouldn't be any good.

So here I am, starting from scratch, no more holidays planned so no reason to stray. Going to update my sig in a mo :sigh:.


Ps, and it's the TOTM and I feeling dreadful :(.
It's not a big problem, you came back and that's what counts, get back to it and you'll start to see those pounds shift again. As long as you've enjoyed yourself and the things you've eaten, don't beat yourself up over it. If you hadn't started with SW in the first place you would be 13lbs heavier now!
At least you didn't put on MORE than you had lost. And it IS ToTM so I don't think that's bad going. You will get all that off again in the next 2 weeks so don't fret. You are back now, onwards and downwards!
Thanks both.

I have been ultra good today so that's a good start. Green day and I have had 5 syns. Got a full fruit bowl so will munch through that if I am peckish later!

I'm going to start keeping a log on here of what I am actually eating everyday because it is so easy to "forget" about something!:rolleyes:

I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things after my holiday and I'm craving fatty rubbish. Today I've decided to fill up almost to the point of bursting with free food so there will be no cravings for anything. Hopefully my cravings will soon go and I will go back to normal portions of free food.

I have had a sneaky peak at the scales and although I haven't been perfect this week the scales have moved slightly in the right direction. Normally this would spur me on but I am still thinking about crisps and fried chips with garlic and chilli sauce on like the kebab shop do:eek:!

Does anyone remember how long it takes to break a habit? Fatty food is my habit!

Not being weighed until Tuesday which is a day later than usual due to the Bank hols. Unfortunately this means that there will only be 6 days until the next weigh in and I really want to pul back these 6.5lbs as quick as possible. It is looking like it will take longer than the original 2 weeks that it took to lose them in the 1st place:break_diet:.

Duh, I forgot to add what I had for breakfast, not the best start to the new me!

Baked beans and 2x wholemeal toast from 800g loaf (2 hex b) 2 tbsp tomato sauce 2 syns

Coffee/tea with semi skimmed milk (hex a)

Diet Pepsi

Tomato and herb pasta, brocolli + cauliflower

Apple, Banana

Disco's 7.5 syns

I will edit and add to this post as the day goes by and I eat more!

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Ha ha I know what you mean! I started a separate food diary as I use my main diary for my daily wafflings but it's what works for you!