Lou's Diary - onwards and inwards!

hehe, no where near being saintly... I'm off to Dover tomorrow and then France on Wednesday so won't be here for a while, hopefully will stay on plan.

Monday - Green day
B: 42g allbran (B)
L: LF supernoodles
S: Cracker and quality street (5 syns)
D: Vegetable chilli and potato wedges

Tuesday - red day
B: Cherry tomato omlette
L: Chicken roll (B), french fries (4.5 syns), grapes and a banana
D: Big massive steak with jacket and salad (B)

Wednesday - ??
Hiya - well, had fun in France but was very naughty in relation to food.. it went something like this...

B: Crossiant and black coffee
L: Chicken wrap and chips
D: Chicken wrap and apple

Arrgh, bad me, but it was only one day, I've drawn a big fat line under it and am back on track now I'm home again.

Thursday - red day
B: Yogurt and apple
L: Cherry tomatoes on toast with balsamic vinegar (B)
D: Beef stew with a jacket potato (B)

Well done you on having a nice time in France. You'll get straight back onto it now no bother!!! :D
Hmm, I'm not so sure Sal... Don't tell anyone but.... I'm going to do a week of celebrity slim when I go back to work on Monday, I'm taking slimming world for granted and am cheating, so if I strip it right back to basics and do 2 shakes and 1 low carb meal, slimming world will feel like heaven when I go back on plan...

Going to visit a friend tomorrow in suffolk, a nice 3.5 hour drive, I'll have lunch before I go but I always feel the need to eat whilst driving so gonna take a lunch box full of grapes and chopped carrots etc to munch on.

I know we're having a chinese for dinner, but it doesn't mean I have to write the whole day off, I'll have a meat dish with veg and boiled rice and (fingers crossed) turn down the greasy shizzle!

Wish me luck... oh also, will write a big update on Sunday about my plans to go and get some councilling to break my attachment with food. xxx
Just an update on today's food before I leave for Suffolk..

B: Banana and coffee
L: Potato wedges and chickpea dahl
S: Have apples, grapes and a hard boiled egg to snack on
D: Chicken chowmein (7 syns)
Hi diary - it's been three days, argh. Sorry!

In a bit of a blahh place at the moment, have weighed myself and put on 4lbs I think, I've only myself to blame, last week I seemed to flick the self destruction switch.

It's wi day tomorrow, I'm going to go and face the gain head on, if I don't go, I won't get the buzz next week of knowing how much I've lost (of my naughty gain) - not sure if that makes sense but it does to me.

I'm also all ready to go, in regards to celebrity slim, got my snacks sorted and kind of looking forward to it..... have only got enough shakes to last till the weekend, but if I follow that with some strict red days I should get a juicy loss next week.

Todays food diary (eek, I'm going to miss food)
B: 42g allbran with chopped banana (B)
L: Chicken pieces and bowl of fresh fruit
S: Freddo bar (6 syns?)
D: w/m pitta bread with turkey, peppers, onion and mayo (B and 2 syns)
Hi Sally, well done hun, 4lbs is brilliant, I'm jealous. Am not missing food yet... actually quite like feeling in control again?

Tuesday - Day 1 of CS
B: Cafe late shake
S: 30g nuts
L: Chocolate shake
D: Chicken with courgette, peppers, green beans and mushrooms in a spicy passata based sauce with lettuce

Wednesday - Day 2 CS
B: Shake
S: Small apple
L: Shake
D: Tuna salad
was ready for a 4 to 5 pound gain but............... I STAYED THE SAME, woooop woop, not exactly progress but at least it's not on. Bring on next week x
Very lucky to have got away with it as I was very bad.... off the top of my head I had two mcdonalds visits, a kfc visit and various other naughty things, saying that though - at mcd's i had coffee and an apple pie one time, and then a mini wrap and small fries the second time, so not as if i maxed it out with a big mac and shake etc.

Talking of shakes..... I'm still doing celeb slim, even though I forgot to take my shakes with me to work so had to make a dash into town at lunch time.

B: 1 Hard boiled egg (forgot shake)
L: Choc mint shake
S: Nuts and some cold chicken (starving)
D: Gammon and salad
Just had a look at Celebrity Slim on tinternet - it looks so expensive!! Seeing as the shakes are only 2 / 3 of your daily meals so you need to get stuff in for the evening too...
Hope you get a good result this week. If it's REALLY good I might even copy you ;), although I think I would cave quite quickly as I would be starving!!
You're doing very well so far lady - well done you :) :)
Hi hun, it is pretty expensive, but can get cheaper versions I think....know the is a sub forum on the celeb slim bit.. think it's called diet meal, but will check and let you know details. I went to superdrug at lunch, bought 3 packs of CS, not cheap at £1.99 each. Eeek.

My reason for doing a week of this is so I learn to appreciate SW again... I was taking the p*ss with it and got lazy, so if I strip it right back then when I do eat properly again, all the free and healthy food will taste like chocolate!

P.S Just been to pub with M, he got garlic bread for a starter and I didn't touch it, I had gammon, egg and salad.... saintly, but stole 2 of his chips. Oops x
Hi again hun - not trying to tell you what to do either way, but have found below as cheaper option:

what products can you get?

shakes: strawberry, chocolate, banana or vanilla

soups: chicken, vegetable, tomato onion , leek, mushroom, asparagus, pea.

where can i get dietmeal products?

they can be purchased on the avidlite website.

what are the costs involved?

for a box of 7 shakes : £6.25

for a box of 7 soups: £5.95
Thanks Lou! That's half the price of CS so definitely more reasonable. Still not sure I could hack it though, I majorly lack self-discipline.
I'll wait and see how well you get on first :)
Hello diary... still plodding on with celeb slim. Major struggle today as I'm off work and my darling period has turned up after a 2 year absence (came off depot injection a year ago..), so needless to say I'm feeling blluggh, at least it explains why I've been in a horrendous mood recently, as much as I hate my period I'm also pleased to have it back, am chilling out in my hoody and joggers and just had yum chicken soup for my lunch.

Oh and M - he's now 100% history, I've had enough of him and it's over, I knew I'd never be able to trust him.

B: Strawberry shake
S: 30g nuts
L: Choc mint shake
D: Chilli and lime chicken with salad
S: cucumber, pepper and carrot sticks

B: Banana shake
S: Nuts
L: Chicken soup
D: Steak, onions, mushroom, cherry tomatoes and salad