Losing and Gaining :S


Full Member
Iv'e started keeping measurments of myself whilst on this plan as I don't want to rely on the scales as motivation. But im finding that despite losing the lbs and inches in some areas im gaining a few inches around my waist and chest area.

Has anyone else found this to happen?

P.s I dont think I am pregnant either lol
heya Sadia , I wouldnt get too caught up on minor details if I was you ...this plan is still quite new to you and going O.C.D on weighing and measuring might set you back more than help you...everyday is a challenge but if you battle on and stick to plan and you will drasticly reduce in size over time - fact
best of luck hun and stop over analizing!
Jo x
That is weird.... Is there even a teeny chance you could be?

If not, then try not to let it get to you. I lose my inches in a really random order, bits stay the same for ages then sudden drop a lot. Never gain though...

How long have you been on the plan? Results might be inconsistent at the start. I agree that you should only weigh / measure once a week.

Oh one other thought- were your first measurements definitely accurate? I suspect I pulled the measure slightly tighter than I should have done for fear of crying when I saw the massive numbers!!!
Sadia are you measuring once a week and roughly at the same time? If not that could be your answer? I found that if I measure my waist in the morning it is less and if I measure in evening it is bigger and probably due to packs and all the water. Also double check your measurements were accurate. Also, correct me if I am wrong, from your ticker it looks like maybe you have done a week? If that is the case you are not likely to lose inches that quickly? How long have you been doing the plan?
Hey guys! Thanks for the advise. Yes I do think it may have alot to do with the time of day. I measure in the evenings once a week. But my revelation is that it's to do with totm! Been going through the motions these last few days and viola! I have been off and on the plan since august, so my stats are updated. This diet does throw my hormones all over the place so i guess that would cause it. The past measurments now looking back do coincide with totm... Ah well not disheartned just dont want boobs getting bigger lol x