Mirjam's Cruise diet

Stay strong Mirjam you are doing champion to stay on track when you have been feeling so rough. I hope you get back to the gym so you can get on track with your running, it may help you to really focus on something else too. Hope there are lots of lovely things happening too - often I think everything is rubbish and then I think of all the things that are pretty amazing - like no longer being a whale and just a bit blubbery!!! LOL xxx
Good thing is, I'm not really hungry when I've got a migraine so can't eat rubbish lol. It's hard to stay focussed while all I want to do is get out of here pronto! Am focussing on the good things in life, like not having to work for this person anymore and make more jewellery, going to the gym for my runs and hopefully visit my family soon and lose some more weight. Bought the Bridesmaids dvd just now so am probably gonna watch that tonite as Alan's gone offshore.
wish my hubby was offshore LOL hes not been for ages and i need my chic flic dvd fix

hope your migraine improves soon and your not stuck there too long xx
woke up same old, same old so had to take another pill. Did go to the gym last night, ran for 3x 7 mins and man, that was tuff but I managed to continue. Feel I'm getting fitter so that's good.
Had 4 salmon fillets last night with some salad and went to bed early as I was very tired.

Just found out that the new one is starting in 4 weeks, so I'm condemned to stay here for that long but it gives me some chance to find something else. I hope I find something soon so that I can give her the two finger signal (no, not the one for "ok" :D) and leave her high and dry before the new one starts.

B - shake
L - salad
D - chicken with pak choi
S - egg whites
Well done on the running front - 3 x 7 mins is pretty impressive - you will sail through your 5k run for sure........ Defo think the headaches are due to stress lovely - keep looking for that new job, the sooner you make the break the better. I didn't love Bridesmaids but it was defo a chic flic and had the feel good factor!!! Menus look good Mirjam, great that you are sticking to it cos that will help you feel better for sure. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for the day! xx
I know the headaches are also caused by stress Trudy, it's me getting so worked up cos I've got bugger all to do all week and it's getting to me. I really don't know how much longer I can take this.... all I've had to do this week is one lousy letter! This is getting absurd!!!!
I've got an interview with an agency this afternoon, hopefully they have something for me as this is driving me up the wall. I feel that all I do is moan moan moan at the moment and it's afffecting my health :(

Tomorrow and Sunday I'm off to the gym, also need to get back into the Dukan diet rhythm as I haven't really been following it for the last couple of weeks. Felt so miserable last night due to my sore tummy, I went out and bought a box of Celebrations. They tasted sooooooo nice :) but didn't eat all of them so had some will power lol.

Food for today is:
B - shake
L - chicken salad
D - not sure yet
S - egg whites, chicken
Are there any collegues you can ask to help out with their work load just to keep your mind busy???? There is NOTHING worse than having nowt to do in a job you don't enjoy anyway! Can you take a book to read or are you on show???? I do understand there is only so much surfing you can do on the net, mind you, you could settle down and go through all the threads on here and help the newbies out with their questions on both Dukan and Lipotrim - that would keep you busy!LOL.
Good plan for the gym, stay away from the Celebrations sweetheart, they are not your friend though they desperately want to be!LOL. Eat lots and lots of lovely Dukan food Mirjam then you won't be able to hear that chocolate calling and if they do you know it is just a mental decision to make not one of hunger so you can defo say no!!!
No, there aren't, they're all solicitors and they do their own thing. Can't read a book as I am in sight but sit here playing solitaire on the pc and poker on my BB and am emailing with a friend in Holland who's bored at work as well lol.
How boring would like a little break in my job but would hate to have nothing to do. Makes you wonder why there is a post there in the first place. Keep positive Mirjam xxx
Thanks Chris! Called in sick again on Monday, splitting migraine since Friday. Boss lady wears this very heavy perfume to work (which she royally applies here just behind me :() so that sparked my still lingering migraine again. Went to my doctor's yesterday so see if I could get some other pills as the ones I use weren't working anymore :cry:.

