Lou's Diary - onwards and inwards!

Well done on the sts hun, I've just scoffed a mars icecream bar, so have taken one step away from the 1.5 stone line!

Tomorrow - green day
B: strawberries and quark
L: SW chips and beans
S: Alpen light bar (0.5B)
D: Chickpea dahl with rice, 3 x mini barjees (7.5 syns) and a pitta bread (1B)
S: Alpen light bar (0.5B)

EXERCISE: 6 miles cycling
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Hiya - had a lovely day, been shopping in chester and I bought myself a pandora charm to celebrate my first stone lost, yippee.

Food (green)
B: Chopped apple, banana, yogurt and alpen light bar (0.5B)
L: Jacket potato with salad and alpen light (0.5B)
S: Banana and alpen light (0.5B)
D: Chick pea dahl and 300g of mccain rustic oven chips (3 syns)

Have been out all day today, hence all the alpen light bars, oh well, guess it's better than mars bars!! xxx

P.S - COME ON WALES (if only they were playing)
Morning, red day today, am working too which is double rubbish.

B: Strawberries and quark
S: Apple and yogurt
L: Tuna salad with hard boiled egg and LF crisps (4 syns)
S: Alpen light bar (0.5B)
D: Bacon sandwich with brown sauce (1b and 2 syns)
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I've been mardy as hell today, nothing has been right, so I'm off for a bubble bath with a big mug of coffee.... before I fall out with myself, hehe.

Been to two supermarkets and somehow came back with nothing? I kind of wondered round aimlessly and came out with some strawberries and salad dressing? Hence not much for tea!!

Really miss my green days and find hard to do red without loads of planning....so...

Monday - green day
B: Strawberries and quark
S: Apple and banana
L: Jacket potato and baked beans
S: Muller light and fibre plus bar (1B)
D: Pasta with cherry tomoatoes, chilli and bacon (1B)
I've done that so many times in the supermarket, think I get a little broody for green days heh.

Just caught up on your diary, well done on the swimming! You're so close to that stone and a half lady!
I really want to set some exercise challenges too :) Might join you on the cycling, how do you monitor how far you go?

So nice to come back and see you doing so well Lou :) inspiring!
Hi hun, the is a website called.... walk jog run. net, google it, you can measure out your route exactly, I loves it.

Ohh, here you go Running Routes - WalkJogRun I found it on my favs, just put where you live and then 'create route'. xx
Yippee, I got my 1.5 stone award tonight, very suprised!! I lost 1.5lbs so that is...21.5lbs now, hopefully I'll maintain on holiday next week, as don't want to slip backwards.

Been for a 7 mile bike ride and now tucking into sw chips and curry.

B: Strawberries and yogurt
S: Orange and yogurt
L: Pasta leftovers from last night (2 syns)
S: Hifi bar and corn on the cob
D: SW chips and homemade chicken curry (1B) with mango chutney (2syns)
S: Flump (3 syns I think)
Thanks Jan, very happy, this is the 2nd biggest amount I've lost with slimming world (over many years), I've normally jacked it in by now, but still plodding along and am going all the way this time.

Had stopped planning last week so am going to write tomorrows food now so I'm prepared.

B: Strawberries and quark
S: Pineapple
L: BBQ chicken salad with 3 krisp rolls (1B)
S: Apple and yogurt
D: Beef with green beans and carrots with half a pack of blue dragon spicy szechuan sauce (3.5 syns) with "something"
Thanks everyone, just want to keep my 1.5 stone sticker now... which will be hard as on holiday next week. Eeek.

Super busy at the moment.

Green day
B: Crunchy bran with fresh pineapple (1B)
S: Apple and flump (3 syns)
L: Pasta with chicken and cheese (1A and 1B)
S: Corn on the cob
D: Chickpea dahl and rice

Need to take my car for it's MOT tonight so am going to drive to garage and then cycle home, but I'm on a late shift and the aren't enough hours in the day at the moment!!! xxx
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Congrats and huge well done on your 1.5 award! I need to catch up with ya!!! :)
Thanks Sally, I'm up for the race! Although I may come last this week as having a "testing" weekend....

Green day today
B: Strawberries and pineapple with quark
S: small skinny frappachino (?? Syns)
L: LF supernoodles
S: Hifi bar (1B)
D: Pasta in tomato sauce with chicken (1B) and 2 slices garlic bread (8 syns?)
S: Flump (3 syns)

Arrgh, busy today, meeting my bestest friend at 10am, I've not seen her for 2 years as she moved to new zealand, she also has a 3 month old baby that I get to coo over too, yippee, I'm so excited.

Still without my car, so need to cycle to garage and pick it up later...

Then meeting my friends at 6pm for dinner at ASK before going to watch the football... won't be drinking as working tomorrow.

Still need to get so much for my holiday next week, anyone know best place to get euros from? xx

** Update - arrgh had the most tiring day, not had time to eat I've been so busy, also walked 3.5 miles and cycled 6, which was all up hill. Bed time now **
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Back to work today for a rest hopefully!!

B: Raspberries and quark
S: 2 apples and 2 alpen lights (1B)
L: Mugshot, banana and muller light
S: LF crisps (4.5 syns) and half a jam doughnut (3.5 syns)
D: SW Chips and beans
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Green day again today and trying to sort everything out for hols tomorrow, arggh.

B: None
L: Jacket potato and baked beans
S: Apple and alpen light bar (0.5B)
D: Pasta with bacon, roast peppers, cherry tomatoes and onions with 1 tbsp of sweet chilli sauce (2 syns and 1B)
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have a wonderful break hun you ve done so good, but dont let it 'take' over on holiday just make sensible choices and try save syns for evening time seems to work well for ladies i know at my group
love n hugs babe xxx
Thanks hun, I'm going to be sensible, I'll go over my syns, but not go overboard. I'm taking alpen lights and some mugshots with me so should be ok.

We fly tomorrow afternoon so I won't be about for a while now, hope everyone has a lovely week.

Oh... tomorrows food diary, only breakfast is planned, so want to fill myself up so I won't need lunch, then have evening meal over there.

Red day
B: 3 morrisons sausages (1.5 syns), egg, mushrooms and tomatoes
S: Apple and grapes at airport
