mama kash diary

Keep up with those positive vibes babe. We shall survive the weekend and be slimmer for it.....who needs carbs anyway???

well day 29 and I have according to my Exante stats lost a stone in 4 weeks (my WI is a day later).... Oh my goodness.... absolutely delighted and 1/3 nearly of the way there despite a few glitches etc....:party0027:

Today very tired... its been a long hard day as I started work at half 3 am... its rainingas well so I feel quite snug at home with my cat. Poor OH is at work doing a job he loathes.....

That's brilliant.......keep up the fantastic work.

:wavey: x
Thank you Gaga and Elmer..., you guys are doing great !

Well day 30 drawing to a close and drank wine ...... Not massive amounts and nor did I particularly enjoy it just stupid habitual oh go on then supping . Feel mad at me . It's not an addiction cos can stop altogether it's social pressure and caving in to be "normal " ..,, I have not ONCE on this exante journey craved food .., had a nibble of cheese and chicken but no carbo has passed my lips or even entered my mind ..,, Again the vino sipping is habit . A bad one . It's not glugging a full glass .,, it's not drinking to get drunk or satisfy a craving it's sipping slowly in company a nice glass of wine and I am still mad as been working on that not being a stress release but its still a social tool ... Maybe ..,, oh I don't know . Tomorrow is soon coming so will continue this journey .,,,, night all xxx
It's a tough one isn't it Mama trying to remain sociable whilst on a plan like this one. I can fully empathise with that babe. Sounds like you were restrinaed tho and made good choices. Hope it hasn't knocked you out of ketosis. Big hugs xx
ladygaga said:
It's a tough one isn't it Mama trying to remain sociable whilst on a plan like this one. I can fully empathise with that babe. Sounds like you were restrinaed tho and made good choices. Hope it hasn't knocked you out of ketosis. Big hugs xx

Thanks lady G according to those ketostix was still in ketosis this morning plus I lost half a pound ???!!
Yeah hard to be sociable and restrained . Today went with OH to a family day ... Left bar behind by mistake and horrors there was no suitable food available . By 4 felt hungry so we stopped for food and again really limited so ordered a fish cake and spinach which I had to send back as was about 99 % potatoes .... Finally had a small steak and steamed broccoli so with a shake and a bar done ok I think !

Sunday tomorrow and going to TS .... Missed my shakes today altho the broccoli was gorgeous !!!!
Day 32 and scales showing down again yeay . OH being a pain (Grrrr) keeps asking me if I am happy . To be honest I don't analyse things too much but when he keeps going on I have to say NO as his going on is so annoying . Why do some partners love to point out faults while sitting on their own (fat) @ss doing nothing about their own issues /problems / jobs ????!! he has been great while I have been Ill but keeps making comments like "you are back to your old self" which are negative . He always felt threatened and jealous of me before I was Ill .,,, hmmmm once I get my energy and figure back (for me) I forsee problems if we don't adapt ..,,
Well got through day 32 been grumpy and fed up all day with ..,, maybe ex the way it's going ..,, foodwise did ok .,, a shake and a bar morsel of chicken and smallish piece of low fat cheese .,, yeah and maybe 1/2 bottle of dry white wine Grrrr ....yeah stupid stupid I know just went to friends pre wake and bottled on the glass being shoved in hand thing ... Oh well I am where I am and at least avoided rice and mac cheese etc etc

Tomorrow = another day
Day 33 and off to work soon . Scales showing no damage . Annoyingly if I had stuck to TS would probably be 11stone something .., hey ho . Also had a brilliant sleep for the first time in months which I attributed to taking some melatonin .... Except woke up and saw 2 tablets on bedside table ... Must have been the wine then !
Having a personal training session this afternoon .... Bought them ages ago when I came out of hospital April thinking I was on the mend and had to cancel cos went back in again twice for theatre but today is the day ..,, need some guidance post op and also monitoring but looking forward to starting some exercise . Had a walk yesterday and reminded myself did a stroll round same park in April with drain tubes and bags hanging out of my body so I have come a long long way . I forget sometimes . Nice to see my physical strength so improved and I believe exante has really helped me with this ...... I need to focus on some decent TS days now .....

Well off to work for 1/2 a day in the office ..,,,,
Well day 33 nearly over and been quite unwell with fever . Also felt "numb" in my extremities and miserable . Managed work and a mini work out for an hour then took to my bed for an hour . Foodwise had a bar shake and a starter size fishcake portion . Really needed food . Should be ok re ketosis as pretty strong pink ketostix this evening ..,,drank loads of water but maybe fever aggravating it . Hoped to TS but it looks like my body is demanding it's AAM week after all . Oh well .... never mind tomorrow is another day and fishcakes aren't donuts eh ? !!
Well day 34 and going to work today (almost a shame cos lovely day). Had a good sleep again and still in ketosis . Don't think any weight loss this week which is annoying but with so few calories surely something must be shifting ..... As long as feel ok really need to TS for the next few days so will give myself a kick if I don't . Feel ok after my first work out ....thought I would ache more .... Now need to focus on work and getting well and shifting some weight !

Time for shower and half a shake before setting off !
Day 34 is over . Had shake bar and some baked chicken ....also some doc pepper zero . Feel quite pleased with myself ... Weirdly jumped on scales this pm and weighed 2 pounds less than first thing ...,eh ?!!! Did a food shop at m and s and wasn't even that tempted and even bought 2 cheesecakes to freeze for visitors without feeling tempted . Off to sleep now .....night all x
Night Mamakash. Well done today, you're doing really well, especially having been to M&S Food which i have banned myself from (too much nice food)!
Good morning day 35 . Wow bit worried weight loss slowing down .... Thought the add a meal would have speeded it up ..,, well it's going down but very very slowly or maybe it's my head seeing so many people losing pounds week after week . My bad days have involved wine but no other carbs and I seem (?!) to have stayed in ketosis . I think I have not drunk enough water a few days .......will try harder... Was thinking of ordering some more soups as running out but need to know this will work and I am not going to be stuck at thus weight ......yes I know read it over and over again that this works ..,, even written it myself ....... Maybe need to make a more determined effort to completely TS for a few days ... Small portions of chicken have been excused with the knowledge it is supposed to be my AAM week .... Need to ensure this is not just an excuse ..,.. Well here goes today . And no wine not even a small glass till Friday . Then try to push for a RS weekend ... Intentions intentions ...,, I WILL be in the elevenses by next week ......
Well struggling today . Feel cold yet feverish and have a head ache . Already had one bar one soup and a cup of bouillon so going to have to dig deep today to stay TS ......hmmmm bath and early night methinks ........,,,

Promised myself a treat Friday if I can stay on track today ...,,and tomorrow but one day at a time ...,.,,,,,,,,,,....:(

Staying focused !!!!!
Day 36 and EXHAUSTED as had police helicopters over the house all night then OH started snoring and after he went to work the cat moved in and now she is snoring so can't even have a sneaky lie in :( can't kick her of the bed poor old dear so off to work soon .... Supposed to WI today but may hold off till another TS day and hopefully some toilet movement cos think I need to lose some errrr weight first .....

Sooooo tired zzzzzzzzzz and headachy and not looking forward to work ......