Feeling much better today with the new pills so here's hoping! Not been eating much, never can when I have a migraine.

Re the job hunting, still no success but am thinking of starting to do Temple Spa. Had a meeting with the representative yesterday and I must say, it's looking good. Investment is not that big, only £160, while the package is worth more than £1,000. Am hosting a party myself on 23 March but am already trying to rope other people in so that I can start asap.

Food wise, no longer doing the Dukan, but still on a low carb, low fat diet.

Running hasn't been good, am a week behind schedule so will have to start running again soon! Will do another 7mins, 2 mins session on Sunday as hubby and I are off to Edinburgh on Saturday :)
Glad the pills are kicking in Mirjam. Great that you are going to be able to get running again. Honestly I am sure you will manage the run whatever, even if you have to do half of it walking!!! Well done for maintaining a healthy diet - it hasn't been an easy time for you and sticking to your guns is great. Hope the business venture is something you can get to work or that the dream job you want lands in your lap really soon. x
Thanks Trudy :)
As long as my jewellery business is running but not making a lot of money yet, it is nice to have something to do during the week and still make some money. I went to a TS home party last Friday and I really love the products! It ain't cheap, but it will last you months to finish the day creams/toner etc. so it will be cheaper in the long run...
I've decided to cross over to SW as I need to train my body to get used to "normal" food again and I just can't get back into the Dukan rhythm. Am going to my first meeting tonight, am very curious, am looking forward to it but am also a bit scared as I'm worried all the weight I've lost so far, will be coming back!

I will still be posting here and I will keep on following all your progresses. Thanks for all your support over the last couple of months and I wish you all good luck on getting to your true weight! xxx
glad to see you are OK and its which ever diet is best for 'you' at the time but please dont disappear :) would miss you too much xxx
Aww, thanks Chris! I won't disappear, besides, we're FB buddies so I will always be part of your life :) until you unfriend me!
Meeting went fine last night, friendly coach and I cannot believe the amount of food we're allowed to eat! Had some porridge for breakfast, the rest of the day I'm trying to figure out what I can eat but brought chicken and ham so will probably just get a salad for lunch to go with that. No idea yet what to have for dinner but bosslady is not in today (so what else is new ;)) so will have plenty of time to go through the little cook book I bought.

Very curious to see how much weight I've lost by next week but will keep you posted!
Good luck with SW Mirjam - I lost loads of weight with them ages ago and found it a great diet but one that you really have to stick to. After Dukan I think it is very flexible and I made great dishes using all the free foods. Glad that you feel motivated to manage your diet - hope it works well and will see how you have done next week - I did find I lost 1 -2 lbs on SW rather than the larger amounts I have lost on Dukan but because it fitted in sooo well with normal living it was easy to maintain the diet for a long time. Take care and hope everything else is on the up! x
Thanks Trudy, I must say that the first day went fab! Still cannot believe the amount I am allowed to eat. Had a nice mixed salad for lunch, a little bit of lettuce, a tbsp of potato salad, a tbsp of pasta salad with chicken, a huge scoop of tuna and some beetroot. Also had chicken pieces and was pretty full for the rest of the afternoon, so no snack at 3pm.
Went home and started cooking dinner and made some lovely comfort food iceberg lettuce mash (like bubble and squeek but without the bacon) with pork mini burgers. Had my dinner at 4.45pm as I was to be picked up at 5.20 for a meeting with the ladies of Temple Spa. Turned out, I was mistaken about the time, it was supposed to be 6.20pm:eek:.
Had a great meeting, have decided to get the paperwork sorted next week so that I can start my training and can start getting customers asap. Still applying for lots of jobs, but so far still no luck and at least with this I will have some money coming in.

Had a sneeky weigh in this morning and I was pleasantly surprised to see that I've lost 300gr:). Not bad, seeing that I was expecting a weight gain cos of the carbs I'm eating now. Bring on day 2! x
sounds good mirjam :)