Neonic's Dukan Diary

Apart from your blip & the tasting your food looks great. Have you thought about making your own yogurt ?
Nic your quiet..........Happy Easter xxx
Happy Easter Hun x
Thanks girls. Hope you've all had a lovely easter.

I've been in hiding. I fell off the dukan wagon just over a week ago. I've got rid of all the really naughty stuff from the house but I still have fruit and fruit yogurts here. I go on holiday in 2 weeks so I think I'm going to do a kind of slimming world red day/pv dukan diet until I go. So basically I'll have protein and veg every day but I'll also allow myself fruit and yogurt. I'll still have my oat bran allowance too. After my holiday I have 4 weeks before my next holiday so I might do the same until I get back from the second holiday then I'll go back to official dukan.

If no one objects I'll still post on here to keep myself on track as I have been far from the track the last few days.
No objections hear xxx we are hear to support xxx
Whatever you want to do as long as you keep posting :) x
Thanks girlies.

I've ended up going to the dark side and I've joined slimming world. I figured I've got half a chance of being slightly good on holiday if I'm on slimming world. Haven't posted on the SW forum yet. I don't feel as comfortable over there yet.

First week on plan is done and I lost 3.5lb. I won't mention how much I gained the 2 weeks before that when I was eating so much rubbish but hey, it's starting to come off again now. It's taking me a while to adjust to eating carbs again. I still haven't had pasta or rice but I have had potatoes and pitta bread. I'm still making some of my favourite dukan recipes, especially cheeseburger pie. That's a new staple in my diet now.

This may be tmi, but I have really noticed a difference in the toileting department. No longer do I go only once every few days after having wheat bran to help.

8 days until my holiday. Ideally I'd like to lose another 3.5lb this week but we'll see. 5.2lb would get me back to where I was before but that's unlikely.

Hope everyone is doing well on Dukan. Think ill have a bit of a catch up read.
Morning everyone.

I've just weighed myself and realised my slimming word weight and Dukan weigh in's are at different times and different circumstances. When I was weighing in on Dukan, it was first thing in the morning with nothing on. On slimming world it's in the evening fully dressed. So to get to where I was a month ago (weighing in first thing) I have 3.7lb to go. If I can at least get back under 11 stone by my holiday (2.5lb in a week), I'll be happy.
Good luck nick xxx hope sw works for you.....if not our arms are always open xxx
It'll even itself out Hun, keep going x
I have decided to revive my diary although as you already know I'm not doing Dukan.

Slimming world is going okay but it's very slow. I guess that's a good thing though. I seem to have a couple of losses then have a reasonable sized gain. Hopefully posting here again will help.

This week in work I have two new starters on my department which is amazing. I've been waiting 6 months to get back to full staffing and being the manager I've had to plug the gaps and work silly hours. That should all settle down and I can actually start being a manager again although being almost December it's going to start getting manic.

I think when my transfer in work eventually comes through and I know when I'm moving I should be able to relax a bit which will hopefully help the weightloss too. I know it's getting to me, not knowing what's going on and struggling for money until I move doesn't help. Feeling down tends to equal needing chocolate.

But, I'm going to keep plodding along. I will get there eventually.
Definitely. I'll actually be able to afford to leave the house other than just for work or a bike ride once I've moved :)
Great to see another "unread" post on the screen for me to read this morning! :D I don't think many of us old timers are on Dukan any longer... but it's still nice to see how everyone's doing in their lives. Keep posting
Super tired this morning. Exhaustipated you might say. Was supposed to start work at 9 but I really can't be bother so I'm aiming for half 9 now. Another cup of tea is in order first.

Had a good day food wise yesterday. Homemade soup is getting me back on track.

I'm going to speak to my manager about my transfer AGAIN today and make him actually pick up the phone to find out what's going on. I'm convinced he thinks that if he does nothing to sort it that I'll just forget about it and decide to stay. Not happening. Since I made the decision to move home, I can't wait for it to happen. I'm looking forward to seeing my family (and dogs) every day and actually getting to see my niece grow up. I've missed too much of her first 18 months. I don't want to miss any more.

I suppose I should actually get in the shower or they'll be sacking me rather than giving me a transfer.

Have a good day everyone.x
Well my diet has been a bit hit and miss over the last few days. I haven't been horrendous, but I haven't been good either.
I think December is going to be more about not gaining rather than losing. I will be back on plan 100% from January.

There might be a bit of progress with my transfer. The regional manager for my department seems to be under the impression there is a transfer position sorted for me but my store manager isn't so sure. We'll see!!

Up at my folks at the minute. Making the most of having 2 days off. Spent today with my mum and my niece which was nice, we also went for coffee with my auntie. Really looking forward to being able to spend more time with everyone when I move back.

Having a relaxing evening tonight. Craving chocolate badly but trying with all my might to resist. I'm going to have some yogurt and melon instead.
Weigh in yesterday showed a 2.5lb loss. Extremely happy about that. Yesterday however was our Christmas buffet in work. I was super good and resisted everything on my breaks, but later I caved and are loads of sandwiches, tea cakes and a mince pie. Back on track today though and doing a couple of SW red days. Need to lose 1.5 this week to get my stone award.

Just had a perfectly cooked steak with roast veg for tea. It was lovely!!! I've got a chicken in the oven and onion chutney on the stove which is probably dukan friendly too. It's lovely. I'm determined to get my award this week.

Hope everyone is doing ok.x
Onion Chutney ??????????????????? recipe
please xxx