Lisa's Maintenance Shizzle

Morning ladies, where to start, it's not a happy post.

Firstly I lost 2lbs last week so 7lb off in the month of January :)

The sad part, unfortunately yesterday I sadly had a miscarriage at 5 weeks preg, I'm ok but obv a bit sad as it took 14 months to get the little bean to start with!

I do know things happen for a reason and as if to make sure I knew that I got the call from Clearblue yesterday tea time confirming everything for the study, they said I can still take part and I'll be getting the digital ovulation sticks that Emma used when she conceived so that's a positive for me.

Anyway I'll be back soon, take care everyone x x
Oh I'm so sorry 2 hear that Hun - hope ur ok xxx
I'm so sorry huni. Concentrate on getting better- diet can wait. Big hugs x
Aw sorry to hear that hun but like u say everything happens for a reason. Hood luck with the clearblue stuff :) xx
So sorry Lis .... hope you're okay hon x
Oh Lisa I'm so so sorry to hear that hun :( I know there's nothing I can say but I am thinking of you all xxxxx
Thanks everyone.

Need to focus on something so back on with the weight battle tomorrow, two shakes and low carb meal.

Will weigh in the morning and go from there.x
Good luck chick :) x
Hope all goes well for you hun x
Best of luck, hope you're ok xx
Thanks everyone, I'm still a bit sad sometimes and this morning I just didn't feel like shakes! So for the millionth time 'I'll be starting tomorrow' x

Really need to get my ass into gear. So the new plan is to finish my slim fast first using two shakes n a meal then after valentines day start TFR for two weeks with my left over exante, hopefully I can get past day 4 this time.

OH sounded fed up when I told him I was trying shakes properly again but surely trying to do something has to be better than doing nothing at all? I want to be slim again this summer and if I don't do something now it'll just drag on and on! Holiday is booked for 25th June so I've got 19 weeks from Monday, so 1lb a week shouldn't be too hard especially if I do manage TFR next week.

Anyway just wanted to get it all down, fingers crossed I can do it :) x
You can and you will! Even if you don't end up doing shakes again there is a way out there that will work for you. Have you thought about calorie counting/ww/sw? xx
Thanks Tan, I've just looked into it and going to join ww on weds, I'll stick to the shakes first if I can then follow their plan.

£14.95 for first month then £19.99 per month if I do monthly pass and that gives full access to online support and app on iPhone x

I've weighed and 12st 4lbs is my start :( I've had a shake for breakfast, going to have one for dinner and a meal for tea x
Really feeling positive, looking forward to weds, feel like I'm getting back in control x
Great stuff - you can do it :) x