Not quite there, But on my way! :D

Found you again lol...dunno where you disappeared to on my subscribed's?

Eagerly awaiting weigh in results.....

Haha I am such a plonker, you were there all the time lol!! You musta changed the title of your thread lately...sacred wasnt jumping out at me lol...I am so dim sometimes, no hope for me lol
Latte is fine with skimmed milk
I also have mine decaff but only because I have tried to stay clear of caffeine
good luck with weigh in :):)

Thankyou hun! I was worried about that. I did actually remember to ask my CDC this time lol

Weigh in wasn`t SO bad - 2.3/4lbs off - So just under 3lbs which takes me to a stone off in the last month :D as I lost 6.5lbs in the 2 weks between my consultation and first week starting :D

Hope this week is going well for you Xxxxx
Haha I am such a plonker, you were there all the time lol!! You musta changed the title of your thread lately...sacred wasnt jumping out at me lol...I am so dim sometimes, no hope for me lol

:8855: Bless ya cottons!!!

I need to get my butt over onto yours too, I lose track of them all :rolleyes: lol How are you hun? Hope things are good with you and little man?

wwwwwwwwwooooooop! Nice one hunny!

I am soooo loving your new piccies hunny! You look ten years younger! Your a super star!

Hope u r well!

wwwwwwwwwooooooop! Nice one hunny!

I am soooo loving your new piccies hunny! You look ten years younger! Your a super star!

Hope u r well!


Thanks hun! You`ll ace it next week :D Xxxx

hope u had a fab day!

Sorry I have been absent all day! Been soooo busy had driving lesson, haircut and been to asda and tescos! Phew im knacked lol

hope u r well missy

Whey well done, a good loss after you thought you wouldn't have any loss!!

Well done!

Thanks hun, Hope things are going well for u x


hope u had a fab day!

Sorry I have been absent all day! Been soooo busy had driving lesson, haircut and been to asda and tescos! Phew im knacked lol

hope u r well missy


No worries hun, I know u had a manic day! Hope today is going better for you *loves* :heartpump: Xxx
Day 14 - 2nd Weigh In

This will be short & sweet cos was a couple of days ago and I have a brain like a sieve lmao

As I am now into week 3 I decided to try the bars. I had only had 1 shake by the time I went to WI so I snaffled one of the bars on the way home after and as it was soooooooooo lush I had another bar instead of a third shake! :rolleyes: They are SO SCRUMMY!!!

For my main mail I dry fried some courgette and a shrum and had it with poached egg *yum*

Wednesdays food diary -

1/2 a pint with cappuccino shake
caramel bar
choc orange bar
1 shrum
2 poached eggs

Ooh... At WI I lost 2.3/4lbs - So JUST under 3lbs so I`m pleased with that :D
Day 15

Well, What can I say?? I am a big fat greedy cow and got my come uppance :cry:

I ADORE the bars!! And couldn`t resist having 2 again today and have since found out you`re not allowed more than 1 a day :sigh:

I was in AGONY all yesterday evening. My stomach was so bloated I looked about 6 months pg and I had terrible cramps and sharp pains and my digestion seemed to have stopped to a stand still :cry:

I have since realised today that the (ONE!) bar I have had doesn`t have Gluten Free written on the wrapper like one of the others I had and upon looking at the other wrappers I still have none of the others do either. I`m now wondering if I`ve fecked up and they`re not wheat/gluten free but I checked online and they said they were:confused: :confused:

The way I felt last night is exactly how I feel when I eat bread. It`s horrendous :cry:

I didn`t drink anywhere near as much as I should yesterdau (day 15) as I was so bloated and uncomfortable - That won`t help either :(

So here is my food diary for yesterday (Day 15)

Peanut bar for brek - took nearly 10 mins to eat :O
Cranberry bar for lunch
Choc tetra before work
3 cups of water at work (plastic cups that come with water machines)
139g Tuna in spring water
1 egg
(All cooked together)
2 mugs of peppermint tea to settle my stomach

I`m dreading more pains tonight now that I have eaten a bar :cry:

/whinge over, Will update todays diary tonight x
awww huuugs hunny! Hope you are ok!

Thats really strange re the gf bars! HAve you spoken to your CDC about it cos surely they have to put the correct info on the website!?

Anyways well done for stickin to plan whilst you felt pooey! You seriously make this diet look a breeze hun!

Sendign hugsss

awww huuugs hunny! Hope you are ok!

Thats really strange re the gf bars! HAve you spoken to your CDC about it cos surely they have to put the correct info on the website!?

Anyways well done for stickin to plan whilst you felt pooey! You seriously make this diet look a breeze hun!

Sendign hugsss


Thanks hunnie :heartpump:

Don`t really want to interupt my CDC as she`ll be at work. I`ll drop her an email :)

Hun I LOVE this diet! I know I`m not doing SS but it really is such a breeze!! I never want to cheat at all!

*sending cyber sweeties so u don`t feel the urge to pick* ;)


I got a prom dress last yr with a view to wearing it on the Prom night at the Twilight convention I went to in Feb but I couldn`t even get the sides to meet let alone do up :cry:

I have just tried it on and it fits - WITH ROOM TO SPARE!!! WOOOP WOOOOP!!! :party0011::woohoo::party0011:

It`s a size 14 and by the end of my diet, I think it will even be too big :eek::D

I am sooooooooooo pleased!! :D :D :D

Day 16 - Friday

Yesterdays food diary -

3/4 pint of water with Banana shake for brekkie

Choc bar for lunch


1 pint of water with Strawberry shake

1 mug of Peppermint Tea

1 mug of Green Tea

162g of low fat cottage cheese
125g of prawns
Green salad


Water could have been better :sigh: I think I neglect the water when I have bars so I`m going to have to watch that!

Day 17 - Saturday

Will make this short and sweet as it`s 04.23am and I`m STILL up and sposed to be up at 8am to go to Chessington World Of Adventures for the day :eek::8855:

Food diary for today -

Malt Toffee bar for brekkie

1L of water

mug of Green Tea

3/4 pint of cold water with Banana shake for lunch

140g cottage cheese
125g prawns


Pint Hot Choc Mint shake late eve

1/4 - 1/2 a L of water.

Can`t remember if I had an extra L as I forgot to note some stuff down :rolleyes: hence the "1L?"

Will take 2 Choccie tetras with me tomoz for Chessington :D

Best go as it`s getting light :eek::8855:


Have a great day today :) xxx

Thanks hun x

I didn`t end up going cos hubbie not feeling too clever and would be unfair to bugger off for the day and leave him to deal with the mini beasts lol

I`m being lazy watching Juno instead - I :heartpump: this film :D

I hope today goes well for you Xxx