Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

Hope you have a lovely day Miss M, a session on the sunbeds sounds great - now that I've found my way back to the gym I might buy some sessions, would be lovely to have a bit of colour now as I can't keep wearing tights :) xx
Yes i will definitely do that dusty, good idea!

I am trying to prepare mentally for a big gain but i have given myself a month timescale for it to hopefully balance out and come off again.

I am hoping to be the same weight at the end of may as i end the diet at the end of april :)

Good plan! Up to you but when I came off dust last time I didn't weigh for a few weeks so I didn't see the jump. It helped a lot.
Good plan! Up to you but when I came off dust last time I didn't weigh for a few weeks so I didn't see the jump. It helped a lot.

Yes im gonna try and stay off but i think ill be too curious!
Saying that though, this time all the way through my diet i have been strict when weighing.
I only weigh once a week on a wednesday morning and thats it. No more. No sneaky weigh ins or anything. Think its really helped a lot as on the weeks when ive only had a 1lb loss, god knows what the scales were doing!

Carrie said she stayed off for a couple of weeks too then when she checked they had settled.

I will definitely try :)
Just back from another 5 min sunbed.

Turns out they are only £2 on a sunday for all beds so i got 10 minutes but i only used 1 token and kept the other one.
I will see how i feel tonight after this 5 mins and if im still ok with it, next time i go, i will buy 5 mins and use the token ive kept.
Ill put the token in and then get changed and will go on when theres 6 and a half minutes left.
I will try and build it from there.

I normally get it wrong and end up burning to a crisp so hopefully this time i can get it right :)
3 days left, How exciting. I think not weighing for a bit afterwards is a good way to go but you'll know what is going to work for you.

Enjoy your afternoon MM xx
Just back from another 5 min sunbed.

Turns out they are only £2 on a sunday for all beds so i got 10 minutes but i only used 1 token and kept the other one.
I will see how i feel tonight after this 5 mins and if im still ok with it, next time i go, i will buy 5 mins and use the token ive kept.
Ill put the token in and then get changed and will go on when theres 6 and a half minutes left.
I will try and build it from there.

I normally get it wrong and end up burning to a crisp so hopefully this time i can get it right :)

£2 = bargain! Good plan buying an extra one :) xx
I'm the same with the sun Miss Mac.
I also try to build up a bit before a holiday on the sunbeds. I get terrible prickly heat otherwise. I started talking antihistamines a couple of years ago about a week before a holiday and tgat serms to help a bit too :)
I'm looking forward to seeing your Wednesday WI :D
I'm the same with the sun Miss Mac. I also try to build up a bit before a holiday on the sunbeds. I get terrible prickly heat otherwise. I started talking antihistamines a couple of years ago about a week before a holiday and tgat serms to help a bit too :) I'm looking forward to seeing your Wednesday WI :D

I am actually allergic to the sun marge!!
I have to start taking allergy tablets about a week before i go too.
I havent actually come across anyone else who has the same reaction as me though but i get what i call 'monster head'!! :(
My forehead, eyes and top of my nose swell up.
It started a few years ago on holiday abroad then kept happening every time after that.
I thought it was just because of the heat abroad or an allergy to suncream or something in the pool etc. then 2 years ago, i had been in my sisters garden and next day it had happened again.
Went to the pharmacy and she said an allergy to suncream but i didnt have any on.
Went to doctors and he said allergic to the sun!!
The swelling had gone down a little when i saw him but next day it was worse but i wouldnt go back as i would have to sit in the waiting room looking like a freak!!
I took photos. I literally look like a monster!!
I am actually allergic to the sun marge!!
I have to start taking allergy tablets about a week before i go too.
I havent actually come across anyone else who has the same reaction as me though but i get what i call 'monster head'!! :(
My forehead, eyes and top of my nose swell up.
It started a few years ago on holiday abroad then kept happening every time after that.
I thought it was just because of the heat abroad or an allergy to suncream or something in the pool etc. then 2 years ago, i had been in my sisters garden and next day it had happened again.
Went to the pharmacy and she said an allergy to suncream but i didnt have any on.
Went to doctors and he said allergic to the sun!!
The swelling had gone down a little when i saw him but next day it was worse but i wouldnt go back as i would have to sit in the waiting room looking like a freak!!
I took photos. I literally look like a monster!!

Oh my :O you poor thing!
My mum was allergic too Miss Mac !!
She used to break out in welt type things.
She just avoided the sun and covered up :)
My mum was allergic too Miss Mac !! She used to break out in welt type things. She just avoided the sun and covered up :)

Ooo that sounds nasty!

I wear a golf visor now to shade my face.
The rest of me is fine, just my face.
But it is difficult trying to keep your face out of the sun all the time :(
Ooo that sounds nasty!

I wear a golf visor now to shade my face.
The rest of me is fine, just my face.
But it is difficult trying to keep your face out of the sun all the time :(

:( on the plus side no sun damage so I bet you look like a 16 yr old ;)
:( on the plus side no sun damage so I bet you look like a 16 yr old ;)

Haha i wish dusty!!

How are you getting on these days?
Have you moved yet?
Are you still cal counting?
End of day 117!

Back to work tomorrow but at least the time flies over.

Skin still feels fine after the 5 minutes sunbed again today so i think i will go tuesday or wednesday and try 6 and a half.
Will have 3 per week for 5 weeks and that should prep my skin and give me a base before my holidays.
End of day 117! Back to work tomorrow but at least the time flies over. Skin still feels fine after the 5 minutes sunbed again today so i think i will go tuesday or wednesday and try 6 and a half. Will have 3 per week for 5 weeks and that should prep my skin and give me a base before my holidays.

Yey! So close now :)
Month 4

Week 17

Day 118

2 days to go!!

Wow start of the end today. The last monday!
I am so excited to eat again but the flip side of that is worry.
Is it all going to go back on once i eat.
I would be devastated!
I need the next size trousers down for work as my current ones are now too big, but is there any point getting smaller trousers when im gonna eat and put on weight!

All thoughts in my head.
I know i am going to get an initial gain, i am just scared how much.
What if it doesnt go down again until i restart tfr.

Truth is im not gonna know any of this until i try and i know that.

Think i may just stay on tfr forever ;)
Month 4

Week 17

Day 118

2 days to go!!

Wow start of the end today. The last monday!
I am so excited to eat again but the flip side of that is worry.
Is it all going to go back on once i eat.
I would be devastated!
I need the next size trousers down for work as my current ones are now too big, but is there any point getting smaller trousers when im gonna eat and put on weight!

All thoughts in my head.
I know i am going to get an initial gain, i am just scared how much.
What if it doesnt go down again until i restart tfr.

Truth is im not gonna know any of this until i try and i know that.

Think i may just stay on tfr forever ;)

The end is nigh :)

If it were me I'd get the smaller trousers as they will fit and you will feel the difference in them if you did start to put on weight and know to reign it in for a bit until they fit comfortably, whereas if your trousers are too big you can put on a lot of weight before you feel it. I could tell with my jeans and knew that I had to cut back as they had got too tight.

It's inevitable that you'll put on a little bit of weight as your body will have food in it but if you are eating sensibly then after that initial little gain you should continue to lose weight.

Have a lovely day and don't worry too much xx