MidnightSparkles 'Unit Diet' Food Diary

Hi Natalie

Sorry to hear your poorly, I've been following your thread with interest and am now on Day 2 of the unit diet. Not sure how I'll do this week as I switched from SS on CD straight to this but feel that this is better diet for me at the moment.

Just wanted to say thanks for making me aware of this diet and hope it is the right one at the moment.

Awww, hope you feel better soon Natalie
Poor you, what rotten luck. As you say though, if you aren't eating it could help the weight loss. My scales are stuck atm, I think someone has broken in and written the weight on in felt-tip. But I'm plodding on fairly cheerfully in the faith that things can't stay like this indefinitely.

Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
Hi Natalie

Hope you're feeling better now :hug99:

I'm so happy for your first weeks loss...well done :D To be honest, I am astounded, I was reading your food diaries every day and thinking, bet she'll lose 1-2lb maximum. But 5lb is fantastic.

You have inspired me. I have informed my CDC that I'm quitting CD790 and I have ordered my Starter Pack from Jigsaw, ordered it yesterday morning and it was here this morning :eek: I am having a good read through tonight, having a pizza to celebrate the start of a new beginning :)rolleyes: I know, I know!). I'm so happy and feel really positive. Going to start my own Jigsaw journal.

Speak soon...i'll need a Unit Diet buddy!

Love Lou xxx
Hi all :D

Thanks for all your get well wishes. I am feeling a lot better now. In fact I got my appetite back with a vengeance yesterday and ate pretty much anything and everything:sign0007: but I am not going to beat myself up about it. It happened and now it's time to re-start my diet. Today would have been my official weigh day but I think I will leave it for this week as after yesterday I do not want to look at the scales.

My husband got a Wii for the kids and OMG, I had a go for about half an hour and this morning every muscle in my body aches, but what great fun and what a fantastic way to exercise. Hopefully that will help burn a few extra calories.

So far today I have had a bowl of frosties and a mug of tea. so off to a good start. I will post my daily food diary later.

Lou-Lou - Yay, another Jigsaw dieter. I am so happy you decided to give it a go. I hope you have an amazing first week weight loss. Isn't this diet great. Eating normal foods that actually leave you feeling full and satisfied. And that is pretty awesome about the Domino's pizza being 6 units :D

Happygolucky - Wow and yet another Jigsaw dieter, this is fantastic, I really hope your enjoying this diet and that your week is going well. You must let me know how your first week weigh in goes. This is so exciting.

Clairejen - Don't you just hate it when you hit a plateau. You feel like nothing you do can make those scales shift. Even going up would be a nice change, but no they stick at the same weight no matter what. It is sooooo frustrating. But stick with it and eventually they will drop. My plateau lasted weeks, I was tearing my hair out..lol

Take care everyone,
Hi Natalie

so glad you are feeling better. Hope to join your merry band very soon. My head is still a bit all over the place after this last 3 weeks of wall to wall stress but my parents are both home from hospital now so I hope to get some of my life back! It has been such a tough time, I know I could not possibly put any time into dieting and I do feel if you are starting a new plan you need time to study up on it and adjust into it. I will let you know a deffo start date very soon.

Glad you're back Natalie, us Jigsaw-ers have to stick together :D

Did you enjoy the Wii? I would love one of them, would you recommend it?

It might be worth hopping on the scales just to see where you are up to weight wise, don't let it get you down just look at it as a positive...a weight that is dropping every week.

Hope you have a great week.

Love Lou xxx
So sorry I have been awol and not around much the past few days, but I am so busy at the moment that I don't have much time to post. Hopefully that will change next week and I can continue with my diary in more detail.:)

I am still going strong with the diet so I am pleased to be back on track.

Barb, so pleased that both of your parents are on the road to recovery. I can imagine it has been a fraught time for you. Don't feel pressured into starting any diet until you are absolutely ready. But when you do start I will be rooting for you all the way.

Lou Lou- Yes I would def recommend the Wii. I have done more exercise this week 'in fun' then I ever managed to do through 'forced' exercise. Its a great way to keep fit. And owwww my muscles..lol.

Carrot tit- Great name..lol. Aww, i'm so happy I could inspire you. If you need any information about the diet, feel free to ask. And if you do decide to follow the diet, then I wish you all the best :D It's a wonderful way to lose weight.
What is a Wii

So sorry I have been awol and not around much the past few days, but I am so busy at the moment that I don't have much time to post. Hopefully that will change next week and I can continue with my diary in more detail.:)

I am still going strong with the diet so I am pleased to be back on track.

Barb, so pleased that both of your parents are on the road to recovery. I can imagine it has been a fraught time for you. Don't feel pressured into starting any diet until you are absolutely ready. But when you do start I will be rooting for you all the way.

Lou Lou- Yes I would def recommend the Wii. I have done more exercise this week 'in fun' then I ever managed to do through 'forced' exercise. Its a great way to keep fit. And owwww my muscles..lol.

Carrot tit- Great name..lol. Aww, i'm so happy I could inspire you. If you need any information about the diet, feel free to ask. And if you do decide to follow the diet, then I wish you all the best :D It's a wonderful way to lose weight.

Hello there. Following your log with interest but can you tell me what a Wii is please? Many thanks.
Wii is an interactive console, like playstation, but you use handheld controls so that the player onscreen does what you do. I believe they have all sorts of games like golf, pumping up balloons, etc. Meant to be excellent exercise as well as great fun! :cool:
Hello, all, thought I might as well post my menu's for the last few days. It;s been so hot though that I haven't really been all that hungry, just thirsty really so been drinking lots of :tear_drop: too

The Unit Diet – Friday - Allocated Units 10

Tea 0
Cereal 0

Ham salad 0.5
Salad cream 0
Fruit salad 0

Cod in breadcrumbs 3.5
Unit diet chips 0.5
Peas 0

2 toast 0.5
Jam 0.5
Tea 0
Frys Turkish delight 1.5
Walkers baked crisps 0.5

Total units used 7.5

The Unit Diet – Saturday – Allocated Units 10

2 bread 0.5
2 Rashers Bacon 1
Diet flora 1

Jacket potato 0
30g low fat cheese 0.5
Punnet blueberries 0

Turkey 0.5
Dry roast pots 0
Yorkshire pud 1
Peas 0
50g stuffing 0.5
Gravy 0.5

Tea 0
Cereal 0
Fudge 1
Snack a jacks 1

Total units used 7.5

The Unit Diet – Sunday – Allocated Units 10

Tea 0
2 toast 0.5
2tsps lower fat peanut butter 2

Egg & Ham salad 2
Salad cream 0
3 plums 0

Diet coke 0
Golden savoury rice 0.5
2 Fish fingers 1
Sugar free jelly 0

Bowl of cereal 0
Frys Turkish delight 1.5
Snack a jacks 1

Total units used 9
Hi Nat, how the diet going? Any more weigh ins or discoveries? I've decided to try using the unit diet for my up days to see if I can make the scales move.
Hi Nat, how the diet going? Any more weigh ins or discoveries? I've decided to try using the unit diet for my up days to see if I can make the scales move.
That's a great idea Claire :clap:

Excellent menus there Nat. A little more protein needed perhaps to make them perfect?
Oh! I missed the mention of chicken:rolleyes: Sounds perfect :)