Priya's diary

thank you markk yaaay whatever i had gained its all gone n a 1lb more hehe...aww you are all soo sweeet for supporting the same goes for me will b there to listen to your problems, and good and bad things though you are all doin soo welll :D...sometimes i think the scales might b lying lol how can the numbers b goin down like that...its amazin hope it stays like that for about a week or two lol...i never lost as much as i have on exante so far on c.d ever....its great i am soo glad i started exante even though it is still just the first week...:d, and i am soo glad i have met you guys!! :)
i am just having my first veg soup..i am soo getting used to this soup loll..:D...and i am also watching music videos in order to keep me motivated...hehe celebrities don't now how they do it lol but it seems as though they are constantly losing weight and they also look good for it the morning when i got up i did 60 sit ups...not as much as i should have lol but it is a side hehe and i did 40 side dips 20 on each side...trying to get the love handles to slowly decrease hehe....see how today goes....
Right young lady, I'm going against the trend here. You only had a yoghurt, not fish and chips or a full banquet!! If you were on the working solution you would be allowed 3 food packs PLUS a 400 cal meal and you would still lose weight.
So stop beating yourself up, stay off the scales and leave that tape measure alone. This may seem harsh but I fear you are being obsessive and you did say you could take it lol. Your body will need at least a week to adjust and, when you get into ketosis, start 'eating' it's own fat.
So chillax honey!! You're doing fine, you haven't blown it at all :)
thank you hunii...yeah see being harsh with me actually does take affect so i do appreciate it even though u have gone against the trend...thank you for your words...yeah you are right i am starting to think the same lol about being obsessive :s..i need to stop constantly thnking about weight and inches lol....i wasn't this bad on c.d don't know why i am being like this on this diet lol..oopps....will try my best to stop stresing about it.....
you are doin relii welll aswellll :d, you all inspire me to stick to it...
Good Afternoon Priya, how are you doing today, judging from your posts you are sounding extremely well, looking good.
yeah mark i have drinking lots of water today...2 and half litres already :d got bit more left to go through hehe...going to b having my shake in abit and then probably have another soup in the evning...don't know what flavour to have choc of vanilla hmmm....vanilla tastes too milky tho lol and i have nothing to put in it to make it taste better so might just go for the choc one for to try and keep the bars for when i am at work as then i can;t make the shakes lol and as i haven;t ordered a lot of the bars want to save them for when i will need them....
And mwah to you to, thanks. I like the vanilla shakes the best but them I eat and drink anything in real life so this is not much of a problem. Taking a little strain now, am cooking my wife steak and kidney pie and the smells are lovely but no problem really.
Had to take my lovely cat to the vet this morning, had alump removed and had an ear infection. The same cat as on my profile pic. His name is Callie.
awww your cat luks adorable..:)....hope calli is feeling better now...true cooking is a problem but i am loving the way you are resisting it keep it up you are soo strong :D.....vanilla is nyc just that it is really
no probz hun :)..right had the vanilla decided on that then havin the choc lol...hmm it didn't taste too bad this time round...guess it just took some time to get used to it lol...actually tasted quite nice this time round lool...
Right i am sitting in my room, listening to music, trying to find something good to watch on iplayer...and at the same time wondering if my bf (tad bit complicated) will be coming to see me or not tonight...he has been signing in and out of msn so i do not know if it is him messing about or there is something rong with his internet connection...

I am only still in leicester for him, though i still go home on weekends...and sometimes i wonder what on earth am i doing here when i could be at home earning money for my rent next yr..last friday when i went home e txed me sayn wish i was still in lesta cause he wanted to see me...i am here during the week and i just feel that he aint making most of the time that i am there as i will be moving out for the rest of the summer holidays in about 4 weeks and handin my key in and then i will still have about two monthhs left til uni starts and i hope i have passed in order to get into the ssecond year...its just soo annoyin i mean i can understand that seeing each other evry day might get boring so i don't expect that from him but i don't know i have txted him, ez not txed bk js wonderin wat he is doin when he was online a bit ago so i am assuming he is at home...i am trying soo hard to make this work and making the most of the time that we have now coz i have no idea what the summer hols will bring and whether it will be the same when i am back at uni in sept..or not...i am hoping with fingers crossed that during the summer hols that i am not in lesta he will realise how much i do mean to him and then he would want to make it official at that point...sad i know but for some odd reason i have faith in him........:s

