Marge's Diary: +4 stones to lose by July Wedding

Thanks Claire! :D

In the end i went with a seafood option, it was lovely, can't beat a good homemade pizza... Not really a fan of pre-packaged pizza, but might give those WW ones a go... Don't knock it till you've tried it and all that.
So my thought for today was.... Do diet pills work? And should i give it a try? Am conscious that xmas is fast approaching and i really really want to be a size 12 when i order my wedding dress in either Dec or early Jan. At the moment, size 16 is loose but not hanging off me, and i haven't yet tried to buy any size 14's yet (seem to have plenty of size 12 stuff from when i was a size 12, but only 1 pair of trousers in size 14!!! Did i just gorge over a weekend and jump from a 12 straight to a 16?!?!?!?! :8855: sorry just had an image of myself living in my fridge with chocolate dripping down my mouth)...

So some advice would be great... Have you tried any pills or herbal remedies? Did they work? My main problem is carbs, so i'm not sure that a fat inhibiter would be that useful as to be honest, i don't think my fat consumption is that high, if however, i was what i ate... I would be a bread loaf, a grain of wheat, a bag of flour.... etc etc etc
Weigh in tomorrow..... da da duh... Not sure if i've been good or bad this week. Started off with a major blow out on Thai but then did try and make amends during the week, was pointing initially but then with the stress of work didn't always manage to keep track of what was going in... So verdict = not sure... I'm hoping that the "amends" were enough as i desperately want to reach my next goal of 10%, which is so tantalisingly close... But i might have to wait till next week.... Anyway, will check in tomorrow morning to reveal the results!! :D
Another 2lb bite the dust .... AND .... 10% GOAL!!!! YAY to me :)

Well today was absolutely awesome and so worth all the 15-16 point days i had to make up for the Thai last weekend. I'm so pleased to have finally reached my 10% goal, it's taken awhile but motivation has been really bad since August - we were basically told at work that we might be losing our jobs, managed to get another one but it means traveling further (which will cost loads more) and losing out on 5 days extra of holidays, also had my viva (oral examination after you hand in your thesis/dissertation) which was stressful enough as it is but then was told one result at the exam and then sent another through the mail... Anyway, it's just been hard! And with having to plan a wedding as well, lets just say that weight loss and tracking weren't at the top of my to do list!

But now...
1. i start my new job monday so work should become less stressful
2. a friend and my future sis in law are helping with wedding plans
3. still need to make amendments to dissertation **this is likely to be the difficult one

So with at least two of the three stressors sorted... And with the motivation that todays loss has given me, hopefully i am on track to achieving my goal of having lost 2 stones in total by Christmas...

Wish me luck :D
So far this weekend has been much much better (points wise) than last weekend, have managed to stay on track even though h2b and i went out for a meal on saturday night - this time to pizza express and i had one of the leggera pizzas and 1 small glass of the low calorie wine they have, both were very lovely and very much within my points allowance! Start my new job tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well... Just have wedding to plan and dissertation amendments to do before December so i can graduate in January.... Hmmm need to seriously sort these stressors out!!
Damn it! TOTM and i have been in carb heaven - tiger bread, croissants, biscuits, wraps - you name it, i've eaten it! It seems my body is over compensating for being deprived what it wants.... CHOCOLATE!! But i have held onto my promise to not touch a single bit of chocolate or chocolate flavoured anything until i am at goal. Really not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow... :(
I've put on a pound this week and am really disappointed that i caved into my cravings... I really want to shift this stone by Christmas but its not looking good if i continue to put on what i've already lost :( I think i need to set some goals for this week to keep me on track:

Goal 1: Track every day no matter what, i haven't been doing this so i think when i do i really notice it on the scales.
Goal 2: Commit to going to at least one aerobics class this week.

Right, hopefully will have better news next week.

On an aside, i went bridal dress shopping again today and think i have found THE dress! I was really pleased with how it looked but not so happy with how my arms are looking so i think i will go to at least one combat class this week to work those bingo wings off!
It's my first day of the propoints plan and i'm excited! I only have 29 daily points, but i used to have 21 so i think i'll manage!

For breakfast i had my usual branflakes and soy milk, which has only gone up by one point, plus a banana (because i can!!!) and 6 almonds, so all up its 6 points and i'm feeling full :)

So far.... So good....
Day 2 of propoints and still doing well. Had to consume almost a full 2 ltr bottle of coke zero through the night (working on my thesis amendments) though and eat lots of fruit to keep me going, but as that's all free so i am still very much ON TRACK and..... Not dipped into my weekly allowance WOOHOO!!! It's really weird, its like propoints has given me a different mentality on my allowance. Before i consistently went over my daily allowance of points and never ever managed to fully recover them back before weigh in (i did to some extent obviously, otherwise i wouldn't have lost, but i would have been much further ahead in my journey if i had stuck to my allocated points). Now because i have this extra allowance that i can use, its like i am trying to prove that i don't need it, i'm doing some strange reverse psychology on myself. Before i didn't have the extra allowance so i used more than i should, now i do have extra allowance and i refuse to use it.... Go figure!!! I can be such a stubborn mule sometimes :D
Bad Alice, bad Alice, bad bad BAD Alice! I'm afraid stress has gotten the better of me and in trying to finish my thesis amendments in record time so i can graduate in january i have proceeded to eat my way through the entire contents of my cupboards and fridge.... Gutted!

Think its time to turn a new page and start again.... Wonder how many times its going to take?

Will weigh myself next week as i know i will only feel crap if i weigh myself now, at least i can try and make amends and i might be somewhat back on track by next week - could really use some support right now!
After almost giving up, i am back - hopefully for the last time. I have given up on weight watchers, i am not ready to face my food addiction - too much stress with work and planning the wedding. Looking back through my diary i can see that i wasn't ready to tackle my problems with food, since my last diary entry i've had much of the same, lost a pound or two, gain 3 or 4.... It just wasn't working so i think i need to cut out food completely. Today is day 1 of Cambridge and i hope it really is the last time i am 83.5 kg for the rest of my life... xx Alice
Day 1....

Breakfast: Apple and Cinnamon Porridge - threw it up :(
Lunch: Cappuccino shake - nice, but finding it hard to finish it (liquids seem to fill me up so much!!).... Defo getting more of these

Have so far drunk 2.5 pints and gone to the toilet 20 billion times :D

Feel a tightness in my tummy but don't feel hungry... Lets see how dinner goes.
Thats you moved :)
Finally finished the cappuccino shake which i started at midday!!! Not sure you're supposed to drink them that slowly but i honestly thought i was going to burst with so much liquid in me :D Have also finished my third pint.... Toilet time again methinks!!!

How many pints of water is everyone drinking? I'm just a bit paranoid because last time i did a VLCD i developed a kidney infection and had to stop....
My "before" picture :)

Not exactly my start picture as i started back in June on Weight Watchers and have lost 11lbs (gained some, lost some - which is why i'm doing the cambridge), so more like "take 2" photo! (am now on my 7th pint and am feeling better :) )


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my cdc told me to drink at least 4 pints of water, not exactly sure what is the maximum amount you should drink.

The shakes cane be quite hard to drink but you soon get used to them! Good luck