M-Mouse's Droppings

oooh no - leftovers!!! They are a curse!

In Consolidation, for instance, they say to prepare normal size plates of food for your celebration meal (not OD'ing on protein - "normal platefuls"). And not to have seconds. It used to break my heart to have to throw leftovers away but I would. Often before I even sat down to eat!! (Portion control is not my middle name!)
I am still tackling leftover chicken from the barbecue! Skinny OH can eat the cheesecake.
I am feeling very bunged up <sorry> and heavy this morning; I will make sure I drink lots of water today and then take some senna or something later if no relief.

The weather is beautiful here this morning, but I am anxious because my little kitty has gone missing - not been seen since Monday.

I have made some posters and will distribute those later. I do hope he turns up soon. I will try and make sure I don't turn to the fridge for comfort though!

I am having my first traditional chinese medicine session this morning, to treat my gastric problems; hope I don't end up with acupuncture needles in my feet - they are very sensitive!
Never apologise for that sort of talk! Most of us have been there! Horrible feeling!

oh Mouse I do sympathise... truly I do... more than you realise actually because when I rang the other half this morning at the country place (while he was bringing in the log delivery), he STUPIDLY left the connecting house door open and my cat got out. This is the one who we took in as a kitten from the fields... and out she has shot and vanished. My cats are indoor cats as there are lots of strays, farmers with machinery, dogs, aaaaah don't wanna think.

I'm trying to distract myself with work... food hasn't occurred to me so that's a good thing at least...
I am feeling very bunged up <sorry> and heavy this morning; I will make sure I drink lots of water today and then take some senna or something later if no relief.

The weather is beautiful here this morning, but I am anxious because my little kitty has gone missing - not been seen since Monday.

I have made some posters and will distribute those later. I do hope he turns up soon. I will try and make sure I don't turn to the fridge for comfort though!

I am having my first traditional chinese medicine session this morning, to treat my gastric problems; hope I don't end up with acupuncture needles in my feet - they are very sensitive!

Oh no, I hope both cats turn up. I can imagine how you feel - I still remember when my Mum's dog went missing in the snow - we spent the day knee deep in snow looking for her, it's horrible.

For the transit issues, can you get bottled water with high magnesium levels (or magnesium supplements). I've never needed to resort to it but a friend swears by it (warning - the water tastes vile definitely an aquired taste, but it works).
oh no mouse... I'm so sorry...
<can't see my screen now>
Oh no, how awful. I'm sorry, Mouse:cry:.
Thanks. He had a lovely life running around in our garden, even though he was only a year old.

And at least I know what happened to him.
I love cheesecake... but couldn't find the WW ones last time I was in England (scoured Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury's locally...). Any idea where one finds them?

Did you see about your cocoa Vicky? See thread "official site" something or other... I seriously think you should put your tub of 11% cocoa up for highest bidder on ebay...

Hey we could have a whole cheesecake thread
awwww mouse im so sorry too i know exactly how u feel !!

and jo hope yr puddy comes home soon !!! big hugs to both of you !!!
i know wot u mean i had to have my late son's kitten put to sleep because she dislocated her hip and we hadn't got round to getting pet insurance and it would have cost a bomb to get her mended so i deccided to have her cremated and she is in dan's casket with her beloved dad !!

but we do have to put things into perspective also !!!
i know wot u mean i had to have my late son's kitten put to sleep because she dislocated her hip and we hadn't got round to getting pet insurance and it would have cost a bomb to get her mended so i deccided to have her cremated and she is in dan's casket with her beloved dad !!

but we do have to put things into perspective also !!!

I'm so sorry for your loss - and it feels shallow for me to be sad about my cat after what you have been through - the kind of thing that does put life into perspective.
mouse !!!

it does not u are entitled to feel the way u do att he end of the day she/he was ur baby too !!!
I know... I have no perspective where my babies are concerned. I have no children and they ARE my babies! And the feelings I experienced when my other half rang me last night (he was under strict instructions ONLY to ring IF she turned up, else I'd ring him later on) were incredible!

So sorry again Mouse...

I hadn't really realised the importance of my water and had a couple of days without having a lot, and the scales looked as though they were going back up!

Anyway I got back into my water yesterday and the scales were back down to my Monday WI weight again today; phew, I don't mind putting on if I have been cheating on my food....but I haven't.

I had been trying to cut down on sugar anyway, because I am glucose intolerant, but I haven't had anything sweet (oh apart from the sugar in Mullers) for weeks now - and definitely no chocolate. I think that maybe it is true that the more you have it the more you want it.

I have also not had cheddar in ages which I do miss.

I went for my chinese acupuncture yesterday and the woman doing it had the most fantastic figure and the most beautiful complexion - and she told me that she is a chocoholic and eats at least a bar a day!!!!! She recommended the diabetic chocolate in Holland & Barrett but I will try and resist because the trouble is I can't just stop at one square!