Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

Thanks carrie and yoyo ! I am very pleased but the proof will be every week from now, I really hope it works
Thanks carrie and yoyo ! I am very pleased but the proof will be every week from now, I really hope it works

I'm sure it will - I've done ww before
Well done on the great start with WW x
Well done Miss Mac :)
I feel like I have cheated this weekend.
I had almost a full small carrot cake on Friday and on Saturday I seemed to eat loads at night time.!

I haven't actually cheated though coz the cake used up lots of my weekly points and I ate a lot in the evening because I hadn't used many points during the day.

I am hoping it is still going to be OK at weigh in!

This was dinner yesterday, chicken curry and cauliflower rice:


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That rice does look very ricey :D
I think I need to find me a Mr Grey!

Been single for too long! Not sure if I can handle being in a relationship again but think I need to try.

Anyone know any hot single men in the Newcastle area? Haha.

Seriously though how scary is the dating scene!
I think I need to find me a Mr Grey!

Been single for too long! Not sure if I can handle being in a relationship again but think I need to try.

Anyone know any hot single men in the Newcastle area? Haha.

Seriously though how scary is the dating scene! 

Oh I know !!
I know I have the manfriend now, but he is an old friend from nearly 20yrs ago, that I kept in touch with, but didn't see for nearly 15yrs !!
It only started, on my part as a bit of fun. He professed his love fairly early on though, he's not made of wood though eh ? ;)
I seriously think I would still be single myself Miss Mac had he not asked me one last time to meet for a drink. He said if I hadn't met him this time, he wasn't gonna ask again :eek:

Good luck chick :D
Oh I know !!
I know I have the manfriend now, but he is an old friend from nearly 20yrs ago, that I kept in touch with, but didn't see for nearly 15yrs !!
It only started, on my part as a bit of fun. He professed his love fairly early on though, he's not made of wood though eh ? ;)
I seriously think I would still be single myself Miss Mac had he not asked me one last time to meet for a drink. He said if I hadn't met him this time, he wasn't gonna ask again :eek:

Good luck chick :D

Haha, you are a catch marge, thank goodness he asked again eh!

I am not sure it's worth the hassle to be honest. It would be good if you could pick and choose the best bits of a relationship and leave out the dross! Lol.

It's only once in a while that I feel like I might like to try again because for the most part I am very happy with my own company.

We will see. I will keep my eyes open and see if anything nice comes along lol
Haha, yes you should :D
Even if it's just for a bit of fun :D
Well done with your WW start Miss Mac. My hubby is a Geordie so I will keep my eyes peeled for a Mr Grey for you Pet. X
Well done with your WW start Miss Mac. My hubby is a Geordie so I will keep my eyes peeled for a Mr Grey for you Pet. X

Haha... Thanks angel!
You know the saying 'it's not what you know, it's who you know!' lol xxx

Week 2 weight watchers

Total loss: - 6lb

Start weight: 14.6
Last week's weight: 14.2
Current weight: 14.0

Over the moon again. :D
I stuck within my points even though I have had luxuries this week like carrot cake :eek:

I hope this continues!
Fantastic results Miss Mac! Sounds like it's really going good!

Well done Miss Mac. Super start. X
Thanks angel and Sheridan.
I am so pleased that it seems to be working.
Still early days but as long as I get a loss every week that I stick to plan I'll be very happy.
It's been tough in the past to achieve this but hopefully this time will be better.
Well done Miss Mac :)