Rebekah's road to reduction!

Oh god I'm the same ames LOL I am either in training shoes or ballet flats lately!! Be a nice treat as a pressie tho, ha, I'll probably west them when we take kids to nandos!! LOL

Had three liters to drink, still feel dehydrated its weird, I will have a shake and porridge

Gone through my packs, i have about yen days worth, going to have to stretch them to 14 days Eek!

Gonna do my shred before eastenders LOL oooo gym tomorow for a mega sesh Xx
Ditto!! But I will hopefully find a nice pair of wedges tomorrow to wear this summer instead :)

Im too much of a wimp to do shred, shes hard core!! I'll stick with my spin and leg, bum, tums class haha. xx
well done on your loss while away hun , your doing fab !!!
Thanks hun

If you can spin you can do shred easy peasy!! Spinning is hardcore LOL I'm too lazy to do it all year round - pre bikini wearing deffo, ha!!

Aching all over and just bluegh this mornin. Stupid hormones!! On the plus side I put on me new skirt and its already gettin roomy Yipee!!

Running out of packs but can't stress. Just try to stretch them out! Off to work then try to get studying and essay done later :-0

Checking in

2 litres water
Coke zero
Chilli ....yum!

Pms feel all watery n bloaty even though can see I'm smaller! Argh

Got so much to get done this week, studying, essays, err hospital & mri scan, sort jobs at home :-/

Feel mega tired, think will go lay down once fixed kids tea and that. Shattered!!

Sorry for moans LOL

Pms, join the club! It's funny being bloated on an empty stomach, if that makes sense. Hope u feel better. I'm having peppermint tea to help ease the symptoms. I was going to have coffee but glad I chose not too. I would've been in agony.
Arg I know, had two litre water. Period comes then goes then comes :-/ gp just said to be patient as second cycle since loss. I don't feel very patient right now!!

Did skinny clothes window shopping, spotted a cropped shirt, a black playsuit for holiday and some light acid wash jeans Mmmmm... Roll on birthday money LOL

Frazzled ain't the word what with OH unwell, MIL not good at all. Huge pile of cases to read tonight. Wah!!

Night in with kids cheer me up, they always good fun!

Pms attach, burst out crying cooking the kids tea. Don't know what's wrong with me :( wahh

(Call me moany mop today)
RebekahR said:
Pms attach, burst out crying cooking the kids tea. Don't know what's wrong with me :( wahh

(Call me moany mop today)

Aaw! I hate hormones! Sorry you feel so pms'd out, hope u feel better soon!

Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
awww bless you hun , hope you feel a little better now , a good cry does you the world of good , im sick of feeling up and down too , poor kids keep getting shouted at instead of my non hormonal negotiating they usually get most of the month :0)
Thanks guys, can't say I've ever cried over bacon before LOL how Embarassin!!

Had green beans and two "fried" eggs for tea.

Don't think any work will get done tonight, just gonna veg, try and figure stuff out tomorrow!

that bacon thing cracked me up :p the smell of bacon makes me want to cry sometimes because I cant have it!. Those shoes are ace I could never walk in them mind you but they are lovely. I have never heard of the designer though probs because I know practically nothing about shoes! have like three pairs to my name. Hope you have a good night vegging out :)
Awwww hope you feel ok!!! I'm the same at the mo..... I keep crying at that advert with the little lad and his mum and he ends up an olympic runner at the end!!!! Think its a washing detergent one!!!

Wooooooooooo crazy!!!! Lol....

Much love to you!!! X
Glad its not just me!! LOL ended up storming out for a walk at 11 last night. Feel like am banging head against wall atm! Trying to help OH,MIL & studying. Gahhh!

At work early get some study done before things start at nine. Waiting for a call from hospital meant to be seeing specialist next week but that's up in the air!

Got for today
Strawberry shake Mmmmm

Then I will have chicken tonight hurrrah!!

TTFN xxx
U seem like u have a lot going on hunny. A walk is good to clear ur head out. Hope u have a great day today X
An feeling super frazzled right now, gonna email my tutor

Hospital rang my prolactin is through the roof - waiting on scan to see if any growth of pituitary tumour. It's only a tiddler, hopefully no change

MIL in a bad way, stressed ahoy

Gonna slope off and make my porridge Xx
An feeling super frazzled right now, gonna email my tutor

Hospital rang my prolactin is through the roof - waiting on scan to see if any growth of pituitary tumour. It's only a tiddler, hopefully no change

MIL in a bad way, stressed ahoy

Gonna slope off and make my porridge Xx

My god hun it sound like OH should be trying to help you! Didnt know you had a tumor :O fingers crossed youll here good news, but be stressing you out like mad atm, but seriously concentrate on yourself for once, you really need to! your OH is a grown man and im sure he can care about his mum and help her himself, i know that sounds like a *****y thing to say but this sounds like its killing you seriously! just chill out and spend sometime concentrating on you, tbh you sound like you never do lol xx
Thanks both of you Xx

I know, we have s night in tonight just us, try and unwind. The pituitary tumour they suspect I have always had - but it'd secreting more hormones. Bring pregnant will of caused it to grow. I just trying not to think about it

I having lunch now, bit late I know. Calmed down a bit now

Thanks lovelies Xx