Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

Hope you had the best time, it's very well deserved :) x
I wonder what time you'll be getting up this morning MM. Hope you're not too hung over! I'm from Morpeth too Cate.
Im still alive. :)

Had a really good night out, started in newcastle and ended up in jesmond!

My knees are sore from dancing and heels but i made it all night without taking my shoes off :)

Came home about 1am had some pizza then was sick. Thats pretty standard for me as once im home, i cant handle alcohol on my stomach!

This morning i had a bit of a fuzzy head and i really wanted a bacon sandwich but my son wouldnt be convinced to go to the shop so ive had a slice of leftover pizza. Feel more human now :)

No plans today except iron uniforms for tomorrow and got online delivery coming later.
Have to admit ive ordered a cheese topped baguette and lurpack so im not going to be on track at all today.
Yesterday all i had was granola with yoghurt, copious amounts of alcohol and 3 slices of pizza when i got home, which didnt stay in my tummy long enough to count ;)
Hopefully i wont do too much damage and ill be back to strict 1200 cals tomorrow.

Me and my sisters with a strawberry daiquiri


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OMG - How slim do you look! Amazing!
You look bl00dy gorgeous, so slim :D Glad you had such a good night x

ps your son needs disinheriting! Most things can be forgiven but never denying anyone the chance of bacon on toast lol :)
You look bl00dy gorgeous, so slim :D Glad you had such a good night x ps your son needs disinheriting! Most things can be forgiven but never denying anyone the chance of bacon on toast lol :)

I know, especially with a hangover!!
And i thought i had him well trained!
Me and my sisters with a strawberry daiquiri

Wow! Miss mac you need to change your profile pic, you look stunning and very slim! What a fab dress! :)
Just what i fancied, comfort food :)


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You look fantastic. And what a statement that dress is. So nice to have the confidence to wear a dress that attracts attention rather than settling for something that does the exact opposite. Yes, all the Polys have gone posh now and are Unis.
I wonder what time you'll be getting up this morning MM. Hope you're not too hung over! I'm from Morpeth too Cate.

Did you know the Addison family, Lynne? My friend is Gil Addison; she has an older sister Jane and a younger sister Kate and one brother at least, maybe two. Can't remember. Gil is 54 now so Jane will be just a few years younger than you.
Glad you enjoyed yourself MM. I agree you look lovely in that dress xx
Don't think I know the Addison's Cate although we probably all went to the same school.

Have a great day MM.
Hope today has been a good one for you Miss M xx