ProPoints Nessa's pro points diary

Fatty_no_more said:
Omg u and i are v similar

2 unwanted c sec
I was 6 months preg when we married
Boy and girl......
Both wanna wear clothes for same reason! X

How spooky!! But in a good way! How's your day going? Xx
nessa123 said:
No sunshine here in cornwall!! Chucking it down with rain here!!
I'm having Chinese later with my best mate so thought I would be a bit healthier for lunch today! Xx

Boo to the rain! Have a fab time tonight and Mmm to Chinese :0)
charlie's~mummy said:
Very nice! Love the pics your baby's are beautiful as are you it's so nice your so close to your mother in law did you already have wedding booked when you got pregnant or did you want to do it either way? It must have been such a long day for you at 8 months pregnant bet you loved every min of it though keep up the good work hun xxx

Thankyou Hun, the year we got married was a very crazy year, my mother in law was in intensive care fighting for her life in the february she lives up in London so we were up there for nearly 2 week, I was trying to juggle being a mum to my son but also being by my partners side I travelled home to Cornwall on the train and ended up going back up in the same day as my partner rang and said they were doing a brain scan as they thought she was brain dead very scary times. I think maybe that was the final push for the wedding to be so soon. Thankfully my mother in law is doing great now, she has had to adjust to living a differant life (I won't go into on here what happened) but she is a remarkable lady and I love her dearly. The day was how we wanted it to be no thrills and no fuss, a registry office with close friends and family then back to ours for a simple buffet where I could put my feet up!! We had our evening do 5 months later so I could enjoy it!! Xx
bulldogdaisy said:
Boo to the rain! Have a fab time tonight and Mmm to Chinese :0)

Thanks Hun I can't wait I'm going to have chicken chow mein 18pp and some curry sauce 6pp yum!! Xx
nessa123 said:
Thankyou Hun, the year we got married was a very crazy year, my mother in law was in intensive care fighting for her life in the february she lives up in London so we were up there for nearly 2 week, I was trying to juggle being a mum to my son but also being by my partners side I travelled home to Cornwall on the train and ended up going back up in the same day as my partner rang and said they were doing a brain scan as they thought she was brain dead very scary times. I think maybe that was the final push for the wedding to be so soon. Thankfully my mother in law is doing great now, she has had to adjust to living a differant life (I won't go into on here what happened) but she is a remarkable lady and I love her dearly. The day was how we wanted it to be no thrills and no fuss, a registry office with close friends and family then back to ours for a simple buffet where I could put my feet up!! We had our evening do 5 months later so I could enjoy it!! Xx

Wow scary time for you all,your mil sounds like a amazing woman and your wedding sounds ideal :0) like the way you had your evening do later so you could enjoy it aswell :0)
Oops didn't mean to post it twice lol
Well I'm attempting to make ice cream cone cupcakes! Deffinatly not ww friendly but trying to get some practice in as the kids birthdays are coming up!!
Will do! I've never attempted them before so wish me luck!! First batch in the oven now xx
bulldogdaisy said:
Cool,am sure you don't need the luck hun,you had a good day?

Thankyou!! Work was VERY boring today but had a great day food wise and have Chinese to look forward to. How has your day been? Xx
Oh yes of course... The cricket balls! Bet you have a great time with your friend tonight :0) had a good day thanks,done some batch cooking as you know,have neglected that of late so am glad I did it,will be taking the pup for a nice walk soon .Glad you had a good day food wise,same here :0)
Bloody hell how many cricket balls?? What is it you do apart from weighing balls ;-) lol enjoy your meal hun xxx
charlie's~mummy said:
Bloody hell how many cricket balls?? What is it you do apart from weighing balls ;-) lol enjoy your meal hun xxx

Haha I work in a factory with 90% men I have heard every ball joke going. I make cricket balls hun. Xx