sorri for the long rant...i know this is not diet related...just needed to get it off my chest...and was just feeling sorri for myself...God all i wanted was a simple relationship lool but nooo the waiting is stil happening...i don't know what to think about it i really like him and i have a feeling he does like me too just that he does not talk about his feeelings and emotions mayb he'z just one of those guys that just don't talk about things like that his past aint been dat great....
aw mark how sweet you named yr cat after me lol
sweet girl, as for your relationship that is up to you how you are treated. Only u can let things happen, if you don;t like something then do something about it, if there is one thing i have learnt is no matter how u try to please others they always thro it back in your face. Look after number1 and be happy, we all deserve happiness. x
hmm will probably stick to it a bit more longer lol...summer holidays is just round the corner so see what happens then...just that it is such a long process gettin to know sum1 n then gettin close to them and all of that and then gettin let down later on, though i am not sayin that e will let me down relii...
thanks nehuu hun
Hi Sweet, for one I cannot understand any man not being able to share his feelings, I have a problem with anyone that cannot and tend to stay clear. Everything with me is black and white no grey area's, no secrets and total honesty, I would not have it any other way. Sweet you sound like the type of girl who likes to be told these things and made to feel special all the time and you need to find someone like that. You are still young so make the most of it.I can tell you are very senstive young girl and you should be treated with a huge amount of TLC and you should have the right man to give it. If you think this man is right make sure he understands where you are coming from and make him make you feel special or walk.
yaay calli ur back forgot to say that in my other post...

mark omg you know me soo well how do you do that...lmaoo...yeah you are right naah the thing with this guy like i said i still have faith in him and he does show that he cares for me like he does spend time with me whenever he can...and he does take me out and about the odd times...but its just the odd times you know when you want that lil bit more and just not getting i feel old i am 21 rents going to expect me to get married soon after graduating js tkes soo much time to get to know sum1 n then it feels ten times wrse wen you are let down as then that puts you on your guard as it has done to me already....but then people say things like you aint ever going to know until you give it a go...but then at times you feel like givin up coz you think why will it be any different this time took him a long time to convince me that e likes me for who i am....just bit confused right now gues its probz coz holidays are round the corner and have the knowledge that i will not be able to see him as often as i would like or have been seein him all this time when i will b working full time during the rest of the hols...if you know what i mean....its hard to find a decent and even then you don't know for sure lol...
yes i have been to work sweet, like u i am at uni, i have 6 weeks left until i qualify as a nurse, so been long hard slog.
As for your relationship your only 21, don;t settle for any thing but the best, i am double your age and had bad relationships in the past, as an oldie i get tell you, you deserve the best, and don;t settle for anything less.
21, you still have many years of fun ahead of you, no need to be tied down and married etc etc. Hell I got married when I was 32. Depends what you want Priya, like Calligas said if you do not like something do something about it and let this man know that you want to see him more and if he cannot hack it then find someone else who can.
All woman must be treated like a princess most of the time and failure to do that is worthy of a firing squad.
aww thnkuu hun and well done in soon qualifyin to b a nurse hun...i can imagine its been a long uni journey....i get my results in about two weeks time i am dreading it i just hope that i have passed and will b able to come back to uni in sept...that is the worst thing waitig for results to find out whether you have passed or nt...its dreadful!!!
thank you mark will bear it in mind lol..tru what you said about not having to think about marriage but asian families do tend ot put the pressure on after you finish uni lol...and i am the oldest in ma fam which don;'t help at all with the marriage and settling down issue....
truu will just have to see how it goes thank you..he does do a lot even though it might sound like i am defendin him lol but i am not im js sayn lol, aww mark you are a sweetyyy need more guys like u these dayss lool