Nixx's path to skinniness

Thanks Niki, yes I've been watching you! I know why it's dropping off a bit, but I keep seeing people on here with 6 7 and 8lbs losses and feel a bit crap! Ah well, that should teach me not to compare shouldn't it?

Keep up the good work, and with any luck you and I will be gorgeous skinny minnies come summer!
I think the people who have bigger losses, have more to lose in the 1st place, like over 100lbs.

yep, heres to a skinny summer!
Yep, still here, still necking my shakes and water Sonya. Bored bored bored of bloody shakes but I can see the results now, so keeping strong. And 3 months til my hol!

I'm not happy. I have not got on the scales since I got weighed on Wednesday, and jumped on this morning to have lost 1, maybe 2 pounds. I only lost 3 last week and the week before, and I'm getting demoralised and demotivated.

I have my 3 shakes a day, 5 litres (at least) of water, and not a thing has passed my lips other than that. All to lose a couple of pounds! I could be doing that on WW and actually eating food.

Why Oh why does no diet work as well for me as it does for other people?
You are due a bigger loss, just hang in there. 3-4lbs is about right though, you are expected to lose around 1 stone a month.
I know I'm DUE a bigger one - i just want it this week!! Trouble with this diet is you can't try harder, can you? You just do what it says, and that's it. I can't think - "right, i'll have a really good go at this this week" - there is no trying harder, or being extra good. You just drink, drink, drink...... :-(
Awwwww do keep at it if you are being 100% you will lose it. you have done 19lbs in the first week so are over what they say you can lose. You have really well.
Keep strong hun, it will work out soon.
When is your next weigh in..?
It's Wednesday, but I'm struggling to get there on Wednesdays so may wait until Saturday and make that my new weigh in day. Fingers crossed.
Hi Sonya, yep, still being strong - bored, fed up, dying for a quarter pounder with cheese :ashamed0005: but still strong! I promised myself and everyone I wouldn't cheat on this, and I wont. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I have a 4 or 5lb this week!!!

How's the Cambridge going?
Bit of a personal question, but....

... has anyone else had this, or is it just me? I've had regular periods for ages and ages, and I'm now 9 days overdue, and not pregnant (done a test). I can't see anything about LT affecting your periods, but just wondered??
Yes the vlcd`s do play havoc with your periods, though mine went the other way, I always came on early.
Lucky hasnt had a period for 3 months, she saw her gp last week and she said not to worry as the test was negative she wont be pregnant as she had done a couple, and that it was just her body adjusting to the diet.
Thanks Sonya, I've been having a dig around on here and notice that it's perfectly normal but GRRRRR I've had such problems with periods - irregular, heavy, non-existent - over the years I was getting used to them being regular! Fingers crossed they may just disappear for a while!

Ah well, as long as you like the chocolate, then that's ok. I'm loving my vanilla at the moment. Yum.