ProPoints Rosie Lee's food diary over half way there

my doctors did it, i see the health trainer at the docs surgery.

there might be different things for different areas but would be worth asking at you're doctors.

i started seeing him because i was bingeing with stress, emotional eating type of thing.
he's helped me so much and i think i've finally gained control of it.

you can see a health trainer for loads of reasons, weight control and healthy eating, getting back to exercising, giving up smoking etc

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


30 g Scottish Porridge Oats 3
Milk, Skimmed 5

half bread roll 2
homemade pea soup 2 bowls 6
Curly Wurly 3

sweet and mild korma with rice 9
Any Time

black magic chocolate 1
Apple 0
cheese 2

30 day shred 2
Activity ProPoints values earned
this week 2
Weeklies used 28/49
Last edited:
Health training sounds brill! Defo worth asking around :) x
was really hungry at tea time yesterday so changed what i was going to eat to soup again , it fills me up.

asthma is kicking up again (really don't need it at mo)

still not got no packing done, got over 3 weeks till we go but i'm usually packed by now. defo going to make some lists and get some done today.

if i feel up to it i'm going into town later doing some spending :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Milk, Skimmed 3
30 g Oat Crisp Cereal 3

2 WW White Pitta Bread 5
3 Bacon Medallions 2
lancashire cheese 3
Curly Wurly 3

chicken and pea soup 6
jelly 0
Any Time

Apple 0
big race bar 7

Activity ProPoints values earned
Activity ProPoints values earned this week 3
Weeklies used 31/49
got worse yesterday doctors got me in for an emergency appointment and more steroids for twice as long as last time :sigh: and a new preventer.

doc reckons i'll put weight on so sticking with points and trying to minimise it.
i didn't binge either, instead had a whoopie pie (still in my points)

Friday, September 16, 2011

30 g Oat Crisp Cereal 3
Milk, Skimmed 3

2 WW white Pitta Bread 5
cheese 4
Apple 0

omellette 9
blueberry whoopie pie 10
Any Time

black magic 1
orange 0

Activity ProPoints values earned this week 3
Weeklies used 37/49
Awww petal! Hope u feel better!!! Hope the steroids don't make u gain! Hugs x
thanks sweetie :)

i think i will gain though, but hopefully it will fall away like last time.

wanted to be 11stone 7lbs for holidays, hoping i'll still be able to do it.

was starving last night, must have been the steroids , so i just had some cereal which seemed to do the trick

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Milk, Skimmed 3
30 g Scottish Porridge Oats 3

roll 5
Tomato Soup 3

Orange 0
Dairylea Dunkers, Ritz Crackers 3
corned beef hash 12
Any Time

Apple 0
20 g Oat Crisp Cereal 2

Activity ProPoints values earned
Activity ProPoints values earned this week 5
Weeklies used 39/49
Awwww Rosie, hope u feel better soon, damn that asthma :( ... xxxxxxx
thanks claire hun :)

thing is it's not bothered me since i gave up smoking 5 years ago and then it's just kicked up in the last 3 -4 weeks :confused:
hey well , i'll sort it.

had a nice walk, got to try and do some exercise, was not hungry at all last night though and couldn't make my points.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Milk, Skimmed 3
20 g Oat Crisp Cereal 2

Apple 0
pea and chicken soup 5

mixed grill 14

Activity ProPoints values earned
Activity ProPoints values earned this week 7
Weeklies used 39/49
Bless!! well they say your classed as a smoker for 5years post giving up ......... maybe your chest is just kicking out its last little bit before its totally smoke free and your lungs are back to bein lovely pink :) ... hang in there xxxxxxx
thanks sweetie, i will :)
Hope ur chest feels better today! Good luck with exercise xx
thanks sweetie :)

it felt worse yesterday but i'm feeling a little better today.

must of just been me the other day with the munchies because the steroids seem to be having an opposite effect.
when i'm eating i feel sick, couldn't finish my salad yesterday (didn't make my points again) and tried to have my poached eggs this morning and nearly vomitted.
having trouble sleeping too.

was just goin to have salad for dinner (dreading it)
hubby has got me some ben & jerry's phish food to try and tempt me, but to be honest at the moment the thoughts of it is making me feel ill.

just got todays dose left and back to docs on thursday, hopefully everything will have settled then.

Monday, September 19, 2011

20 g Oat Crisp Cereal 2
Milk, Skimmed 3

turkey stir fry 6
Apple 0

Salad 0
boiled eggs 4
Tuna in Brine 3
lancashire cheese 5
2 serving(s) hellmans lighter than light 1

Activity ProPoints values earned this week 7
Weeklies used 39/49
thanks hun x

tried to eat my salad but couldn't,i've been drinking plenty though, i'll try to eat something after weigh in.
:bighug:Hope u feel better soon Rosie
thanks babe :)

well ½lb on yesterday, could have been much worse.

i came straight home after weigh in and thought what do i really fancy to eat.

had a nice cheese and branston sandwich (fresh bread) my ice cream and half a banana.
even tried some sweets but think i pushed it a bit far as i started getting sickly so threw rest away.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Milk, Skimmed 3
½ Egg White poached 0

tiny amount Salad with meat 0

B&J Phish Food Low Fat Frozen Yogurt 11
cheese and branston sandwich 11
Any Time

sweets 1/2 pack 4
half banana 0

Weeklies used 0/49
1/2 is nothing !!!!! food sounds yuuummmyyyyyy :cool:
i know you're right claire ½lb isn't worth getting stressed about, i've only put on twice since i started WW ½ each time.
although on my big holiday that'll probably change lol.
i've been panicking a bit incase my chest doesn't settle down and doc won't let me go but that's probably making my asthma worse.
going seeing the main guy today very overqualified GP hopefully he will sort me out, i'm actually feeling a lot better at the moment.
even did wallpaper pasting yesterday while hubby and son decorated sons room

well as you will see shortly i had a mega pig out yesterday :eek:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

bread 5
Utterly Butterly 2
Philadelphia Light 1
Milk, Skimmed 3
homemade chicken and veg soup 6
Apple 0
bread 3
130 g Potato, Baked 5
beans 2
2 cheese hamwich 10
Actimel Strawberry & Banana 2
Any Time
fry's chocolate cream orange 6
Chomp 3
basa 4

Activity ProPoints values earned 2
Weeklies used 23/49
my chest is clear :D
no more tablet steroids ,just my inhalers.

they've left my stomach very upset and i've caught my daughters virus,it's really weird headache and pressure then going dizzy, but i don't care as long as my chest is ok.
just had blood tests to check for infection but i'm a very happy bunny.
he said i've been very poorly and my body has took a battering, my holiday will do me a lot of good. :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Actimel Actimel Multifruit 2
Milk, Skimmed 3
30 g Oat Crisp Cereal 3
toast and butter 7
Curly Wurly 3
2 WW White Pitta Bread 5
chicken 3
light mayo 0
Dairylea Dunkers, Ritz Crackers 3
Any Time
Apple 0
Curly Wurly 3
turkish options 1

Activity ProPoints values earned 2
Activity ProPoints values earned this week 4
Weeklies used 27/49