MWWWD (or Moonwatcher's Weight Watchers Diary!)

Saturday 4th August

Breakfast - Egg Muffin, Yogurt Bar - Total 9PP -
one White Muffin, toasted (4PP), one Egg (2PP), fried in Fry-Light (0PP), HP sauce (1PP), Aldi Strawberry Yogurt Biscuit Bar, one slice (2PP)

Lunch - Cheesy Beans on Toast - Total 9PP -
2 small slices Multi-seeded Toast (4PP), 4 tbspns Baked Beans (3PP), 2 Cheese Triangles spread on the toast (2PP) squirt of HP (0PP) (Have counted 1PP at breakfast for HP, which is for 2 tbspns, so as I only have a squirt each time, that should cover it)

Tea - Salmon Burger, Mash, Peas and Salad, Banana, Yogurt and Meringue - Total 12PP
- one Lidl Salmon Burger with Garlic and Lemon (4PP), 7oz Potatoes, mashed (4PP), 3 tbspns Petit Pois (1PP), Lettuce, Toms, Spring Onion (0PP), 3 tbspns ELF Mayo (1PP), with Lemon Juice and Black Pepper (0PP), Banana (0PP), crushed Meringue Nest (1PP), dollop Lidl's Greek Yogurt (1PP)

Snacks - Cider and Minstrels, Crisps - Total 6PP -
half glass Cider (150ml) 2PP, half a bag of Minstrels (3PP), 3 of Hubby's Prawn Cocktail Crisps (1PP)

Drinks - one cup Coffee with Cream (2PP), Water, NAS squash

Totals 38PP, 29 dailies and 9 weeklies
Weeklies remaining 14
APs earned today - none, APs for the week so far - 21
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Sunday 5th August

Lazing around the house today, doing nothing really, except catching up on Minis and downloading a few new exercise vids to try out. Food OK points-wise, but not very good for fruit and veg. Still, it is the week-end!

Breakfast - Total 12PP
- 2 slices Warburton's Orange Fruit Loaf, (4PP), 4 tspns Butter (4PP), 2 slices Aldi Yogurt Strawberry Biscuit Bar (4PP)

Lunch - Fruit Loaf and Salami, Cheese Curls - Total 9PP - one more slice Fruit Loaf! (2PP), 2 tpsns Butter (2PP), one Aldi Hot Salami Stick - can't find points and have thrown away the wrapper so can't calculate, but about the same size as a Peperami, so counting as that (3PP), pack of Aldi Cheese Curls (2PP)

Tea - Soup and Bread - Total 11PP - Tin of Aldi Soupreme Minestrone Soup (4PP), 2 slices Aldi Cracked Wheat Malted Bloomer (4PP), another Salami Stick (3PP)

Drinks - one Cup Coffee and Cream (2PP), couple of cups of Tea, with splash of milk (0PP),

Snacks - none, although every meal looks more like a snack!

Totals - 34PP, 29 dailies, 5 weeklies
Weeklies remaining - 9
APs - none again, APs for the week so far - 21
moonwatcher said:
Thanks. Yummy - love egg muffins! Got some of those cooking rings, so the eggs can be round and fit the muffins! (Beginning to think perhaps I need to get out more!) :D

LOL xxx
Monday 6th August

Breakfast - Total 8PP - Pecan and Maple Cereal, Yogurt Bar - Total 8PP -
35g Aldi Pecan and Maple Cereal (4PP), serving S/S Milk (2PP), Aldi Strawberry and Yogurt Biscuit (2PP)

Lunch/Dinner - Gammon, Pineapple and Chips, Raspberry and White Choc Ice-Cream Slice! _Total 22PP.
Hubby was home from work early so we popped to the coast and ate there. I went for ... Grilled Gammon (6PP), Large Mixed Salad (0PP), Grilled Pineapple Ring (0PP), a few Chips (gave most to the hubby, so going for 4PP), 1 onion ring (gave the other two to hubby as well! 2PP), Sachet Salad Cream (1PP), We were going to have a scoop of ice-cream later but I decided to treat myself to a proper pudding (not had many of them over the last 10 months!) Went for a Raspberry and White Chocolate Ice-cream Slice with a little cream! I used MyFitnessPal to get some nutritional info for 2oz Raspberry and White Choc Ice-cream, small piece of sponge (was on the bottom) and a Mini Meringue on top, also included the cream and then entered all the numbers into the tracker and got a figure of 7PP, so that's as close as I can get I think! Coffee with Cream (2PP) Quite a few PP there - but it was for lunch and dinner, so I was quite happy with that.

