Lou's Diary - onwards and inwards!

Thanks hun, don't think I'm going to gym today as going to a.... *shudder* - FOOD FESTIVAL, eek. I've just had a massive grill up for breakfast so hope I'm not tempted to pick at freebie samples when I get there...

Sunday - Red day
B: 2 poached eggs, 1 toast (B), tomatoes, bacon and 2 syn free sausages [stuffed now]
L: ??????
D: Roast chicken with carrots and spring greens
Had the best day ever at the food festival, was only a little bit naughty...

Sunday - Red day
B: 2 poached eggs, 1 toast (B), tomatoes, bacon and 2 syn free sausages [stuffed now]
L: Dry tikka chicken with salad and yogurt and mint sauce (5 syns?)
D: Chilli (3 syns)
I forgot to mention all the tester bits i had...

from what i remember i had tiny pieces of - bread dipped in oil, fudge, cake, but they were literally crumbs, so just gonna draw a line under it and not worry.

Also - had a bath, and oh my god... my bum no longer makes a dam, the water goes either side of me, i know this may seem insignificant to some people, but i almost jumped out the bath when i realised. xxxxx
Do you want to borrow some of mine? It makes a mighty fine dam!
Hehe - thanks for the offer hun but I've still got too much arse of my own!

Red day today...
B: 2 syn free sausages and scrambled eggs
S: Fudge (5 syns)
L: ??
D: Roast chicken and vegetables with a jacket potato (B)
My friend died today, she was only 27. She had cancer. Everywhere. She only found out in May, and now 4 months on, she has died. She leaves behind her husband, and 2 gorgeous daughters, one aged 6 and one just 9 months. It breaks my heart that her baby won't remember her mummy. This world is so unfair.

She was an amazing lady, such an inspiration. She raised over £35,000 pounds for charity in the time she was ill, money that will help other families that have to go through this hell. Even at this horrific time for her she was still thinking of others.

If it's one thing I've learnt from this, it's that life is a b*tch but also that we only get one crack at this, life can be taken away from anyone of us at anytime. Live for today as the may not be any tomorrow.

RIP Vikki xxxx
So sorry to hear about your friend Lou, that's awful :( so young too. There's just no words to describe how unfair that is :( I hope your okay and prayers that her family are pulling together and coping at this awful time.

It's true what they say, you never know whats around the corner so live each day like its your last.

Big hugs hun xxxx
Thanks girls. I can't even think of the right words to say.

I lost 0.5lbs, but barely seems significant anymore.

B: 42g crunchy bran
S: Yogurt and grapes
L: Salad (4 syns for mayo) and apple
S: Flump (1.5 syns)
D: Rustic chips (3 syns) with baked beans and cheese (B)
Aw Lou, so sorry to hear about your friend xxx
Sorry Loo,
any death is hard but especially when the person is so young.
My 42 yr old cousin died in a car crash with his 17 yr old son 14 years ago, and it's still painful to think of them.

Feeling slightly better about things today, although I'm so exhausted I can't face the gym, I just want to stay at home for a change.

Green day
B: Porridge (B) and banana
S: Apple
L: Worlds smallest jacket potato with coleslaw (4 syns)
S: Pasta N' sauce and 1 bar of time out (4.5 syns)
D: Chicken (B) curry with butter beans and rice
im so sorry to hear the sad news Lou. Look after yourself, times like this become very draining and dont realise it. Seen another wee quote, i think its lovely.

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure
That's lovely Sal, thanks - you're very good at nice quotes.

Been to the gym today and feel much brighter for it.

B: Oat so simple
S: Apple and 2 quality street (4 syns)
L: Salad (2 syns)
S: quality street (2 syns) and alpen light bar (3 syns)
D: Pasta with bacon, cherry tomatoes and sweet chilli sauce (2 syns)

13 syns today which is higher than normal, but I've been to the gym so it's all good.

10 mins treadmill
15 mins bike
1km rowing
5 mins x trainer
5 mins hand bike thing
Hi Lou.

Wow look at your progress since i last logged in. You are doing so well. Sorry to read about your loss. Sending lots of hugs.

I have only just got the internet in the flat so i have had mighty withdrawal symptoms as I had no access to this website.

I need to catch up with you PRONTO!!

Take care
Hey you, great to see you back, have missed you! Hope you're all settled in. The race is on.. I've had a naughty day today so will end up with a gain if i carry on - blimming quality street!!

Friday - Green day
B: 42g crunchy bran (B)
S: Apple and 4 quality street (8 syns)
L: Jacket potato and mushy peas and alpen light bar (0.5B)
S: small slice of w/m bread (0.5B)
D: Pasta and sauce and some sw potato wedges followed by half a slice of M&S cheesecake - 240kcal a slice, half it = 120kcals = (6 syns)

Must improve tomorrow!!!!! - am having my hair cut so that's got to count towards a loss? xx
have been naughty again....

B: None
L: 2 poached eggs on toast (b)
S: few haribos, 3 pieces of choc and a biscuit
d: pasta with bacon (B) and cherry tomoates, sweetcorn and sweet chilli sauce (2 syns)
S: Half portion of mcdonals potato wedges!!!!!!!!

Red dat tomorrow with no syns till after WI
