New Starter

Night jeni, chat tomorrow xx
Night everyone
Ps stil no poo! Lol x

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sunshine_72 said:
Night jeni, chat tomorrow xx
Night everyone
Ps stil no poo! Lol x

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Hey Jude. Welcome :)

Night ladies. Catch up with u all tomorrow. Loving the new pic Veronica. Very sweet :) x
Aw thanks janine :) fancied a change lol xx
Chat tomorrow hun

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Morning all :)
Welcome on board Jude & GL.
Lovely pic you got up Veronica :)
Hope you are all well :) have a hood day x
Asal said:
Hi girls...really crap day weigh in. Only lost 4lbs apparently down to the fact that I've replaced 2 of the shakes with flapjacks...which no one told me would slow down the weight loos... But I've found 2 flapjacks and a soup keeps me going good and this diet tolerable!
Gutted....I can lose 4lbs on re feed not torturing myself like this :-(

Hi asal,
Just catching up with you all.
4lb is really good and you still well ahead of any other diet., but really don't know how the hell you eat them flapjacks, I tried them but it was like a punishment, taste like poo !!! (not that I eat poo) lol. Keep going coz them pounds Are still coming off :)


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Good luck with your weigh in Veronica :) x

Welcome newbies, your all at the right place in here the support you get from others is fantastic, and everybody is here for the same thing, to lose weight. Keep shaking those shakers ladies :)

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Good morning ladies :)
Mini my weigh in was yesterday, lost 8 pounds total 24 in two weeks which I'm so happy with x
Chan thanks re pic, hope u r ok x
I seem to have had results of sorts in the toilet dept lol

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Rigvon said:
Noooo. Go and have a look online at your favourite shop and add all the things you want in your goal size to the basket and imagine just clucking BUY xxxx stay strong

Thank you I am going to try stay strong need to think positive. Weigh in tomorrow. Something to look forward too. Xx
Yay sun thank god!!
Chan is it ur bday tommora? R u eating then?? I'm thinking of seeing how u do cos it's hubby's bday next friday... Be nice to go out just 1 night! Or will it stop me in my stride?! Unsure about it!!

Lost 15lbs
Wohoo glad about toilet results for you Veronica :)& hope everyone is having a good day:)
Jeni my birthday is on sat but in going ahead with a meal tomorrow night & I'm aware that I may not lose as much or even any on Monday but it's my birthday celebration & plus I'm not even drinking when we go out Saturday night so hopefully all will be ok & I'll keep you updated :)
Mmm chan bet u can't wait!! Food lol x
Will it not chuck u out of ketosis? Will I not be going thro that first hell week again? Xx
Hope it all goes ok for you hunny, have a good day x

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Also finding it hard this morning. Have been out for walk and felt a bit lightheaded. Trying to stay away from the kitchen and stick to my water! Ahhhh. Why is there so much food on tv?
Hi Jeni,

I am certain it will kick me out of ketosis but either way I'm in the right frame to carry on with it & endure the beginning of the journey again. As far the food part i am a bit apprehensive but I'll be ok lol x Mel hang in there it will get easier x
Thanks chan... If u plan on having what u said it won't kick u out of ketosis... My worry would be when I get to restaurant I will want to order what I want!! Ie carbs and wine preferably!!!!!!

Lost 15lbs
Aw mel keep going the worst is nearly over!!! I know I never realised how much food is on tv til I did this.... And as soon as u see it your craving it!! Even if u weren't really bothered about it before!!!

Lost 15lbs