I was not so happy with the upset stomach I got in the afternoon though! We were going to go for a long walk along the beach-front, but after two emergency dashes to the loo we decided it would be more - ahem - prudent to go home! I know it's because I had far too much wheat yesterday and didn't eat my five a day! I know I can't get away with it, but every so often I 'forget' and pay the consequences! Haven't really had enough fruit and veg today either, but daren't give my stomach any more to cope with 'til it's settled down a bit!

Snacks - none

Drinks - NAS Squash, Water, Green Teas, Coffee at dinner (pointed above) Aldi's Alcoholic Ginger Beer - half a bottle (4PP), counted the same as Crabbies.
I would like to point out that this was consumed purely for medicinal purposes - ginger being very good for upset stomachs, an' all! :cool:

Totals for the day - 34PP, 29 dailies, 5 weeklies
Weeklies remaining - 4
APs earned today - 3 for a 45 min slow walk. Not as many as I would have liked, but better than nothing. APs for the week so far = 24
moonwatcher said:
Thanks. Yummy - love egg muffins! Got some of those cooking rings, so the eggs can be round and fit the muffins! (Beginning to think perhaps I need to get out more!) :D

What's the cooking rings? Lol bout getting out more.Sounds nice that they fit just right :0)
Looks amazingly delicious! x Hope your tummy is better tomorrow!

It was! Yes back to normal today thanks. It's my own fault, so I shouldn't really moan. I know what I need to do, (eat) just don't always do it... sounds a lot like dieting in general. ;)
Our food always makes me drool!!
I'm looking forward to life calming down so I get more time to plan and cook :) x

Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Drool away! :) I'm lucky really because I work only part time at a school, so get quite a bit of time to drool over recipes and food myself! Just noticed your stats... well done - that's a terrific loss. :clap:
What's the cooking rings? Lol bout getting out more.Sounds nice that they fit just right :0)

They're just a metal ring, about 3-4 inches across, with a fold out handle. They often have them in Poundland and similar shops. You break the egg into them in the pan and get a round egg! I'm planning to try other things in them, like bubble 'n' squeak, hash browns, rostis, that kind of thing. Suppose they would also hold a home made burger in place too...

Be warned though they are a ****** to clean the egg off afterwards!

Sorry to hear that about your stomach,hehe at alcoholic ginger beer..yup ginger is good for settling tummies!

Stomach OK today thanks. The alcoholic ginger beer obviously worked! :cool: If you like Crabbies, then you might like it - it was Aldi's own brand and was £1.49 a bottle, which is less than half what I paid for a bottle of Crabbies from a local shop last year. It wasn't quite as sweet as Crabbies, which I liked. It's on the Christmas list anyway! I prefer to eat rather than drink my points tbh, but don't mind making an exception now and again! :D
Cool bout the rings,Shame they are a pain to clean though! Glad you feel a lot better..thanks about the drink,I don't like ginger.. ;0) I'm the same with food/drinks and points!
Wednesday morning - was going to drive to a local town for a Poundland visit and a wander around, but have a flat tyre on the car! Do know how to change it but just can't be bothered, so instead have come on Minis to catch up.

Three loads of washing gone through the machine and three cups of green tea gone through me so far! (Seems like a lot of washing this week for just two of us, but I've started the 'I'm on summer holidays so need to catch up on the serious housework' mentality - washing the pillows this week, curtains next week!) Picked up one of the Zumba Wii vids from the Library Monday pm, so will have a go at that later, then have to move a book-case out of the Hall and replace it with a unit from the bedroom, so I have somewhere to put our shoes - fed up of them being stuffed under the heater in the hall! Problem is, first I have to make room in the spare room for the book case, and then empty the bedroom stuff out of the other unit - I feel a de-cluttering session coming on!

Haven't weighed yet this morning - will do soon.

Not sure about tea tonight - can't decide between Creamy Chicken Pasta Bake or Mexican Style Chicken Wraps with Avocado, Peppers, Yogurt and Cheese.

Have just realised I haven't added yesterday's food so will do that now.
Good luck for wi.Busy day for you then! Sorry to hear that about your car tyre but I'm impressed you know how to change it ;0)